Chapter Fifty

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A/N : warning there's a lot of sex

Lucas fluttered his eyes open. He checked the time on the clock on his bedside table. It was 9:00 am. Maya woke up a couple seconds after him with a small yawn.

Her blue eyes landed on his green ones. "Good morning babe." She greeted with her gravelly voice. "Good morning beautiful." He leaned down and pecked her lips. Maya threw her arms around his neck. Lucas rolled them over so she was on top.

She grounded her hips down on him making Lucas groan and buck his hips up. "Wanna have morning sex?" Maya whispered in his ear. "Hell yeah." Lucas responded with a smirk.

They shredded off their clothes in quick succession and their mouths attacked each other. Their tongues wrestled for dominance. Lucas won and his tongue invaded her mouth.

Maya whimpered when Lucas's large hands squeezed her ass. He sucked and nipped all over her neck leaving purple marks.

Lucas kissed across her collarbone. He planted kisses around her left breast. He latched her mouth on her hardened pink nipple. He flicked her nipple with his tongue over and over again. He bit down and lightly tugged on it with his teeth. Maya rolled her eyes back and cried out in ecstasy.

Lucas did the same actions with the other and made his way down her pale glistening body. He spread her legs apart. He licked a long wet stripe up her core. Maya threw her head back and mewled.

Lucas kept on lapping her folds repeatedly. Maya felt heat build up in her stomach. He placed his mouth over her clit and sucked harshly which made Maya release heavily on his tongue.

Lucas licked up everything she gave him. He replaced his tongue with his index finger. He added a second and a third. His middle finger kept on hitting her bundle of nerves which made her buck her hips up.

Lucas took out his fingers and his nine inch member slowly entered her. They both moaned when his cock surrounded her tight and warm heat. Lucas waited a few moments before driving his hips inside her.

Lucas looked down at his beautiful girlfriend. Her blonde hair was sprawled against his light blue sheets. Some strands were in front of her face. Maya's cheeks were red and her mouth was wide open. Her eyes were closed and her eyebrows were furrowed in pleasure.

"F-faster Lucas." Maya begged. Lucas followed her command. He moved his hips at a different angle which made his cock go in deeper and harder. Maya keened loudly and scratched her nails down his back. Lucas grunted at the pain mixed in with pleasure.

Lucas pounded inside her hitting her g-spot every time. Maya felt tears stream down her face at the euphoria she was feeling. Maya saw stars across her eyes as she came long and hard.

Seconds later, Lucas released inside of her. Lucas's hips slowed down as he reached his finish. He pulled himself out of her warmth and laid beside her.

"That was amazing." Maya said breathless. "I agree." Lucas stated just out of breath as her. Lucas placed her on top of him. Lucas's large arms embraced her small frame. One hand stroked her lower back while the other combed his fingers through her hair.

"I wonder what we're doing today." Maya said. "I think my mom said we're going ice skating and then seeing a movie." Lucas answered.

"You wanna take a warm bath together?" Lucas questioned. Maya nodded her head. Lucas kissed her forehead and slid off the bed. He waited until the water was warm. He filled the water with cucumber melon scented body wash.

Lucas climbed in. Maya climbed in after him and sat between his legs. Lucas poured peach scented shampoo in his hand and scrubbed his hands through her hair. Maya sighed and closed her eyes as he lightly scratched her scalp.

When he was done, Maya rinsed out her hair. She poured his shampoo and washed his hair. Lucas smiled in content. After he rinsed his hair out, Lucas got some more body wash and cleaned her body.

He kissed her shoulder as he rubbed around her breasts. He rubbed his thumbs over her sensitive nipples. He pinched them making Maya buck her hips. He caressed her stomach and thighs.

He lightly fondled her pink folds. He slipped a finger inside her which made Maya wail. He added another finger and scissored inside of her. His other finger brushed against her pink nub. Maya moaned as he torturously rubbed her clit.

He pinched her clit with his two fingers which made Maya cum in the water and squeeze against his fingers still inside of her. Lucas felt his cock go hard.

Maya turned around and straddled his hips. She clutched the nape of his neck and crashed her lips against hers. Their lips locked in a heat filled kiss. Lucas let Maya take control as her tongue swirled inside his mouth. Their tongues collided against each other which made the kiss wet and sloppy. They pulled away for air.

Both of their eyes were filled with lust. Maya grabbed his thick cock with her small hand which made Lucas groan. She rubbed her thumb over the leaking head. "Fuck," he cussed.

She smiled seductively as she lined herself up with his throbbing member. She lowered herself down on his cock until it filled her to the brim.

Maya slowly started to roll her hips. Lucas kneaded  his large hands against her ass. Maya gradually started to become faster. She bounced up and down against his cock making her boobs move up and down. Lucas put one inside his mouth and sucked causing her to flutter her eyes closed.

He met her thrust for thrust creating a steady rhythm. Maya rolled her eyes back as she intensely orgasmed for the third time this morning. Lucas gripped her hips and fucked her harder trying to reach his release. Maya laid her forehead against his shoulder letting him take complete control over her limp body.

With one last pound, Lucas growled as he climaxed string after string inside of her. Lucas tipped his head back and exhaled. A few minutes later, Lucas pulled them both out of the tub.

Maya felt her lower area ache as she walked. Lucas snaked his arm around her waist so she wouldn't collapse. He decided to dry her himself being careful of her over sensitive spots.

Maya thanked him with a kiss and walked to the closet to pull out an outfit. She decided to wear a red cable knit sweater with blue jeans and brown combat boots.

Lucas decided to wear a dark blue sweater with black pants and black boots. They both walked in the bathroom. They brushed their teeth and washed their faces. Maya straightened her blonde hair and let it cascade down her back. She left her face be free of any makeup.

He put a white scarf around her and gave her a kiss on the nose causing Maya to smile. He threw on a black scarf and the couple walked downstairs.

Loud Christmas music was playing when they entered. Christmas was tomorrow which warranted playing Christmas music all day long.

The couple greeted everyone and sat down. There was a big breakfast set on the table. Lucas piled his plate high with food. Maya doing the exact same.

"Do you want some orange juice?" Lucas asked. "Yes please." Maya responded, while chewing her pancakes. Lucas laughed at his adorable girlfriend and walked towards the fridge.

He gave Maya her cup of orange juice and sat down. After everyone finished eating, the family left the house.

Lucas pulled Maya on his lap and snaked his arms around her. Maya intertwined her hands with his as she talked to Riley.

"How's Farkle been doing?" Maya asked Riley. "He's doing good his leg is healed up now." Riley replied with a smile. Jingle bell rock came on and Riley and Maya sang loudly to it. Riley's voice cracked causing everyone to break down in laughter.

Twenty minutes later, the car pulled up to the ice skating rink parking lot. Maya intertwined her hand with Lucas's as they walked inside.

A/N : sorry for taking long again. Hope you guys liked this chapter!

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