Chapter thirty nine

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A few weeks have gone by and it was now Thanksgiving. Every year the Friar's and the Hunter's  took turns hosting Thanksgiving. It was now the Friar's turn this year.

Lucas was getting himself ready in his bedroom. He decided on a green and blue flannel that brought out the green in his eyes and blue jeans. His dark locks fell in front of his eyes. His dark stubble was sprinkled across his face. He overall looked good.

He walked downstairs. He greeted his mother who was cooking in the kitchen. "Smells good mom," he complimented, hungrily staring at the macaroni and cheese and turkey.

"Thanks honey do you mind getting the bread rolls out the oven?" She requested. "No problem." He grabbed two oven mitts from the counter and took the tray of bread rolls out.

The smell was mouthwatering. His favorite food to eat was always the bread rolls and the macaroni and cheese.

He quickly grabbed a spoon and ate a small portion of the macaroni and cheese. "Lucas!" His Mom playfully scolded hitting his shoulder.

The doorbell rang and Lucas quickly forgot his spoon and ran towards the door before Riley could get to it.

He opened the door. Katy and Shawn were holding up cherry and blueberry pies. "Hey Katy and Shawn come inside," he greeted opening the door wider. Shawn ruffles his hair and Katy squeezed his shoulder softly while they headed inside.

Lastly, Maya comes in. Maya is dressed in a white knitted sweater with a light brown leather jacket and blue jeans. Her cheeks were scarlet red from the chilly New York weather. Her face was completely free of makeup, showing the small cute freckles scattered on her nose and cheeks.

She overall looked beautiful. "Hey baby," he greeted with a grin. "Hey Luke." She lifted her lips up in a grin.

He placed his large hands in each side of her face, leaned down and planted his lips on hers. Maya held him by the waist and sighed softly into the passionate kiss.

After a few moments they pull away for air.

Lucas helps Maya take off her jacket and leaves it on one of the recliner chairs.

He wrapped his hand around hers as they walked inside. Lucas sits down and Maya sits in the empty seat next to him.

"Alright guys we're going to go around the room and say what we are thankful for." Topanga announced. She decided to start off too.

"I'm thankful for my loving husband, my beautiful two children and my best friends Katy and Shawn." She exclaimed before sitting down.

Everyone had a go around the table except Lucas and Maya. Lucas went first.

"I'm thankful for my parents for providing for me. Even though you annoy the hell out of me I'm thankful to have you as a baby sister. And last but not least, I wanna thank Shawn and Katy for creating a beautiful, incredible person who I get to call my girlfriend." He told those loving words, placing his hand over hers.

Maya felt a blush creep up on her cheeks. "Um- I'm thankful for my parents for taking care of me. I'm thankful to Riley for being my best friend and I'm thankful to Lucas who was always there for me and loves me unconditionally." She declared, never breaking her blue gaze away from his emerald green ones.

Everyone awed around the table at the cute couple. The table started to dig in on the delicious food. The rest of the day was spent lounging around in the living room watching friends reruns.

It was nine pm and Shawn and Katy were full and worn out. "Bye Penelope, I love you."

"Bye babe, I love you too." She stood on her tippy toes and pecked his lips before walking behind her parents to the car.

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