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Harry POV

I get home from work around midnight tonight.

Since I saw Quinn at the restaurant I haven't been thinking straight. All I can think about is her and what happened between us when I came back from the military years ago.

I place my coat and bag on the table of the dining room, and tiredly run my fingers through my hair. Today has been too much for me to handle. 

I walk into my bedroom and see Wendy already sleeping. She's on her stomach with one of her legs inside the covers, and the other one is out. She's wearing her usual boy shorts that compliment her butt well, as well as a white tank top with no bra. 

I take off my work clothes and put on a new pair of boxers as well as a new white tee shirt. I decided to stay at the restaurant until closing tonight. I just had to be out of the house tonight and let my thoughts get the best of me.

I lay down on my side of the bed, and feel my back relax into the mattress. I let out a sigh and rub my tired eyes by the feeling of relaxation taking over my body. 

I look over at Wendy who turns her body around to face me. I see her light blue eyes flicker open and look at me tiredly. "Why'd you come home late?" My girlfriend asks through a mumble.

"I wanted to see if the new manager closed alright." I come up with. She nods tiredly and cuddles her head into my chest. I wrap my arms around her body and kiss the top of her head. 

"Next time let me know, alright?" Wendy says through a murmur against my body. 

"I will baby." I say through a gentle whisper. I press my lips to the top of her head and stroke her lower back soothingly. Soon my girlfriend falls back asleep and I'm left thinking again. 


I wake up to a small pressure on my body and kisses on my neck.

"Wake up." A familiar voice hum sweetly in my ear.

"Five more minutes." I say through a tired mumble. I keep my eyes close and nuzzle my head into my pillow more. 

Wendy doesn't reply, she just sucks at my neck more, which makes me grin lazily and hold her waist against my lap with more pressure. Once she finds and sucks at my sweet spot, I fidget under her touch. "Quinn." I say through a moan. 

Her kissing stops and so does my heart.

"What did you say?" Wendy asks. I open my eyes and look at my girlfriend with heated cheeks. Her eyebrows are knotted at me and she has a puzzled look upon her face. 

"I said quit it." I come up with on the top of my head. I give her a smile and kiss her light pink lips. 

"Oh," She says with a chuckle. Her fingers play with my curls which causes me to relax a bit. "Make me food please." 

"What are you in the mood for lovely?" I ask. 

"It's up to you." My girlfriend says while leaning down and kissing me. She soon rolls off of my body to let me get out of bed. 

As I'm in the kitchen, waiting for the pan to heat up for eggs, I scold myself.

I can't believe I said Quinn. Why the fuck would I moan her name?

I roll my eyes to myself and shrug my shoulders, shaking my head. First thing in the morning and that's what comes to my mind? 

I let out a deep sigh, hoping I forget what just happened. 

As I'm scrambling eggs in a small metal bowl my thoughts go to last night and seeing Quinn for the first time in years. She looks the same, if I'm being honest. Her hair is to her shoulders now, which is different to see, but it suits her well. Quinn's features look more mature as well. Other then that, she hasn't changed that much besides those minor things. She's also still absolutely beautiful, which I didn't think would ever change.

I roll my eyes by the last thing I thought about just now. 

Why did I have to see her? I was perfectly fine without Quinn in my life. 

I snap back into reality when I see Wendy sit at the counter. Her hair is in a messy bun and her eyes look tired, but she still manages to grin softly. "Sleep okay?" I ask my girlfriend, sliding her over eggs and toast. 

"Yeah, just had a long day at work," She says with shrugging shoulders. "Thank you for breakfast." 

"Of course. I'm gonna hop into the shower. I'll clean up when I'm out." I tell Wendy while washing my hands.

"I'll clean up, don't worry about it." She says to me with a smile. I lean over and kiss her cheek.

"Thank you babe." I say sincerely.

"Of course." She hums sweetly. 

Soon I leave the kitchen and go back to our room to take my shower. As I'm waiting for the water to heat, I sit on the corner of the bed tapping my foot against the floor under my feet. 

I reach for my phone a few inches away from my body and begin to text.

Me: hey quinn, it's harry. free tomorrow afternoon?



comment goal: 50?

Merry (almost) christmas :)

follow me on twitter ! it's jkharrystyles :p


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