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Quinn POV {past}

When I get to the hilltop, I see Harry's truck already there, parked. 

I get out of my car and walk over to the bed of this truck where he's sitting. His eyes don't look over at me, he's just staring forward. I see a small purple blanket on his lap and his hands are gripping onto it tightly. 

I sit down beside Harry, who doesn't move or react at all. He just remains in the same position like he's frozen.

"What did you need to talk about?" I ask timidly, breaking the thick silence between us. My eyes are on Harry who looks to be in a deep thought. 

"Um," Harry begins to speak a few moments later. "I think it's best if we break up." 

His words cause pain to my heart and automatically make me choke up on words. "W-What?" I ask, unable to really make out that one word. 

"We're breaking up." He says simply like it's nothing. Harry is still not even looking at me.

"Why? What's going on?" I ask worriedly. 

What the fuck is happening? 

"That's all I wanted to say Quinn." Harry says, dismissing me. 

"No. Look at me," I say sternly. He doesn't listen; he just continues to stare forward in a daze. "Harry." I say, tugging at his arm. 

His body jerks by my simple touch. "Don't touch me. Just go Quinn." Harry says to me in a low, deep, grumble.

"I-I don't even understand why you're breaking up with me. O-Or why you're home." I say though trembling words. Confusion runs through my mind as well as many other painful thoughts.

"Because I don't want to be with you anymore, okay? That's why. The reason why I'm home is none of your business, so leave. That's all I wanted to tell you." He says while finally looking over to me. His eyes are dark looking as well as the circles under his eyes.

My eyes look to the blanket on his lap, which makes my head tilt. "Is that Alyssa's?" I ask.

"Leave, Quinn. Get out of my truck and leave." I see no remorse in his words. Sadness isn't written on his face either. There isn't any readable expression on his face but anger. 

I look down at my feet dangling off the bed of his truck and shake my head. "Har-" He cuts me off when I try to speak.

"Get the fucking hint that I don't want to be with you anymore Quinn!" Him yelling at me causing my body to flinch and my eyes well up with fresh tears.

Harry has never yelled at me before. Not like this. He's risen his voice, but he's never yelled.

Not one bit of regret is on his face from him yelling. Not even a look like he regrets it. 

I bite my lip to stop my jaw from trembling. Scared to what he will do if I don't go, I slide off the bed of his truck and jog to my car. Tears are rolling down my cheeks by everything that just happened. 

I don't even know what just fucking happened.


When I get home I see the Styles house it lit up. Every possible light looks to be on. 

I get out of my car and slowly walk towards my house, not knowing what's going on with them. It's nearly eleven at night, and I'd expect all the kids to be in bed by now. 

When I look back to my house, I find Evan on my porch steps with a bear pressed against his cheek. "Hey kiddo." I say to him with furrowed eyebrows. 

I wipe my cheeks that have damp tears, and I pull off a fake smile for his sake.

"Hi." He mumbles back to me. 

I sit down beside Evan and look at his face that looks distraught. 

"Why aren't you in bed?" I ask him. His shoulders shrug and he wipes his eyes. "Everything okay?" 

"N-No." The little boy answers sadly. 

"What's wrong?" I ask him. 

Evan doesn't answer at first. His eyes that were on me just drop to his lap, and his hold on the bear becomes more tight. "A-Alyssa d-died this after-afternoon." He manages to say through trembling words.

With welled up eyes, I bite my lip, knowing that I can't cry right now. "But, your Mom said she was g-getting better." I bring up. 

I just saw her two days ago. How can she be gone?

"T-The Doctors found more um, cancer i-in her body. A-And she did-didn't wake up f-from her nap to-today." Evan says through stammers. His brown eyes are filled with tears which make my own eyes burn.

I pull him into my chest where he sobs. A few tears drop from my eyes from everything that Evan told me right now.

"I want my little sister." Evan says against my chest. My heart breaks by his words. 

"She will always be with you, okay?" I say to Harry's youngest brother.

I break away from our hug and wipe his cheeks. We make eye contact and I give him a gentle grin. "How?" He asks me with a gentle pout. 

"Look at the stars." I say simply.

I remember when my grandfather died, my grandmother used to always tell me to look at the stars whenever I missed him. She went on to say that stars always look down on us, and sometimes there is that one star pops out at us compared to the other ones. So, when I feel like missing him, just look at the one star and think it's him. 

Oddly enough whenever I miss her and look at the stars, there is always one that catches my eye. Even if I look away from it, it's still there catching my attention. 

"Why?" Evan asks me. 

I explain to Evan what my grandmother told me. As I went on, the more hope laid in his eyes, which made my heart warm. 

"But what if she's in pain? O-Or what if she's not happy?" He asks.

As Alyssa went on with Chemo, the more weak and less alive she looked in a sense. She always look tired and ready to just sleep. I would never tell Evan this, but I bet she's not in pain anymore. I know it comes off like her passing is better than being alive, because it's not. She had a whole life for her that I wish she still had. But at least she isn't living in this on going pain anymore. 

"Perhaps they aren't stars then," I come up with. "Maybe they're openings in heaven, where the love of our lost ones pour through and shines down on us to let us know they're happy."

His eyes that were once on me then look up to the stars, which makes me smile gently. His hand holds mind tightly as he stares at the sky hopefully

Evan stops looking around when he finds his star, which makes me smile. I rub his lower back and just stare up at the sky with him.

We spend the rest of the night doing this in silence. 



comment goal: 50??


i should be doing homework but writing seemed better lmaooo


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