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Quinn POV

It's been around two weeks since I've officially moved into my condo. 

It's been an over good past few weeks, but I'm just not used too not seeing my Dad every morning. But, I do enjoy living on my own because I feel like I'm getting my life back. I finally feel free in a sense, and it's good. I never realized how much Derek was holding me down until I haven't had him in my life. 

It's Monday morning and I'm getting ready to leave for work. As I'm rushing around, making sure I have everything, I realize how silent this place is. The silence makes me feel lonely, if I'm being honest. When Harry's here this place feels more like a home, but he's only here three times a week. 

I want a dog.

I know I said I'd wait to get a pet, but I really want one now.

I push my thoughts away, and leave my condo. I'm running a little behind, but that's okay considering I'm my own boss and all. Plus, around noon I have to head to a photo shoot, so I'm not going to be at my office very long anyways.

Today I'm having a bunch of models, of all sizes, wear the lingerie and be photographed in them for the catalogs, posters in the store, advertisements, and what not I have going on. I'm very excited for this shoot, and I hope all goes well. I also hope my ideas for the posters and stuff come to life.

Harry is meeting me there for lunch as well, so today is going to be a good day, I can already feel it.


I'm at the photo shoot now and I'm standing behind the camera with the photographer I hired for the day. My usual photographer, Michael, is sick, so I have to make do with this new person who is very silent and looks uninterested in everything I'm suggesting.

"It's a bit unusual to have the designer here, no?" The photographer, Zander says while glancing over at me.

"How's it unusual?" I question with a raised eyebrow.

"Usually the designers are behind the doors, they only produce the clothing and go on with their lives." He tells me.

"Yeah, well, I'm not like most people. I want everything to be perfect and how I see it. My lines are my babies and I want to make sure everything goes well, since I care." I say a little tensely while crossing my arms. My eyes look to the five women standing a good distance away, and they're posing. 

"Why don't you have the two girls on the end sit out for a while, yeah?" Zander recommends. He looks at me then straight ahead.

"Excuse me?" I ask, slightly offended. "I'm not benching the two thicker models and leaving the three thin ones." 

"It will look better, if I'm being honest." He says with a hum.

I need Michael here, this douche is annoying me.

"And this shoot would be better if you weren't here, but I have to deal with you, don't I? This line is based on having women of all sizes feel sexy, not just the ones media like to promote. If you don't agree with what I'm trying to convey, feel free to leave." I say with scowling eyes and raised voice. 

"Fine," Zander says while shoving the camera into my chest. "Good luck with this shit show." 

I roll my eyes by his words and look back to the models who are staring at me with a tilted head. "It's just gonna be us ladies, is that alright?" I ask.

"Yeah." They mumble back with a confused look.

"Okay, great. I'm new to this, so just work with me, okay?" I say with a friendly smile.

The five nod, and I look around for my PA. When I see her, I call her over, and ask for everything I need that is available to make my vision come to life. 

I need all the luck right now, I'm just going based on what Michael told me he does and what I see other photographers do.


By the end of the day, I was working barefoot since my heels were killing my feet, but I took hundreds and hundreds of amazing photos of all twenty models I had. 

I ordered pizza for the whole crew and staff as well since we were all starving from the long day. 

My job for the rest of the week is to pick out the photos I think are good, and submit them to my board for approval. It doesn't sound hard, but it is since I took so many and can only submit 20. 

I sit down on the coach near the dressing rooms and take my phone out of my purse. I see a text from Harry which makes my eyes widen and my face heat intently. I totally forgot we had plans for lunch.

Harry: hey babe, saw you were busy doing your thing, so I decided to leave, sorry. I didn't want to disturb you while you looked in the zone. 

Me: i'm so sorry. the photographer i hired for the day was a complete dick and i had to take over

Harry: no need to say sorry :)

Harry: come over for dinner and movie??

Me: sounds lovely

Me: i can be there at 7ish

Harry: sounds good. see you later, i love you

Me: i love you too

I don't know if it's weird if we say the L word, but we're not in a relationship, but for us it seems normal almost. I'm not thinking too much into it because I know where we stand and how we feel about each other.

I lock my phone and place it beside me. I rest my head back and close my eyes. As I relax for a bit, I can't help but to smile by how much I loved today and how much I loved making everyone feel happy and comfortable.


As I was on my way to Harry's place, he informed me that he left the door open for me, so I can just walk in.

Before I left to go to his place, I stopped at home and changed into something comfortable but cute. My tight dress was making me feel gross, and my heels were killing my feet.

When I walk into Harry's apartment, I hear some chatter. My eyebrows furrow instantly and I slowly make my way over to where I hear the noise come from.

My eyes soon land on Harry and Wendy, sitting at the dining room talking.




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