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Quinn POV

It's been a few weeks since the proposal and the condo is nearly all packed up. We decided to move Jamie's room into the new house first so he's the most comfortable when we start living there. It was Harry's idea, which I liked and went along with.

The lease is up next month so we have some time to finish up packing. Jamie hasn't been with us often, which I know bothers Harry because he's been working way more often. Jamie has been wanting to be with Wendy way more than usual, which I find odd only because he hasn't seen Harry as much. I don't like the fact he uses work as a way to get away from his feelings, but if he keeps doing it I'll talk to him about it. Both my parents used work as a way to get away from the fact they weren't happy with each other, and it affected Faith and I.

I'm at my office building now, doing my designs for the day. I have music playing from my speaker and I'm in my own world as I sketch. Lately I've been uninspired to do this line, so I've been pushing it off as much as I can. But the deadline is soon so I need to have some designs submitted.

A gentle knock on my office door causes my eyes to shift away from my sketch book and look to who it is. I turn off my music and sit up straighter in my desk chair. "Come in!" I say loudly so whoever behind the door hears me. 

I soon lay my eyes on one of my investors. Gino is one of the younger investors I have, which is nice because he's easy to talk too. His hair is a dark brown and his eyes are hazel. I'm not going to lie, he's a good looking guy. He's gotten taller from when I last saw him which makes me feel short. His hairstyle is also different; it's more mature looking and suits him better than whatever he had before.

My eyebrows furrow and I close my sketch book and stand. I had no clue he was coming. "Hello Gino," I say with a warm smile. "What are you doing in town?" I ask. 

"Doing a check in on you," He says, smiling gently. "Mind if I sit?" He asks, making eye contact with me.

"No of course not. Please do." I say. Gino nods and sits down. He adjusts his suit then runs his fingers through his hair. I sit down shortly after he does and give a gentle grin.

"So," He starts, making my heart begin to race. If we drop investors I'd be kind of fucked so I hope this talk isn't that. "We want you to visit Italy and France soon." 

"Huh?" I ask, confused to what he even means. My eyebrows furrow at his words as well. Gino chuckles by my answer, which eases my tension that it's nothing too serious, hopefully.

"We, meaning the investors in HQ. We're having this big conference to grow your brand," A smile is on his lips. "It will be great. A bunch of fantastic brands will be there, like Gucci who wants to work with you. They might want you to have an exclusive line with them." He explains.

"Why am I just finding out about this?" I ask curiously.

"It takes time to set all of this up darling," Gino says, smirking slightly. "It will be in a month from now. Your rooms are already paid for and set up. You have the best of the best Ms. Adams." 

"This is a lot to absorb on such short notice. I still have a current line to finish." I say, widening my eyes a bit.

"Well, you have some time before your flight. Your flight info will be emailed to you. A private jet will be at your service. Feel free to take who you want as well." 

So I'm basically being told I'm going. Of course I'd go no matter what, I just feel so overwhelmed right now.

"How long will I be out of the country?" I ask Gino who's staring at me.

"Two weeks most likely. We want you to enjoy your trip as well. Italy will be the first week, and you get some time to yourself to tour around. Same with France." He informs me with an expression on his face I can't read.

"Okay." I say, already stressed from these upcoming plans.

He soon stands and I do as well. "Can I see some of your sketches?" He asks, eyeing my brown sketch book that looks busted up and old.

"Yeah sure," I say, biting my lip. I usually scan them on my computer and touch up any smudges in Photoshop. I slide him the brown book and speak. "Sorry for the smudges and stuff."

"Don't be sorry Ms. Adams. They're amazing either way," Gino says with a small smirk. 

"I've told you many time, you can call me Quinn. Ms. Adams reminds me of my Mother." I say, chuckling.

"Okay Quinn. How's the Queen of Hotels doing?" He asks, making me laugh.

"Is that what she's known as now?" I ask him.

"No, but she should." Gino tells me, grinning widely.

"She's doing good from when I last spoke to her." I say.

"Good to hear," He says, still admiring whatever I have drawn. "You're very talented. I hope you know that."

"Oh, thank you." I say, my face heats slightly. No one really compliments my sketches. They're average to me.

"I'm being serious. These are great," Gino says, while making eye contact with me. His eyes fall to my engagement ring and he grazes his teeth over his lip. "I should be going though. I'll see you in Italy though." 

"Will do. Thanks for delivering the news." I say, giving him a friendly smile.

"My pleasure. Have a great day." 

He extends his hand toward mine and I shake it. His gasp on my hand is firm and his skin is soft. He soon leaves my office and I'm left processing how I'm going to Italy and France soon.


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