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Quinn POV

My head lifts off of Harry's chest the following morning. My eyes are groggy and my body feels relaxed. I take a look at Harry who has his arm draped around me and smile softly. I lean down and plant my lips to his forehead. He has always looked peaceful as he slept.

I just stare at his sleeping self and just start thinking, which isn't the thing I like to do. But thinking about not seeing him every morning or witnessing how beautiful he looks as he sleeps makes my stomach pinch and my heart burn.

I trace circles on his skin softly and just take in the choice I found out that I just made.

Harry moves a little and opens his pale green eyes. A small grin escapes on his pink lips and he shifts a little to look at me. "How long have you been awake?" He asks me. His morning voice sends shivers up my spine and makes my smile grow wider.

"Not long." I answer while straddling his lap. My arms hook around his neck and we just stare into each others eyes. His arms wrap around my waist and he kisses my cheek. I rest my head on his shoulder and let out a deep breath.

"What are you thinking about?" He asks me in a low mumble.

"That I missed you." I admit, making his dimples appear on his cheeks.

"I missed you more." Harry replies back, making me chuckle.

"I'll stay with you." I find myself saying aloud randomly.

"What?" He asks.

"I'm not breaking up with you," I say while lifting my head up from his shoulder to look at him. We make eye contact which makes my heart race a little. "When your baby comes I won't ditch."

I bite my lip and stare at Harry who has soft eyes. "Are you sure this is what you want Quinn?" Harry asks while stroking my lower back with his thumb.

I nod. "I want to be with you. And I won't give that up because of what's going on. I just needed space to think about it all, you know?"

He doesn't reply. He just holds me tighter against him and buries his head into my neck. "I love you so much."

"I love you too." I say back while closing my eyes against his tight but comfortable hold.

"I thought I was going to lose you again." Harry says while mumbling against me. My heart pinches by his words and I relax my body into his comforting hold.

"You aren't." I say through a soft whisper. I close my eyes and nuzzle my head into his body more.

His lips touch the side of my head causing me to grin, and his fingers run through my hair. We spent the rest of the morning in bed cuddling and enjoying each others company.


It's two in the afternoon now and I'm in the kitchen cleaning dishes from lunch. Harry made us a grilled chicken, avocado sandwich at noon and it was amazing.  As he's taking a shower, I figured I should clean up the kitchen in the mean time.

I'm wearing one of  my over sized tee shirts with a messy high bun. My glasses are on and it feels nice to just wear comfortable clothes for the day.

Without me realizing it, I feel his strong arms wrap around me and his head nuzzle into my neck. I smile to myself and scrub the pan that is dirty. "How was your shower?" I ask my boyfriend who's grinning against my neck.

"Good," Harry answers. He kisses my neck which makes my eyes close a little by the feeling. "You look very cute right now."

"Hm, thank you," I say. "When I'm done do you wanna watch a movie?" I ask.

"Sure. What movie do you have in mind babe?" He asks.

I pause to think about what movie I feel like watching. "Clueless." I answer.

"Sounds like a plan. Do you have it on DVD?" Harry asks me.

"No I bought it on ITunes. It's hooked up on my Apple TV." I say.

"Wow, aren't you fancy with the Apple TV." He mocks, making me snicker.

"It's convenient." I say while turning off the sink that was running warm water. I turn around and face my boyfriend who has his eyes on me. He smiles softly and leans in and plants his lips to my forehead.

I lean up and peck his soft pink lips as his arms hook around my waist comfortably. My hands rest on his cheeks as our kiss deepens.

His hands slide down my back and rest on my butt which sends shivers up my spine. My back ends up being pressed against the counter and his body presses against mine.

For a split second a memory of Derek flashes through my mind by the many times I was in this type of position with him, even though I didn't want to be.

I pull away from the kiss by the memory, which causes Harry to tilt his head at me. "Sorry." I say.

"Everything okay?" He asks, questioning my slight change of mood. I shake my head and smile softly.

"I just want to take it slow." I say honestly.

"Okay," Harry says while stroking my cheek and kissing my forehead. His arms hook around my body and my head nuzzles into his broad chest. His fingers run through my hair, causing me to relax. "Did he ever force himself on you?" He asks a few moments later. I don't answer his question. I just hold onto him more, which causes his arms to tighten more around me and his head to press against mine.

"He's a piece of fucking shit." I hear Harry mumble.

"I'm fine," I say. "It's my fault for staying after anyways."

"Don't put the blame on yourself Quinn. I—" Harry pauses mid sentence and just holds me more. His fingers run through my hair and his lips touch my cheek. "If you need to talk about it I'm here okay? Don't keep whatever you have bottled in because you have me."

I nod again his chest and lean up and kiss his cheek. There are many secrets hidden in Derek and I's relationship that I want to forget about, yet they keep coming to my mind lately.



If this gets 50ish comments I'll update again (:

Ily all!


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