Chapter Twenty eight

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A/N : Sexual Content below

Lucas got his splints off at the doctor's and he was to go to physiotherapy from 3:30 to 5:30 pm. Lucas made reservations to the new Italian restaurant that opened a while ago.

He got dressed in a black suit with a white button down. He wore a green bow tie that brought out his sea foam green eyes. He put on some of his pine scented cologne and aftershave.

He unplugged his phone from the charger. It was 6:30 pm. He asked if he could take the car. He hadn't rode one in a long time since the accident. Cory gave him the keys. He hopped in the car and drove to the store to get her more flowers. He chewed on a piece of mint gum.

He checked himself in the mirror one more time and walked up the steps to Maya's house. He took a deep breath and knocked on the door. The door opened and Lucas was speechless. She looked absolutely beautiful. Her blonde hair was straightened and fell down her shoulders gracefully.

She was wearing a white dress with a sweetheart neckline. She had a jean jacket over her dress. She was wearing a coat of mascara and pink lipstick. "You look stunning." He said in complete adoration. "Thank you Huckleberry." Her cheeks turned rosy red.

"These are for you." He gave her a bouquet. "Thanks let me put these on the table and then we'll go."

"Your parents aren't home?" He asked clasping his hand with hers. "No they took another trip they'll be back on Monday." Maya informed. "Good." He smirked and Maya's heart raced.

Lucas opened the door for her. She thanked him. He smiled and closed the door. He walked to the other side. They drove to the restaurant.

"Wow I heard about this place." Maya remarked while they waited behind a family of four. "They just opened a while ago." Lucas said. "Next." The guy called out. "Reservations for Lucas Friar." He told the guy.

"Follow me." He told the couple. The waiter led them to a table right under the window that showed the beautiful New York skyline. Lucas pulled out a chair for her. "Thank you babe." She leaned over and kissed his cheek. "You're welcome princess." He smiled.

The waiter came back with their menus. "Would you like something to drink?" The waiter asked. "Can I have a coke please?" Lucas asked. "Can I also have the same." "I'll be right back with your drinks." The waiter walks away.

"What's your biggest fear?" Maya asked. "My biggest fear is losing you more than anything." He told her. "Lucas stop joking." She responded. "I'm not you're the best thing that's ever happened to me." He told her causing Maya's cheek to turn red. "I love you." He smiled and clasped her hand that was on the table.

"I love you too." She smiled. The waiter came back with their drinks and they ordered their food. "Remember that time you got angry at me because I beat you in a video game?" Maya laughed. "That was so embarrassing." He blushed putting a hand on his face. "I couldn't stay mad at you for long and I gave you my last ring pop in apology." He said causing both of them to laugh.

The rest of the night was filled with laughter and love. They were back home and Lucas and Maya were roughly making out in front of Maya's door.

Lucas licked her bottom lip making Maya open her mouth. Lucas's tongue locked with hers as he opens the door with one hand while the other was carrying Maya. He closed the door and stumbled upstairs with Maya planting kisses on his neck.

He drops her on her bed. He got on top of her and met his lips with hers. He takes off Maya's jacket and throws it across the room.

Lucas flung his suit off. Maya ripped his shirt open sending buttons flying. "Fuck." He breathed as he unzipped Maya's dress from the back. She helps him pull it off her body. She was left in her black lace bra and panties. Her pale petite body glowing from the open window.

"Are you sure?" Lucas asked. Maya kissed him on the lips as an answer. "I trust you." She spoke softly, never breaking her gaze. He sucked and nipped at Maya's neck making Maya moan and tug on his dark roots. He leaves a few love bites on her pale neck.

He unclasped her bra from the back and he looks at her beautiful protruding breasts. He licks around one and sucks on her nipple while playing with the other one making Maya arch her back and moan obscenely. He does it with the other and makes light kisses down her flat stomach.

He plants kisses in her inner thighs. He sees her wet heat seeping from her panties. He grabs both sides of her panties and rips them apart.

He licks her pink folds making Maya tug on his hair, letting out small whimpers. He sucks on her clit making Maya squeeze her thighs and bring his head closer to her heat. He starts lapping at her juices and Maya arches her back as she makes the most beautiful noises he's ever heard.

"L-Lucas I'm going to..," She doesn't finish as he clamps on her clit making Maya release in his mouth.

He starts inserting his finger inside of her as Maya feels heat pull to her stomach again. He inserts two and then three as Maya's entrance starts to adjust to his fingers. He takes his fingers out and licks them as his eyes darken. He pulls out his throbbing cock from his underwear as precum leaks from the tip.

Maya is surprised at how big he is and bites her lips. He smirks at her reaction and pulls out a condom from his jeans and slips it on. He slowly inserts into her as Maya gasps in pain. He kisses her neck. "Are you okay?" He asks in concern. Tears spill from Maya's eyes and he wipes them away. "Yeah keep going." She grips on Lucas's back tightly.

He pushes until he's in all the way in and Maya starts to feel pleasure more than pain. He slowly starts to move and Maya moans from her pink lips. "Faster." She says and Lucas follows her command. He starts to buck into her faster and Maya moans so loud that probably the neighbors can hear. She looks beautiful with her eyes closed and her mouth open.

He starts fucking her faster and Maya grips his back until it draws blood making Lucas moan. The bed hits the wall and Lucas shows no mercy as he pounds into her. Lucas growls in her ear as he releases but keeps on going since Maya didn't reach hers yet.

He puts two fingers on her clit and Maya writhes as she releases on his fingers. He lays down on her sweaty body his cock still inside her heat. Maya runs her hands through his matted dark hair. He slowly takes out his member and throws the condom in the bin. He goes to the bathroom to get a wet towel. He cleans around her over sensitive area and his and puts it in the hamper.

"That was the best sex I ever had in my life." She said drawing circles on his chest. He squeezes her ass softly. "That was mine too." He smiled. Maya kisses him on the lips. "I love you." They look into each other's eyes, their gazes never breaking away from each other. "I love you too baby." He kisses her again and brings the covers over their naked bodies.

A/N : This is my first time writing smut ever so let me know if I did good. I love you guys! ❤️❤️❤️

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