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Harry POV

I lay in bed, staring up at the ceiling.

My thoughts are on Quinn and what happened with her tonight. How fucking gross is Derek to justify hitting a girl? How fucking dare him to think it's okay that he did that.

"Quinn looks familiar." Wendy brings up to me.

"She was the girl I was speaking to when we were at my Moms." I tell my girlfriend while glancing over to her. She nods and runs her fingers through her blonde hair slowly.

"Why's she spending the night? Is she new to town?" She asks.

"No, uh." I pause, not even wanting to say what happened to Quinn out loud. "Her now ex boyfriend hit her." I mumble.

Wendy's blue eyes widen and she remains silent by my words for a few moments. "That's terrible." She says.

"I know," I huff. "What kind of piece of shit hits their girlfriend? Especially with what she's gone through." 

"How do you know her again?" My girlfriend asks. 

"High school," I answer. "Plus she's been my neighbor for most of my childhood." I add. I'm not going to mention the part of her ignoring me for most of the time I lived at home.

"Oh," Wendy says nodding. "If she needs to say more then one night she can. I don't mind, she seems sweet. Plus, I can't imagine what she's going through, so a nice home would be good for her." She says to me.

"I'll mention it, thank you." I say while leaning in and kissing her cheek. After a few moments I change the topic to asking about Wendy's day and if anything exciting or scary happened. She briefly described a sick baby nearly dying but he's good now and is recovering. I love how excited she gets talking about her job. 

As I'm getting ready for bed, I debate if I should check on Quinn. I decide on it before falling asleep. I just want to know if she's okay or not, or see if she wants to talk about what happened before she falls asleep. 

I walk out of my bedroom and slowly towards the guest room. I see the light on under the door, so I assume she's awake. I knock on the white door and hear a muffled "it's open". 

I slowly open the bedroom door and my eyes land on Quinn who's sitting at the corner of the mattress. She's combing her damp brown hair with a small comb that looks like something travel sized. She's wearing a white tank top and leggings as well. 

"I just wanted to check up on you before I went to bed." I say to Quinn while shutting the door. 

"Oh, you didn't have to do that." She says with a gentle smile.

"It's no biggie," I say honestly. I sit beside her on the mattress and run my hand through my hair. "Where did you get the comb from?" I ask curiously.

"I always keep one in my purse just in case." Quinn admits to me through a snicker.

"Oh, that's smart." I say.

"Thanks." Quinn says while smiling down at her feet. 

"How are you feeling?" I ask. Her hazel eyes glance at me then go straight. I notice the small sun freckles under her eyes and the small beauty marks that cover her skin. I see some new ones which me smile. I always loved how beautiful she was without makeup. 

"I'm okay," She answers. "You?" 

"I'm okay," I say. "I'm just worried about you." I admit.

"Don't," Quinn tells me. "I'm not someone you should really care for." 

My eyebrows furrow by her words. "Why's that?" I ask.

"I don't know, I mean.." She pauses, hinting to the part when we were a couple. 

"I like to consider us friends now. And I care about my friends," I tell her. "Not to mention I have a soft spot for you so it's hard not to care." I add. Her hazel eyes look into my eyes by my last sentence.

"Does Wendy know I'm your ex?" Quinn asks curiously. Her voice lowers as well.

"No." I murmur back.

"Lets keep it like that, yeah?" She whispers, making me snicker.

"So are we pretending that we were never a thing?" I ask.

"It's hard to pretend considering both of our parents love to bring it up. Maybe with your girlfriend we pretend." Quinn comes up with. 

"That's probably for the best." I say, agreeing. 

"Why would you offer for me to say here?" She asks, laughing. Quinn lays down on the mattress and I just stare at her with soft eyes and a small snicker. 

"Because I wanted to know that you're okay." I say. I lay down beside my ex and stare up at the ceiling.

"I could've texted you when I got to the hotel." She says.

"I know," I say. "I just wanted to keep an eye on you." 

"How cute." Quinn jokes, making me laugh as well as herself. My cheeks also heat slightly by her words.

"I tried," I add, which makes her snicker. "I never knew how comfortable this bed was." I say aloud.

"You did a swell job picking it out Styles." She tells me. 

"Thank you." I chuckle.

"Make sure not to throw it out." She says, making me laugh at that memory.

"Ugh, please don't remind me of that." I say, shaking my head and covering my face with my hands. 

"That poor mattress. I wonder where it is now." Quinn adds, making me laugh again. 

Soon our laughter falls into silence and we both just lay on the bed staring into space. "Quinn?" I ask.

"Hm?" She responds.

"I missed you a lot." I say without thinking.

"I missed you too Henry." She says making me laugh again.

"Goodnight Quinta." I say, sitting up. I look to the girl still laying down with a lazy grin upon her face.

I soon leave the guest bedroom with a lingering feeling in my chest. 


good afternooooooon lol

tysm for reading and i hope you guys are enjoying this book 


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