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Quinn POV

The more the months go on, the more comfortable I'm becoming with the whole Jamie thing. I'm slowly but surely allowing myself to become more opened towards him, and since then, I haven't felt stressed and anxious when he comes over.

It's September now, and Jamie is currently five months old. The more he becomes older, the more I see the complexion between him and Harry. It's cute to witness if I'm being honest. He's starting to get dimples as well.

Harry had to leave the condo a while ago because an emergency happened at the restaurant. He asked to me pack Jamie's things for his Mom's house, so when she picks him up, he's ready. 

We're sitting on the couch watching TV as we wait for Wendy currently. I'm aware he doesn't watch TV, but I do. He's on my lap, holding his teddy bear, and has his head against my chest. I look at the clock and see he's supposed to have a snack soon. His Mom should be here any moment though, so I don't know if I should wait to feed him.

I decide on feeding him now, just so he's not irritable. I carry him over to the kitchen and put him in his high chair. His green eyes are on me and his arms are reaching towards me. My heart swells by his action, and I smile at the cute little boy near me..

"I'm gonna feed you buddy." I say to James who still insists I pick him up. His lip pouts and he starts moving in his chair. I sigh in defeat and pick up the baby before he cries. "Better?" I ask Jamie who turned his pout into a smile. He kisses me and rests his head on my shoulder. 

I hear the doorbell goes off, which makes me frown a little. I like being alone with James and all. I begin to head to the front door so I don't make Wendy wait. I pull back the front door and land my eyes on Jamie's Mom who has a resting smile.

"Oh, there is my little boy," She says happily while taking him out of my hold. "Is Harry home?" Wendy asks, stepping into the house.

We walk to the living room so she can grab his bag and all. "No, an emergency came up at the restaurant," I explain briefly. "But uh, his snack time is coming up, and he's changed, so he should be good."

I look at Jamie who's staring at me with a smile. He's not coming back over until Saturday, so Harry and I won't see him for three days. "Okay, thank you," Wendy says, smiling at me. I nod, returning the smile she's giving me. I pick up the overnight bag hand it over to her. "Also, thank you for helping out Harry with Jamie. A lot of women would run, but I'm glad you stayed. I know how much you mean to him." She says, causing my head to tilt.

"Was that sarcasm?" I ask, chuckling a bit.

Her blue eyes widen. "No! I didn't mean for it to come out like, I'm so sorry," She says with a flushed face. "I just knew from the moment you stayed at the old condo, that it was over between him and I," Her words cause me to frown. "Not like it's a bad thing--I just can't seem to find words that doesn't make me sounds like an asshole," Wendy pauses to gather her thoughts. "I'm just glad that this little guy didn't scare you off for Harry's sake. He's truly an amazing guy." 

I bite my lower lip and run my hand through my hair. "May I ask you something?" 

"Of course." She says, smiling gently.

"What was the real reason you ended it with Harry? Didn't you know you were pregnant?" I ask timidly. I hope I'm not overstepping.

Wendy sighs softly and adjusts her hold of James in her arms. "I took a test at work one day. And when I looked at that pregnancy test and saw it was positive, I was excited. I was having a baby with the man I love--the only guy that truly didn't pressure me. I go home that day and I see him smiling at his phone, texting you. Later that night, he told me this story of you both from high school, and the look in his eyes just showed me he was still madly in love with you. 

I know he loved me, but I also knew he wasn't in love with me. At the time, I didn't know for sure if I was pregnant, because tests could be wrong. So, I waited to tell him, because I knew if I told him while we were still together, he would've stayed just for our baby, but be emotionally in love with you. 

So the next day, I broke up with him. I wanted Harry to be happy and in love. So, then I went to the doctors a few weeks later and found out, for sure, that I was three months pregnant. I wasn't that happy, just for the fact that I'd be a single mom, not in love anymore, and everything would be different. But Jamie is the best thing that's happened to me, so everything worked out in the end." 

Wendy finishes explaining, and her words cause me pain just for the fact she put her love for Harry first, and broke up with him so he could be happy with me. 

"Oh wow." I say, causing her to chuckle.

"So that's my side of everything. I have no hard feelings, because there will be someone that's in love with me out there. But, I should go now, I don't want this little guy to be starving. Thank you for watching him again." 

"Anytime." I say with a grin. 

I hate how much I like Wendy and how sweet she is towards me.

I walk them to the door and watch them get into her car. Once she leaves, I close the front door and let out a deep breath. 

Our conversation wasn't intense, but the feelings I have right now are.


good afternoon peeps!

comment goal: 50????

^ if we could get that i'll update again today!!

have an amazing day!

thoughts on the book?


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