Chapter seventeen

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Topanga signed him out while Cory got the prescribed pain pills.

They got in the car and drove home. Since Lucas couldn't go upstairs he had to stay in the guest room that was on the first floor. They transferred his clothes in there since he had to wear the leg cast for one more week.

"Can I sign your wrist?" Maya asked as she peered at the cast on his left wrist. "Go at it." Lucas told her as he was watching the football game on the tv. Maya moved to his other side and grabbed a box of colored sharpies in her backpack.

Lucas put his wrist under a pillow to make it easier for her to draw. Maya bit her lips as she concentrated. Lucas tried to look down. "Don't look huckleberry." Maya demanded. Lucas closed his eyes to avoid the temptation.
"All done you can open your eyes now." Maya said.

He looked down and it had her name in different colors. "Thanks Penelope." He laughed. "You're welcome." Maya said as she snuggled back on his right side.

"Can we watch something else babe?" Maya asked. "Sure." He handed her the remote. Maya flipped the channels until it landed on the movie the Maze Runner. "Yay this just started." Maya excitedly said. Lucas laughed at his girlfriend's cuteness.

"I'm gonna make popcorn in the kitchen." She paused the movie and kissed his lips as she exited the room. Maya set down the bowl of popcorn between them. Their hands met each other's a bunch of times. Maya started to throw popcorn at his mouth to see if he would catch them. The popcorn would always land on his shirt as Maya laughed.

After they washed their hands in the bathroom they laid back on the bed and started a heated make-out session. Maya climbed on his lap while Lucas put his large hands on her  thighs.

Lucas licked her bottom lip which made Maya give him entrance and Lucas explored her mouth with his tongue. Maya started to take off the jacket she was wearing and threw it across the room.

Lucas's thumb grazed the sliver of her stomach that showed on the crop top she was wearing. They kissed two more times before Maya crawled off his lap and on his side again. "After I get my cast off we need to go on a date." Lucas said as he stroked her hair. "We're probably the only couple that hasn't been on a date yet." Maya chuckled, drawing imaginary circles on his stomach.

"Did you know that tomorrow is the end of September and homecoming nominations are coming." Maya said as she twirled a blonde strand around her fingers. Lucas turned his head towards her. "You wanna be homecoming princess don't you?" Lucas questioned with a knowing smirk on his face.

"Yeah I know it's not a big deal but I always wanted to become one." Maya said nervously biting her lip. "Hey it is a big deal if it means that much to you. I have no doubt you'll be in the court." Lucas held her hand and kissed it.

"I'll probably won't win. I'm going up against a lot of girls that are better than me." Maya pouted. "I'll do everything in my power to help you win." Lucas moved a blonde strand behind her ear.

"Really?" Maya smiled. "Of course baby." He leaned up and kissed her on the lips. "I love you." His eyes never leaving her blue orbs. "I love you too."

"Uhh I have to make up my school work." Lucas groaned as he fell back on his pillow. "Aww I feel bad for you." Maya said. "That's two weeks of missing homework." He sighed. "You can start now to get it out the way." Maya suggested.

"Might as well." Lucas agreed. Maya helped him to his wheelchair and he opened his textbooks. Maya borrowed Riley's books from her room so they could work on their homework together.

Maya slipped an earbud in his left ear and Maya slipped an earbud in her right as she played her Spotify playlist. After Maya was done, she encouraged him with kisses and soft strokes to his hair.

A few hours later, Lucas had a few more pages left and he would be done with his homework. "Dinner's ready." Riley said through the door. They had pizza from Papa John's. Maya kissed him goodbye as she had to go home.

A/N : Here's another update for you guys!

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