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Quinn POV

My closest friend Kelsey told me at work on Monday that Derek went to New York for conferences. From what she has also told me from our lunch date on Monday, Derek isn't handling the breakup well and seems broken by the whole thing. 

I wanted to say I'm glad, but I didn't. At the time I just looked to my lap and pretended to care that he's "hurt" by the fact we're not together. 

That same night I went to the house and saw all of his stuff is gone. I was surprised that he took it upon himself to move out without me asking, but I was really glad because I don't want to speak to him anytime soon.

I'm still putting the house up for sale because whenever I step foot in that house, I get memories that don't make me smile nor think of anything positive. I just think of the times I've been hit and abused. I'll probably just get an apartment or town house if anything. But for the time being I'm staying at my Dad's house. 

All of this happened two weeks ago, and since then I've been alright. Harry sends me flowers everyday to my office and house as well.

And when I say everyday, I mean it. 

The delivery man and I are on first name basis by how much I see him. Everyday there is a small note, and the note is him apologizing for something he did in the past or him wishing me a good day.

I think it's quite cute that he does this, but it doesn't change my view on him and where we stand really. 

For the time being, I'm trying to stay positive about everything even though I just want to turn everything into something sad, as usual. But this time I'm not. This time I'm just going to focus on my clothing line and the sketches that I need to finish. There are so many things I want to accomplish with my company, and I'll never get to those things if I sulk about shit in my past. 

I just finished a meeting and it was basically me showing off the lingerie designs I created and my team of reps approving or tweaking some of the designs to make them look more original. Overall the meeting was three hours long and I'm exhausted. 

When I return back to my office, I see a man sitting in one of the chairs across from my desk. I bite my lower lip by the presence of Derek and stand up straighter. "Need something?" I ask.

He turns around and looks at me. Derek stands up and adjusts his suit. His brown eyes look into mine, but I quickly break the contact and walk around to my side of the desk. "Yeah, can we talk?" He asks. 

"I'd rather not," I answer honestly while sitting down in my chair. "I'm busy." 

"I know, but I just wanted to talk to you for at least five minutes." He tells me.

"You aren't worth any of my time Derek." I say while looking at him. We make eye contact and this time I don't break it. 

"Quinn, can we be adults about this?" He asks while shrugging his shoulders.

"I am being an adult about this. I don't want to talk to you about whatever you have to say." I repeat to Derek who is staring at me with the usual guilty expression I always get from him.

"Fine," He says, finally giving up. "You can't blame me--" I cut him off.

"Don't even go there." I snap quickly while widening my eyes slightly. If he tries to excuse him hitting me again I will finally break and call security.

"Blame me for trying to talk to you." Derek finishes while staring at me with narrowed eyes. He doesn't get my harsh tone which makes my blood boil. 

"And why's that?" I ask with a scoff.

"We spent years together. Excuse me for trying to fix us." He says.

"Should've thought about that before you cheated on me and hit me," I say without thinking. Derek shakes his head and shrugs his shoulders. His fingers run through his hair and he doesn't respond to what I said. "So you did cheat on me?" I ask.

He doesn't answer at first. He doesn't even speak. I just get a nod as an answer.

"For how long?" I manage to ask. 

"A year and a half maybe." My ex says which causes my eyes to pinch. He looks to his feet and itches his head,

I just nod and look to the files on my desk. "You can go now." I dismiss harshly.

He doesn't argue or say anything. He simply leaves my office, closing the door behind him. I plop myself down in my chair and let out a massive deep breath. My heart is slightly racing and my head is throbbing by what he just admitted.

He's cheated on me for that long?

I reach for my phone that's a few inches away from my reach and start typing away. I just need his company even though I know I shouldn't be around him right now.



so i have strep throat and the stomach bug but i managed to write a chapter that's semi shitty. sorry for the possible typos

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