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Quinn POV

I got to my Dad's around noon after breakfast the following day. I bought Harry and Wendy breakfast since I felt bad that I stayed the night there. Also a pit of guilt lied in me considering Wendy doesn't know Harry and I dated in the past. She's so sweet and kind, it's hard not to like her.

My Father hasn't asked about me coming staying over yet, which I'm thankful for. I don't know if I want to tell him that Derek hit me and this wasn't the first time this has happened. This goes for my friend Kelsey as well because they're siblings.

I sit on my old mattress lounging around trying not to think of yesterday and everything that happened with Derek. What pisses me off the most is the fact that I can't date a guy that's nice and shows that I moved on to Harry. No, I date a douche that was worse than Richard, and Richard wasn't always a gentleman towards me. 

It's my own fault for staying with Derek, so I can't complain to anyone on how he treats me. I had the choice to leave, and I didn't.

I fall back on my mattress and let out a deep breath. I'm not looking forward to confronting Derek and seeing him in general. I don't know what my living arrangement will be, I don't even know if he has ruined any of my things because he was angry towards me. 

It's night now and my Father won't be home till tomorrow afternoon. I'm a little nervous to be alone because I haven't talked to Derek at all, and it's very easy to find out where I am if he were to find me. 

I reach for my phone resting beside me and see a text from Harry.

Harry: hey, just checking up on you. Everything alright?

Me: yeah, thanks 

Harry: is your dad home?

Me: no he has a conference in Pittsburgh, he won't be back till the afternoon tomorrow

Harry: so you're alone?

Me: yeppp

Harry: that isn't good :/

Me: i'll live

Me: hopefully lmao

Me: jk

Harry: ...

Harry: that's not funny

Me: whoops

Harry: are you there now?

Me: yepppp

Harry: mkay

Me: why 

Harry: just askingggggg

Harry: i'm about to drive, i'll talk to you later 

Me: okay, drive safelyy

Harry: will do xx


Harry ended up swinging by my Dad's later on in the night. 

When he first came over I was shocked and told him to go home considering it's late and I didn't want to take time away from him and his girlfriend. He brushed off my concern and hung out with me. I thought it was nice that he brought me McDonald's. He remembered my order which made me get nostalgic. 

Currently we're sitting on my bed watching TV. I have to admit it's nice to have someones company now considering how I'm kind of iffy on staying by myself. 

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