Chapter twelve

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Lucas woke up to Riley yelling at him. "I freaking told you to not hurt her, and look what do you do you hurt her!" Riley yells as Lucas blinks his eyes open.

"Riley stop fucking yelling." Lucas said irritated, holding his forehead grimacing in pain. "Oh you want an Advil for that hangover?" Riley yells as she threw the white bottle at his chest.

"What the fuck happened? Where are my clothes?" Lucas said as he looks around. "You wanna know what happened. You had sex with Missy and you cheated on Maya."

"What do you mean I cheated on her. I would never cheat on Maya." Lucas denied as he slipped on some pajama pants and a shirt. "What do you remember from last night?" Riley insisted.

"All I remember was practicing the play with... who did I practice it with?" Lucas asked confused. "You practiced with Missy remember? Riley said as she looked at her brother weirdly.

"I need to pick up Maya from her house." Lucas said as he slipped on his shoes. "No Lucas you don't understand. You guys are broken up." Riley said.

"No." Lucas said as he cried. "I don't understand. I love her." Lucas ran his hands through his hair. "I gotta go." Riley said as she left the room. Lucas tried to remember what happened but it was all a blur.

He washed his face and put on some clothes not caring what he looked like. He drove into the school parking lot. He felt everyone stare at him. "Nice going man!" One of his teammates Chuck said but Lucas pushed past him.

He spotted her. Maya was taking her books out of her locker. "Maya." He said. "I would never-," Maya slammed her locker shut and pushed past him ignoring what he had to say.

He stormed to Missy in the hallway. "What did you do to me?" Lucas seethed as he clenched his fists. "I didn't do anything Lucas we both got drunk and we slept together." Missy replied. "Remember you said you wanted me?" "That's the thing Missy I don't remember because you did something to me."

"Look I don't know what you're trying to say here Lucas but we both played a part." Missy said innocently. "Let's forget about Maya and you can be with me." Missy continued. "No I'll never be with you. Even if we're the last two people on earth." He spat out and walked away.

He tried to talk to her all day but she avoided him at all costs. He tried to call her over the weekend but it was only her voicemails. Two whole weeks have passed and Lucas was miserable. He had bags under his eyes and messy bed hair. He started to slack in practice and it showed. He started to sleep less and every blonde haired girl reminded him of Maya.

"Bro you gotta get over her." Zay remarked. "I can't man. I love her more than anything." Lucas said as he twisted the mashed potatoes around with his fork.
"Then why did you cheat on her?" Noah asked as he ate some fries off Josh's plate as Josh passed the plate to his boyfriend's never ending stomach.

"Why did you get drunk?" Charlie asked. "That's the thing. I don't think I was drunk that night. I checked all over my bedroom and there was no beer bottles. I would have remembered the next day if I was."

"So Missy did do something to you but we don't know what." Charlie said. "The only way to completely not remember is if you were drugged."
Alex said. "That's it Alex you're a genius!" Zay exclaimed. The bell to lunch was over.

"Look man. We will get your girl back." Zay said as he patted his back." Just go home and rest man. You need some sleep if we're going to figure this out."

"Okay bye guys." For once Lucas actually smiled. He got a pass to go home early and he hopped in his car. Lucas drove down the street. He could get his girlfriend back. For so long he lost hope but now there's a chance. He looks at the picture of Maya and him on his phone.

Lucas's arm was wrapped around her thin waist as Lucas kissed her cheek. Maya was happily smiling at the camera. It was the day Maya made it on the cheerleading team and Lucas asked Riley to take the picture of them in their uniforms on the field.

What he didn't see was the car that was heading straight towards him and then darkness surrounded him.

A/N : Tell me what you thought of this chapter! Thanks again for reading!

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