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Quinn POV {six months later} 

I walk into my building Tuesday morning with a lingering headache. 

It could be the fact that I haven't had my morning coffee, or it could be the fact that I was up all night with Harry to keep him occupied as he waited on Wendy's call about the baby, since she's due at any moment now.

I haven't really thought about that fact that it's possible that in a few days a baby will be soon living with us part time, and the closer it is to happening, the more freaked out I become. 

Throughout the pass months, Harry and I have grown closer, which makes me feel confident in our relationship. Two-ish months ago, he moved in, and we both decorated the nursery for his son. Wendy was fine with the idea, but it took her some time to come around to it, which I understood. Besides that, we've been good. Really good actually. 

I sit down in my chair behind my desk and rest my head back. I let out a deep breath and rub my tired eyes that have no makeup. I didn't have time this morning to apply anything on my face. It's probably good for my skin that I don't have any products on anyways. 

I hear a faint knock on my door which causes me to groan a little. "It's open." I say, trying to sound happy even though I just want to be left alone for a little. 

The door creaks open slowly with my PA behind it. I smile in relief. "Good morning Ms. Adams. Can I get you anything?" Rosie asks me polity. I nod instantly and sit up.

"Mind getting me two coffees?" I ask, my voice sounds eager.

"Any food?" She asks.

"Uh, not right now. Thank you." I say. She nods and soon leaves my office. When Rosie leaves, I start gathering my things to begin working, even though all I want to do is sleep.

At least I can leave work early since I'm having dinner with my Father at four at his house. My sister and her family will be there as well, which I'm excited for. I just hope I gain some form of energy before then. I may just take a quick nap during my lunch so I'm not a zombie at dinner tonight. 


My "quick" nap during my lunch turned into me sleeping through the rest of the work day, that included some important meetings. Before I left to my Fathers house, I rescheduled all the meetings and sent out a lengthy email to all of those who sat and waited for me.

I leave my office around five thirty. 

I add little makeup and fix my hair that got messed up from my slumber, on the couch rested in the spacious room that keeps me away from the outside world. Some people hate the idea of sitting in an office all day, but I happen to love it. I love how sometimes it's my little get away. 

I sent a text to my Father telling him I'm on my way and once again apologizing for being late. I texted Harry as well, telling him I'll be arriving later than him. He hasn't answered, so I assume he's driving or already there and are playing with my nieces. 

I shove my phone inside my purse and head to the elevator. I'm so not looking forward to this traffic.


Once I arrive to my old house, I spot Anne walking down the porch in a small rush. Her hazel eyes land on me as I close my car door shut. "Oh, Quinn, did Harry tell you?" She asks, her voice raising in excitement.

My attention goes to Des who's walking down the porch in a somewhat hurry. "No, what's up?" I ask, walking over to Anne who has a smile.

"Wendy went into labor," She says, grinning still. "Harry didn't call you?" 

I shake my head, and put my lower lip between my teeth. My cheeks flush as well, and the smile leaves his Mother's mouth. "He'll probably call me once everything is you know, settled down and what not," I come up with. She nods and looks to her husband who is now standing beside her. "Anyways, I don't want to hold you guys up." 

"You never do sweetheart." She squeezes my shoulder before walking to her car, and I head to my house. Right now all I want to do is eat, I'm so hungry I can't even think that Harry is now a Father.


After a while of being with my family, Harry sent me a text telling me Wendy started getting contractions this morning. I try to push down the feeling of sadness by a text instead of a phone call. 

He hasn't asked if I wanted to stop by either. 

Hanging out with my two nieces made my day though. They're so happy all the time and they're overall great children. Maria, who is now three, fell asleep on me as we watched a movie, which I thought was cute. And her sister, Gianna, fell asleep on my lap.

Around 10 everyone started to leave my Fathers, including myself. My condo is about a half an hour from here. 

Harry is still on my mind, like always. In this moment doubt is present and I feel like I put myself in a situation I don't want to be in. 

I shake my head to myself and start driving away. I always overthink when something doesn't go my way. I need to break that habit. 



idk if it was obvious but i took a break from wattpad ,, but I'm back! I kinda got unmotivated and felt like writing wasn't fun anymore. So i just needed a break until I missed it, and I did, so I'm back. Also, i read some bomb ass books which inspired the fuck outta me lol



tysm for reading :)


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