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Quinn POV

I stare at my Mother with a tilted head.

It's been a few months since I've seen her. Last time I saw her was in Paris, five months ago with my sister at one of my events. Our relationship since high school has been a little different. She keeps her distance from me still, but every once in a while she'll shoot me a text asking how my life is going or if I want to grab lunch with her when she's in town. We talked years ago about our differences, but my issues with her overall haven't changed because she is still an absent mother.

She's still married to Kay's Father, Ben. I only met him a handful of times, and I don't really see Kay because of how she's treated me in the past. She's married now, and has one boy named Josh. She sends me Christmas cards of her family, and I usually send a card to Josh with some gifts via mail or when I see him.

He's a very sweet three year old and I enjoy visiting him. Sometimes I take him out for dinner or breakfast to just spend time with him considering Kay has no siblings. I like being called his "aunt" anyways because I do consider him my nephew, even though I don't particularly like his mother.

"You didn't tell me you coming over." I say, staring at the women in front of me who is holding her purse with a small smile.

"I know, that's why it's called a surprise dear." My Mother chirps.

"It's early in the morning." I say.

"I flew from Spain, so the time difference is messing me up a little," She informs me. As she speaks I let her into my condo. "Anyways, your Father informed me you're back with Harry."

My face heats by her words, so I just nod, allowing my face to speak for me. "I'll go change into something more appropriate, then call my chef to make breakfast." I say before dismissing myself from the living room.

I walk to my bedroom and slowly close the door behind my body. I turn on the light switch and see Harry's body jerk by the bright light now burning down on him. I climb back into bed and hover over him.

I shake his body until he's awake and looking at me weirdly. "What time is it?" He asks tiredly. His raspy morning voice echos through my ears causing me to smile.

"Early, but my Mother is here and I need help out there with her so rise and shine." I say quickly. I kiss his cheek and roll out of bed to grab clothes to change into.

"Wait, what?" Harry asks. He sounds confused and his facial expression proves that. "Since when were you and your Mom close?"

"We aren't but uh," I pause to turn around and face him. "But we kinda pretend and shit. It's a long story." I say quickly.

Harry gets out of bed and wraps his arms around my waist. "Relax Quinn. She's just the Mother you don't really like. Everything will be fine."

"Yeah well, I have my suspicions to why she's here and I'd rather get it over with. Change please, boxers and being shirtless won't win her over." I say with a small grin. I kiss his cheek and walk into my closet to grab something to wear.

One of the ways my company got launched was by having my Mother fish some investors for me. Since then I've always felt like I owed her back, because she said I did. It's been years since I've been making clothes, and I don't know what she wants from me now. If it's money, I'd be annoyed considering she owns thousands of hotels.

I soon leave my bedroom and meet my Mother in the kitchen. She's sitting at the island, typing on her phone with squinted eyes. Her attention goes to me when her eyes look up at me and she grins softly.

Harry walks into the kitchen shortly after wearing jeans and a tee shirt. "Good morning." He greets my Mother with a friendly smile.

"Good morning to you too." My Mother says back. I'm taken back by her kindness as is Harry.

"What would you guys like for breakfast?" I ask, chiming in.

Before any of them answer my question, Harry speaks saying,"I'll make it for you guys. It's one of my only talents," He jokes. "What are you ladies in the mood for?"

He walks behind the island and starts getting the pans and bowls. My Mother and I both said an omelet. As Harry cooks, I sit beside my Mother and tilt my head a little. "So, what brings you to town?" I ask.

"Oh," She answers, brushing it off really. "Nothing much. I needed to come home, you know? I've been in Spain for two months and my husband was getting irritable about it. Plus, I don't want to miss out on Josh growing up and Faith's daughters getting older. Also, it's nice to just stay at home for a while."

"Makes sense." I say, nodding a little.

"How's HQ going? Good?" My Mother asks. Harry slides her a cup of coffee and she says thank you and smiles warmly at him.

"Yeah it's good. My lingerie line just launched last week and I'm working on a new one now." I answer.

"You're starting a new one already Quinn? It's a little too soon, no?" She asks.

"I'm not setting anything in stone. I'm just sketching out some new designs for some old lines, and some new ones. It keeps me busy." I explain.

"What new things are you working on?" She asks me curiously.

"Um," I pause, sipping my coffee. "I have a few I'm thinking about starting next. The current options are a children's line, baby line, and men's line."

"A baby line sounds the most unique," My Mother says. "All sound lovely though. I bet whatever you do will be great." She compliments.

I furrow my eyebrows by how kind she's being towards me and look to Harry who's giving us our breakfast. "Anyways, Harry I heard you have a child on the way with your ex girlfriend. Congratulations on the baby boy."

"Thank you." He says with a smile that shows his dimples.

"Have you guys picked any names yet?" She asks.

"No, we haven't talked about that. We're more worried about the legal aspect of everything right now." Harry says to my Mother who nods and sips her coffee.

"Well, if you feel like you're being cheated out of knowing your son, let me know. I know the best lawyers who will happily support you." She says to him.

"Will do. Thank you." He replies back.

This is the nicest my Mother has been to Harry and I combined and I'm worried about her intentions. The subject soon changes and I try not to let my thoughts consume me.


It's around noon now and my Mom just left. She invited Harry and I to dinner at six, so that will be our evening plans.

Harry and I are back in bed now, watching TV and relaxing. My head is on his shoulder and his arm is around me.

"Do you think it's weird how nice my Mother was acting?" I ask Harry.

"I mean, I haven't spoken to her in a while. Maybe she just had a change of heart." He comes up with.

"But she's never this nice to me unless she wants something. What would she want?" I ask.

"She may just want to be in your life Quinn. Try to not overthink it much, okay? Just let it be."

"I know," I say through a huff. "Everything seems just suspicious." I admit.

"I understand that Quinn. But just enjoy her being nice." Harry says with a chuckle that makes me smile.

"Will do." I say while nuzzling my head into him. His lips touch the top of my head and I smile gently.

We continue to watch TV and cuddle in bed. My thoughts still roam around my mind though.


hello!! how's everyone doing???


tysm for reading!


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