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Quinn POV

I'm kind of having that "oh fuck" moment right now.

Oh fuck to Harry finding out like this.

And oh fuck to actually having to tell him now.

"Um," I say, itching my head. "Surprise?" 

I scold myself for saying the most cliche thing to announce a pregnancy. Surprise.

His eyebrows furrow by my one worded answer. He licks his pale pink lips and looks at me in a way that makes a pit form in my stomach. Harry's green eyes shift back to the laptop then back to me. "Wait, you're pregnant?" He asks, confirming.

"Yes," I answer, gulping down the lump formed in my throat. "I'm around two months, maybe a little over that."

Harry closes the laptop and moves closer towards me on the mattress. "How do you know?" He asks, stroking my knuckles.

"I had really bad morning sickness when I got to Italy, so I went to the doctors, and they told me I'm pregnant." I explain, my voice is a little shaky because I know he doesn't want kids now, and I really don't want to argue.

He doesn't say anything after that. His straight face just twists into a happy expression. Dimples appear on his rosy cheeks and he hugs me tightly. Being hugged makes me relax since I was expecting him to yell about the unexpected news. 

"You're not mad?" I question, breaking away from his grasp.

"Why would I be mad?" Harry asks, stroking my hair down with both of his hands. His cups my cheeks so we make eye contact as well.

"I know you wanted to wait to have kids and all." I say, mumbling my sentence that I was hesitant to say.

"It doesn't mean I'm not happy we're having a baby of our own," He says, still smiling. "I'm excited."

His words bring tears to my eyes. I was really not expecting him to say that. I was worried that he'd be yelling or too overwhelmed and storm out of the hotel. 

Harry wraps his arms around my body, bringing me closer to him. My head nuzzles into his chest and I relax in his hold. "Were you planning on telling me?" He asks timidly.

"Of course," I answer. "This week I was planning on it." 

He nods against my head and strokes my hair. "I hope it's a girl. I want a little you running around." 

I grin by his words and hold onto him more. "You don't want a boy so you can play catch?" I joke, mocking the stereotypical Dad.

Harry laughs by my joke and kisses the top of my head. "No, I want a girl. Maybe she'll paint my nails and all of us can have tea parties" 

"Didn't Jamie paint your nails a few weeks ago?" I recall. He went through my nail polish and wanted to paint Harry's nails. 

"Yes, he took an ugly color of green and painted my nails," He says, causing me to laugh. "Can I call my Mom and tell her?" 

"Go ahead, but I don't want to tell anyone else until I'm further along." I say while kissing his cheek and detaching myself from his body.

"Okay, thank you. I just know she'll be very excited and I want to tell her." Harry says, beginning to ramble.

If we were to have a girl I'd want to name her Alyssa. I think Harry would like that too considering how close he was to his younger sister who didn't make it. Thinking about her sends shivers up my spine and causes my skin to tingle.

Harry is currently on the phone with his Mother. I can hear Anne's voice from here, and he's across the room. My heart warms by her reaction. 

Thinking about it now, we have a lot to do after France. 

The week we come back, is the week of Gemma's wedding. Then we're repainting our bedroom during the weekend, and I'd like to get a puppy sometime. I was thinking a rescue dog though. Then my Mother is visiting for a few days. That should be fun I guess. Jamie loves her, so that's all that matters. 

I begin to watch some TV before bed. I rest my hands on my lap and smile to myself.

Harry soon comes back from speaking to his Mom. "She's very excited, I think you heard that though from here." He says while climbing back into bed. Harry kisses my cheek and lays back down.

"I heard," I say smiling softly. "Do you want to get married when we get back?" I ask out of no where.

"Like a court house wedding?" He asks, furrowing his eyebrows.

"Yeah, we can have close family come. I just want to be your wife already and we don't really have time to plan a wedding." I say explaining.

"We'll see, you might change your mind after France." Harry says while stroking my hand. He kisses the back of my hand and cuddles his body into mine.

"We can always do the court house part and have a real wedding in months or years from now." I come up with.

"We'll see love. Let's focus on one thing at a time, yeah?" 

I snicker a bit and nod. "I love you Harry."

"I love you more Quinn," He says while kissing the back of my head and holding me against him more protectively. "I hope you know I'll be the best father to our baby."

"I know you will." I say reassuringly. 

We both end up falling asleep moments later.


so i said 3 updates today

but the next update is the last chapter of the book

still want it??


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