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Quinn POV

Derek wanted to take me out to dinner after work tonight.

He actually asked me, not the other way around. I was pleasantly surprised by his offer, so that has made me happy all day. Maybe he's finally coming around. It only took him a few years.

I sit at my desk at the end of the day wrapping up last minute projects before meeting him at the restaurant. What catches me off guard is a gentle knock on my office door. "It's open!" I shout kindly while packing up.

I glance up when I hear it open. My eyes land on Kelsey who's grinning widely. "Guess what?" She says while plopping down on the guest chair I have.

As I'm getting ready to leave, I speak. "You had sex in your office again?" I ask with a small chuckle.

"No," She says with a rolling eye which makes me laugh. "Well, yes. I was hoping you wouldn't have guessed." My friend admits with shrugging shoulders.

"You're gross." I tell Kelsey with a shaking head, who just grins at me widely.

"Hey, it's life," Her eyes go to my bag that I'm holding. "You're going out?" 

"Yeah, Derek asked me to dinner." I say with a gentle grin. Kelsey's eyebrow raises, which makes me snicker. 

"Really?" She asks. At least she knows her brother is a douche at times. 

"Hopefully he shows up and doesn't cancel when I'm in the parking lot." I say with a sigh. There has been many times where he's stood me up or cancelled when I was already at the restaurant. I'm really not in the mood to be mad or argue. I just want to have a nice date. 

"If he does I'll chop off his dick," Kelsey says while standing. She adjusts her white dress and grins at me. "If that does happen, come over, we'll have girls night. Well, come over regardless." My friend says with a smug grin.

"I shall." I say with a smile. I'd rather be at her house then have my boyfriend beg for sex.

We walk out of my office together a few minutes later, to the parking lot. We usually do this everyday since it's safer considering the time of night we leave at. 


I sit across Derek at the restaurant called Alessia. It's a semi fancy Italian restaurant that I didn't know existed.

Derek informed me he comes here all the time with his lawyer friends, and thought I should try it with him. I was slightly offended that he comes here more than he's ever went out with me, but I'm trying not to let it get to me considering dinner, so far, is nice. 

I ordered pasta with meatballs and sauce because I wanted to play it safe. I don't know exactly what my boyfriend got, I wasn't paying attention when he ordered. I was too busy observing the restaurant that is decorated very well. 

Currently he's talking about some law case of his that I don't care about if I'm being honest. All of his cases are about someone stealing a car or something car related. Every six months there will be an interesting one, but not lately.

I want to tell him about the lingerie line I'm working on, but he'll just take it as I'm going to wear it when we have our monthly fuck.

I wouldn't even call it "making love" because I feel nothing romantic or intimate when we do it. If I'm being honest I've never even been close to "climaxing" since we've been together. I fake my orgasms which amuses me.

I snap back into reality when I see our waiter come with our food. I haven eaten all day, so I'm excited to eat something hopefully good. 

As he puts our food down, I smile politely at Kyle, our waiter. Derek doesn't say anything besides asking for another scotch. I roll my eyes to myself that he didn't even say thank you.

Once my boyfriend starts eating, I do. He usually makes fun of me when I start eating before him. 

I place my fork of pasta into my mouth and get the feeling of warmth in my body. The sauce tastes familiar and so do the meatballs.  

When I see Kyle come back with Derek's scotch, I speak. "Can you get the chef for me? I have a question for him or her." I say to our waiter who has a gentle smile and kind eyes. 

"Of course ma'am." He says with a nod. 

"Why are you getting the chef over?" Derek asks me with darken eyes. I gulp down my slight fear and take a deep breath.

"Well, the office is having the banquet soon, and I want him or her to cook the food." I come up with. 

"You can just ask if they cater, Quinn." He tells me with a groan. 

"I don't want them to cater," I say. "I want this cook." I state, dismissing the conversation.

The food reminds me of my grandmothers, which amazes me. I haven't had her cooking in years, which makes me feel homesick and miss her more. 

I take my eyes off of Derek and look to the person standing beside the table with our waiter who soon walks away. 

My eyes widen and I feel my mouth fall open by the sight of seeing Harry.


i've managed to update lol i'm on break now so i'm gonna update more!

comment goal: 50?


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