Chapter eighteen

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Maya knocked on the door to the Friar household. She had a black, white, and gray windbreaker with a white crop top and black leggings. Her blonde hair was in a ponytail. Lucas wheeled himself to the door. "Hey Penelope," He greeted with a warm smile. "Hey huckleberry." She pecked him on the lips.

"We should go to the park today. I wanna get out the house." Maya remarked, sitting on his bed. "Okay let me change out of my pajamas." He picked out a black dry-fit t-shirt and gray basketball shorts. "Where's Riley?" Maya asked opening a book from his shelf.

"She had to work on a project with Farkle." Lucas responded as he changed his shirt. He slipped on his gray shorts. He checked himself out in his bathroom mirror.

"Babe do you realize how long my hair is now." Lucas ran a hand through his dark blonde locks. He also had a growing beard.

"Honestly, I think it makes you look hot." Maya smirked and leaned her body against the bathroom doorway. "Especially when you kiss me your beard tickles." Maya chuckled as she felt his beard. He pulled her to his lap. Maya lightly scratched his hair making Lucas groan. Maya giggled and kissed his lips again.

"Ready to go?" She asked, putting her small purse strap around her shoulder and stood up. "Yeah." Lucas answered as they got out the house. The sun beating down on them as they strolled. "Wow it feels like forever since I been in the hospital for two weeks." Lucas stated as they strolled along the side walk.

"I know I've been there in that hospital for two weeks." Maya admitted. "Really how come?" Lucas asked curiously. "I couldn't bare leaving you since I've left you before because I was an idiot." Maya answered as she put her hands in her pockets.

"Baby it wasn't your fault. Missy was a manipulative bitch. Please stop talking yourself down. It's in the past now okay?" He said as he held her hand. "Okay." Maya responded. Lucas kissed her hand as they continued to stroll around the park.

Maya spotted an ice cream cart. "Yes ice cream." Maya exclaimed as she ran to the cart like a little kid. Lucas smiled and followed her. "Do you wanna share babe?" Maya asked as she took out her wallet. "I'm fine with that." Lucas replied.

"Can I have a medium sized cup of your chocolate chip cookie dough please?" Maya asked the guy. "That will be 5 dollars and twenty five cents." Maya handed the guy six bills. The guy scooped three large helpings in the cup and gave them two spoons. "Keep the change. Thank you." Maya said as they walked away.

They sat on a park bench. Maya spoon fed him some and Lucas spoon fed her some like a cheesy couple. Maya gave him the last bite and she tried to shoot it in the trash can but she missed terribly.

"Shut up." Maya said as she got up from the bench. Lucas held his stomach from laughing so hard. Maya couldn't help but laugh hearing his laugh. "You're cute though." Lucas remarked. "I'll just stick to cheerleading." Maya sighed as she sat on his lap. Lucas turned her face towards his and pecked her softly on the lips.

"I love you princess." Lucas moved a strand away from her face. "I love you more." Maya smiled and leaned her forehead against his. They decided to go home after a little while.

"We should see what presents you got." Maya said as she peered in the gift bags. "Okay." Lucas said as he watched her. Maya took out a teddy bear. "Aww it's from the football team." It had a cowboy hat on it and a cow patterned vest. "Dear Lucas we miss you a lot and we hope you get better. From the football team." Maya said.

"Ooh this one is from your pappy joe!" Maya marveled as she took out a card. Maya always loved going to Texas with the friar's every year to see Pappy Joe who favors Maya more than Lucas which is pretty funny.

"It says Dear grandson, I love you and hope you get well and can't wait to see you at Christmas break. Love Pappy Joe." She took out a silver men's dog tag.

It had his initials l.j.f for his full name Lucas James Friar in cursive writing and it had the birth date on the bottom. "Wow." Maya said amazed. She walked up to him and put it around his neck. "That's awesome." Lucas beamed at the necklace.

They opened the rest which were cards, candy, flowers, and balloons. Lucas wrapped his arm around her shoulder as Maya leaned her head on his chest on the couch in the living room.

"Should we order pizza or Chinese?" Lucas asked. "Chinese." Maya answered as Lucas dialed the Chinese restaurant.

Maya turned to Divergent on the FX channel. The doorbell rang and Lucas gave Maya the money for the food. Maya set the food down on the coffee table.

They ate the chow mein and shrimp fried rice and watched movies the rest of the day in each other's arms.

"I gotta go." Maya said as she threw their takeout away. "I love you." Maya pecked him on the lips. "I love you too."

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