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Quinn POV (three years later)

"No, don't get me started on that bullshit." I say with laugher as I step into my office.

Kelsey is laughing as well after the meeting we both witnessed. She sits down on my couch and tries to simmer down her laughter.

The meeting was with some higher up people about changing some regulations about working here. I'm not going to change anything, but it's funny to see them try.

It took me years to come up with the flow of my office setting, and I'm not going to change any of that because my clothing line is getting more and more popular.

"They really want you to change it up, huh?" Kelsey says, making me crack a grin. What we find funny is the fact that they try so hard and the things they say are hysterical.

"It's annoying," I say with a sigh. "Anyways, I need to get going before traffic. Want to walk out with me?" I ask my friend who has her eyes on me.

"Of course!" She chirps happily while standing up from my couch. "Where are you off to tonight? Anything exciting?"

"Just a family dinner," I say with a brief smile. "What about you? What are your plans for tonight?" I ask, grabbing my bag from the couch.

"I'm meeting with my uh brother," The room falls silent for a moment. Awkward silence fills, and I just nod with a gentle grin. "And I'm meeting his fiance for the first time."

Her last sentence causes a knot to form in my stomach. "Fiance huh? Good for him." I say, smiling briefly.

"Yeah, he likes her a lot, which is good. They've been together for nearly five years now," I thought my heart dropped from the "fiance" remark. But my stomach flips at the thought of him marrying a girl that he was seeing when him and I were together. "There is a reason why I haven't met her yet Quinn. I think the same thing you are." Kelsey says, reading my mind.

"It's fine, seriously. I'm happy now, and he can do whatever he pleases with whomever." I say honestly.

We step into the elevator and wait to go to the lobby. As we wait, we change the topic to something different.


I get home around six thirty.

The traffic wasn't terrible, but there was some on the main roads, which is expected. When I slip off my heels and hang up my coat as well as purse, I see a little boy run up to me.

"Hi!" Jamie says happily while hugging my waist.

I kneel down in front of the little boy and cup his cheeks. "How are you? Look at you with the little tan." I say kissing his face.

Wendy took him two weeks to Disney with her family. The first few days without him was hard, but Harry and I adapted to not having him for a while. Now we get him for two weeks, which is nice.

"I'm good," He says, giggling. His head goes into his shoulder, smiling. His deep dimples appear on his rosy cheeks and I smile staring at the little boy that I've missed. "I missed you and Daddy." He tells me, wrapping his arms around his neck.

"We missed you more buddy." I say, stroking his hair and kissing the side of his head.

"No, I missed you more!" He exclaims, making me smile. He clings onto me more, which makes my heart swell.

Harry soon walks over to the foyer, wiping his hands with a white rag. "James, why don't you let Quinn get changed out of her work clothes, yeah?" He says to his son.

"Okay." Jamie says, detaching from my body. He kisses me hello then walks towards the living room.

I stand back up and tilt my head at Harry. "So, what's for dinner Mr. Chef?" I ask, making a smirk crawl on his lips.

"Nothing healthy, cheese burgers and fries--little mans choice," Harry says, grinning. He leans in and kisses my cheek. "How was work?"

"Decent. I'm glad to be home. How was your day?" I ask, running my fingers through my hair.

"Decent as well. Better now since I'm with you." He hums, making my eyes roll playfully.

"I'm glad I can make your day better," I hum. "I'm gonna change. I'll be back down in a few." I say before dismissing myself.

Over the course of the years, Harry and I have grown to have our own little family with Jamie. I love having him here, and sometimes wish he was here all the time. Sometimes having him here makes me forget that Wendy has him some days, and that she's apart of his life more than I am.

Either way, I love Jamie like he's mine. He's a mini Harry as well. Sometimes when they talk, I think Harry is talking to himself by how much they're alike.

I head back downstairs after changing into sweats and a tank top. I walk into the dining room and see Harry and Jamie sitting down at the table, waiting for me.

I take my seat and ruffle James's curls. He giggles by my actions, making Harry and I both chuckle.

"So," I say to James. "Tell me about your trip."

His green eyes glisten with excitement and he begins to talk about his trip with his Mom. Him talking about Disney makes him happy and giddy, which makes my heart swell.


small-ish time jump :p

tysm for reading!!

comment goal: 50??

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