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Harry POV

I sit besides Wendy at her doctors appointment. She's laying down at the table, staring up at the ceiling as the doctor checks out the baby. 

The doctor is telling us how the baby is growing and is healthy. He or she has gotten bigger from the last time we saw "it" on the monitor. Wendy is almost five months now, and as the months go on, the more nervous I am to be a father. 

In two weeks we go back to know the gender, which I'm then again nervous about. After wiping the gel off her stomach, the doctor leaves the room after bidding her goodbyes to us.

Wendy sits up from the table and pulls down her grey shirt. We make eye contact, but none of us say anything. Awkward silence fills the air, causing me to feel tense. 

This isn't the ideal situation I wanted to be in for my first child. I wanted to be more involved than what I am, but I can't really considering how distant she is. I never even felt the baby kick, which makes me already feel like a shitty Father. 

"How have you been lately?" I ask Wendy while standing up from the chair I was sitting in.

"Good, how about yourself?" She asks while looking at me. She has a soft smile on her lips, but I can tell she feels uncomfortable by her body language. 

"Good," I say, my voice lowering. "How are you doing with the pregnancy so far?" I ask.

"Decent," She answers. "This isn't exactly the situation I want to be in, but I just got to push through." A weak smile goes on her lips, which makes my heart pinch. 

"I know, but um," I pause, itching my head not knowing where to start. "When do you want to talk about the custody arrangement?" 

Wendy doesn't answer for a moment, which makes me regret bringing it up right now. She licks her pale pink lips and breaks eye contact from me. "I work Monday's through Thursdays, so whenever I'm off." 

I nod, already knowing that this topic made her uncomfortable. We both soon leave the room, I let her walk first, holding the door for my ex girlfriend who has a small smile on her face.

I walk Wendy to her car, making sure she got there okay, then went to my car across the lot. 


I sit on Quinn's couch as she paces back and forth on the phone. Her empty hand is running through her hair and every once in a while her eyes will roll by whatever business person she's talking too. 

She's wearing one of my tee shirts that fall to her waist, watched with purple fuzzy socks. She looks adorable to me right now, even though she looks pissed off by the conversation going on.

Soon she hangs up her work phone and tosses it on the couch beside me. Quinn shrugs loudly and groans shortly after. "Everything okay?" I ask.

"No, I hate working with shitty people." Quinn says while sitting on my lap. My arm wraps around her waist and I kiss her cheek.

"Wanna talk about it?" I offer.

"No. I want to not think about it actually. Anyways, how was your day babe?" She asks me while playing with my hair.

"Good for the most part, how about you?" I ask.

"Stressful as usual," Her shoulders shrug but she manages a smile. "How was Wendy's doctors appointment?" 

"Good, the baby is doing well. We know the gender soon, which is nerve racking." I admit.

"Do you want a boy or girl?" Quinn asks me.

"I'm not sure," I say honestly. I make eye contact with my girlfriend who has her eyes on me. "I just wish I could be more involved. Like, for my condo, should I set up a nursery? How many nights will I have my child? I don't know these things. We're planning on talking about it soon, but still, this whole thing sucks--not her being pregnant, that's fucked up to say; the fact that neither of us know what to do." I begin to ramble towards at the end. 

"Whatever you guys decide will ease out soon, it won't be so stressful when you both know what you guys are doing." Quinn says, still playing with my hair. 

"I just don't want to be screwed over in the end by only seeing him or her every other weekend." I say, which makes Quinn frown.

"Try not to think too much about it maybe? I can tell it's only making you sad." She says.

"I know," I say with a sigh. "But I just want to know what's happening now so I can stop worrying," I rest my head back down on the couch and look at Quinn who's looking at me. She leans in and kisses me and gives me a supportive smile. "Let's talk about something happy, yeah? Anything good happen in your day?" I ask my girlfriend. 

"Um," She pauses, thinking over her day and what happened. "I'm coming up with a new line soon, if that counts as good." 

"I thought you said you were going to wait until your current one was already out." I say.

"Yeah I know," Quinn chuckles and bites her lip nervously. "I get bored easily, and focusing on the same thing for months is tiring. I want to just start sketching some new things in the mean time." She explains.

I nod, not really understanding why she wants all of the stress on her again. But whatever makes her happy is what matters the most. 

Before I can ask what her new line is based on, she slides off my lap when her phone starts ringing. Quinn leaves the living room, apologizing for her work getting in the way of our alone time, even though I don't mind. 

I sit up on the couch, and my thoughts wander back on the main stress filled thing happening in my life.


i'm so dumb i forgot to hit publish on this chapter like three days ago i'm super sorry

i have the next chapter already written so you might get a double update today :))))



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