Chapter Five

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Maya was now asleep on his chest. Lucas carried her bridal style and walked downstairs. He gently put her in the passenger seat and he drove away from the party.

He finally did it. He admitted his feelings for her after denying the feelings deep down for so long. She wasn't like all the other girls. She was worth more than that. He parked the car in the driveway. His parents weren't home as they were still on their anniversary trip.

He carried her upstairs and knocked on Riley's door. She opened it and rubbed her eyes. It was 11:00 pm. "What happened?" Riley asked.

"Nothing happened. She got drunk and I took her home." He caressed her hair softly. Lucas walked downstairs and Riley followed. "Nope I don't believe you. Tell me what happened." Riley prodded as he opened the refrigerator door and took out a bottled water.

"Fine I may have told her I liked her and I care about her."  Lucas admitted. "Oh my gosh you finally got a brain after all." Riley said. "Shut up Riley." He blushed and took out some Advil.

"But listen to me clearly. I don't care if we're related by blood. If you hurt Maya I will come after you." Riley tried to be menacing as she can with her wearing pink cupcake pajamas. "I will Riley. I swear I wouldn't think of hurting her." He told her as they walked upstairs.

He set down the water bottle and Advil. He walked in his room. He unbuttoned his shirt and took off his jeans. He slipped on some pajama pants and fell asleep.

Maya woke up to a pounding headache. "Fuck me." She closed her eyes and held her head. "Good morning Peaches." Riley smiled too brightly at 5:00 in the morning. "Why did you wake me up two hours early?" Maya asked.

"Because I know you're hungover and you would want to skip school." Riley answered as she handed her water and two pills. "Thanks Riley." Maya smiled and took the two pills and drunk half the water in the bottle.

"I didn't bring those. Lucas did." Riley smiled. "Really? Where is he?" Maya asked as she got up from the bed. "He's making breakfast downstairs." Riley smirked. "What's with that face?" Maya inquired as she walked downstairs. "Nothing." Riley said. "I'm gonna take a shower."

Maya walked downstairs. "Hey Huckleberry." She smiles as she smelled the breakfast Lucas was making. "Good morning Penelope."
He handed her a plate.

It was chocolate chip pancakes with scrambled eggs and bacon. He handed her a cup of orange juice. Lucas sat down across from her. He looked slightly nervous and was tapping his fingers on the marble kitchen table.

"Maya?" He asked hesitantly. "Yes Lucas?" She asked as she stopped eating. Lucas reached across the table and held her small hand in his. Maya gasped. "I like you Maya. I'm sorry for denying you because of your age but I don't care. You're beautiful and funny and you make me feel like nobody else does."

"R-really? Maya stuttered in disbelief. A grin broke out across her face. "Yeah I do. Would you like to be my girlfriend?" He asked. "Yes I waited so long to hear those words." Maya admitted. "Come here." Lucas responded. Maya walked up to him and Lucas held her face in his hands.

He leaned down and kissed her and Maya wrapped her arms around his waist. Maya felt a million butterflies dance around her stomach. They let go to catch their breaths. Lucas kissed her again and laughed. Maya giggled as he picked her up and spun her around.

They finished their breakfast as Lucas intertwined their fingers and they walked upstairs. They kissed one more time in the hallway and Lucas closed the door. Maya Hunter was his girlfriend now. He took off his shirt and walked in the bathroom door.

Maya held her fingers to her lips. His kisses still lingered. "What happened Maya?" Riley said not very subtle. "He told me he liked me and that he wanted to be my boyfriend." Maya said as she laid on the bed. "I'm happy for you Peaches."

"I know and the cheerleading list is up today." Maya said as she went through Riley's closet. She picked out a floral black dress and a jean jacket with  brown booties. "You guys are like a cliche couple with the cheerleader and the football player. That's so cute." Riley said being the romantic at heart she was.

"I'm gonna take a shower." Maya informed. "Okay." Riley responded as she texted Farkle on her phone. This year couldn't get any better. The guy of her dreams finally got with her. She never felt so happy in her life. Okay only when Shawn and her mom Katy got married and when Shawn adopted her but that's besides the point.

She got out the shower. She slipped on her outfit and blow dried her hair. She let it stay in her natural beach waves. She applied a little mascara and used the spare toothbrush Riley always had when she slept over.

She opened the bathroom door. Maya unplugged her phone from the charger on the outlet. It was 6:00 am. They had another hour left. "I'm going to go to Lucas's room." Maya said. "Okay I'll be downstairs." Riley told her as she walked downstairs.

She opened the door. Lucas was shirtless and he had on blue jeans. He was looking through his closet. Maya wrapped her arms around his toned stomach. Lucas smiled since he knew who it was and turned around. "Hey Princess." He wrapped his arms around her instead and she put her arms around his neck as he picked her up. "Hey Huckleberry." He moved her blonde hair away from her face.

He kissed her on the lips. Maya smiled into the kiss. Lucas pushed them back until they fell on the bed. He kissed her cheeks, her forehead, her nose and back to her inviting soft lips. "How are you today?" He asked as he hovered his body over hers with his chiseled arms. "I'm great since I get to call you boyfriend now." Maya bit her lip.

"I'm glad I have you as my girlfriend. I'm never letting you go." He kissed her on the lips again. He stood up off the bed. Lucas chose a blue and black button up.

Maya leaned over the bed and picked up a picture frame. It was of Maya on Lucas's back. She was laughing and Lucas smiled at the camera. It was when the hunters and the friars had went to ski lodge for Christmas break. Maya was twelve at the time and Lucas was fourteen. Lucas buttoned up his blue flannel and rolled up his sleeves. "Aww I remember this picture. I forced you to carry me up the slope since I was too lazy."

"Yeah my back hurt the whole day." Lucas sarcastically said. "Please Huckleberry I'm 120 pounds." She rolled her eyes. "True I can carry you like this." Lucas lifted her over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes.

"Huckleberry put me down." Maya started pounding his back with her fists. "Nope." Lucas laughed as he carried his girlfriend downstairs.

A/N : Merry Christmas Guys! I hope you have a wonderful time with your family! I hope you liked this chapter!

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