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Quinn POV

The past few days have been quite interesting for me.

Derek and I have barely spoken really, which is odd considering we live together and we're supposed to be a couple. Lately he's been coming home late and he's been brushing me off more than usual. When I bring up how distant he's became, he just rolls his eyes and keeps on with his day.

It's Tuesday night and I'm watching TV in the living room. For once my thoughts aren't on Harry, but they're on Derek. He said he'd be home at seven, but it's ten now.

As I turn off the TV, I hear the front door shut. I stand from the couch and walk to the foyer. My eyes land on Derek who has tired looking eyes and messy hair. "You're home late." I comment timidly.

"Traffic was bad," He comes up with while walking past me. I grab his hand as he walks past me, which makes him stop walking. "What do you need?" My boyfriend says through a loud sigh.

"Why are you lying?" I ask Derek who looks away from my eye contact.

"I'm not, Quinn." He states while yanking his hand out of my hold.

"How was your day then?" I ask.

"Can you just leave me alone?" Derek asks me with an angry look.

Standing near him I smell a perfume. Perfume that isn't mine. My face heats thinking about why he could've came home late, and why his hair is messy.

I take a step away from his body and linger on my thoughts, putting the pieces together. "Are you cheating on me?" I ask with furrowed eyebrows.

"You're crazy." Derek scoffs while running his hand through his already messed up hair.

"Well, you smell like a girl, your hair is a mess like you had sex, and you've been coming home late." I list my reasoning.

"You sound so dumb right now Quinn." Derek says while shaking his head.

"Your shirt isn't buttoned at the bottom." I point out to him. His eyes glance down at his shirt and he looks back up to me.

"And? You're so dumb if you think I'd cheat," His voice raises. I take a step away from his body and continue to look at him with soft eyes, to hopefully make him feel guilty for whatever he did. "Stop giving me that look Quinn." Derek states.

"What look?" I ask, furrowing my eyebrows.

"The look like you want me to confess to something." His says with wide eyes.

"Well, did you cheat?" I ask again.

My answer to my question was a hard slap on my cheek that causes me to stumble back on my feet. My face heats by the slap and my eyes sting by what just happened. I look up at Derek who's yelling at me. His words don't make it to my brain because all I can focus is that he slapped me and doesn't even look sorry about it.

As he's speaking I walk towards the stairs. My eyes are pinching and I refuse to let him see me cry. "Quinn!" He shouts behind me as I begin to walk away.

As I'm in our bedroom, trying to find my shoes, his hand tugs my arm back. "Don't touch me." I snap with wide eyes.

"Where are you going?" Derek asks as I'm putting on my shoes.

I ignore him and try to take deep breaths so I don't break down and start crying. I reach for my jacket that's hanging up but he steps in front of me. "Where are you going Quinn?" He asks again, widening his brown eyes.

"Get out of my way." I say, deepening my voice.

"Really? It was just a slap, grow the fuck up." He says.

It Ends with Us {Sequel to Neighbors}Where stories live. Discover now