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Harry POV

I sit at my parents house just observing the home I haven't been at in years.

Wendy and my Mother are cooking away in the kitchen while my Dad and I sit in the living room watching TV.

Lola sits on my lap and rests her head on my chest. It's weird to think she's seven now. Hell, it's weird to think any of my siblings are way older now.

"Harry!" I hear my Mom call. I groan stand up from the couch. Lola frowns but soon cuddles into our father.

I head to the kitchen and see her holding a garbage bag. "Take this out for me, yes?" She asks, extending me the black bag.

"Sure." I reply with a soft grin.

I take the heavy back and walk out of the house, to the cans out front by the curb.

It's warm out today, which is nice. I'm glad winter is over with.

My eyes glance next door as I hear a front door close. My hands start to sweat and my nerves rack up.

I see Mr. Adams leaving his home, running his hand over his head. I look back to my house and walk, not wanting to say hello to him right now.

"Harry?" I hear him say as he sees me. I gulp down my nerves and turn towards him, trying my best to smile.

"Hey," I greet while walking over to the man living next door to my parents. "How are you?" I ask.

"I'm doing good, how about yourself?" He asks while making brief eye contact with each that I quickly break.

"I'm uh, doing good." I answer.

"How's your family doing?" Mr. Adams asks.

"F-Fine," I stammer. "Yours?" I manage to ask.

His shoulders shrug and he just sighs. "Faith is married now, has two kids," He says grinning.

Please don't bring her up. Please don't bring her up.

"And I got a girlfriend now, so life seems to be okay," I nod, relieved that he didn't bring up his other daughter. "Anyways, I'll let you go back to your family. You should visit more, this neighborhood seems to be different since everyone left."

"I'll try too Sir." I say with a friendly smile.

I walk back into my house, feeling my heart pound roughly against my chest by what just happened. I walk back into the kitchen to grab a garbage bag to replace the one I just took out. "Thank you." My Mom says.

"Yep." I say.

Her eyebrows furrow at me. "You okay? You look a bit pale." Her hand touches my very heated cheek and I step back.

"Yeah, it's just warm out," I say, brushing off anything. I glance to Wendy who is drying her hands with a towel. "If you need anything else, just call me over."

My Mom nods, still looking at me a bit oddly.

I leave the kitchen and head to Evan's room. He's thirteen now, and Chris is fifteen. Time does fly by, but I kind of miss having them small.

I knock on my old bedroom door before walking in. I see he's on the phone smiling. Once he see's me, his face heats and the smile leaves his lips. "I gotta go now. I'll talk to you later."

After that he hands up, which makes me question who he was talking to. "Who was that?" I ask my brother, sitting down beside him.

"A friend of mine." Evan answers. I smile softly, hoping it's the possible girl he likes.

It Ends with Us {Sequel to Neighbors}Where stories live. Discover now