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Quinn POV

Friday rolls around and my day is pretty calm. Harry and I have plans around five, but besides that I'm mostly just working on my upcoming lines and such that I want to create, and or are in the process of being made.

I'm pretty sure our date tonight just consists of dinner. I'm assuming that because he hasn't given me any detail whatsoever on what else we could be doing. I'm not complaining though, a date is a date. Any time we spend together alone is always good.

Harry walks into the kitchen with his phone pressed against his ear. His eyes look at me and he just overall looks stressed. I tilt my head to the side a bit and walk over to his body. "You okay?" I mouth.

He puts the call on mute and speaks. "Yeah, just work things. How's your day?" My boyfriend asks while pecking my cheek.

"Pretty good. Just relaxing and sketching stuff. You?" I ask. 

"Good. I have to get back to this call but be ready to leave by five please." He says quickly. Harry kisses me before putting the call off mute and grabbing a water from the fridge. He soon leaves the kitchen and disappears, talking on the phone loudly.

I look at the clock and see it's four now. I should probably shower and get ready to be ready by five. James is with Anne and Des, which is nice. I know how much he loves spending time with his grandparents that he doesn't see very often, which is sad.

I have no clue what to wear. He didn't tell me what restaurant we're going to or anything. When he's off the phone I'll ask I guess, I just don't want to under dress for anything.


"Mind if we stop somewhere?" Harry asks me on the way to our date. 

We left the house by five-ish, and now we're driving to god knows where. I asked where are we going to, before we left, and he just basically dismissed it and said "dress casual". He's been off all day and it makes me wonder what's up.

"No, not at all. Where are we going?" I ask curiously.

"It's a surprise." He tells me. His lips touch my cheek quickly before the light turns green and we turn down the block. I have no clue where we are nor where we are going to. I find it quite odd how he's keeping things to himself and is very discrete with his answers. 

I lean back in the seat and look out the window to admire the beautiful houses we are passing. The sun is also starting to set, which makes everything look more gorgeous to me. I feel Harry's hand rest on my thigh, causing slight shivers rush up my spine and makes a gentle grin escape on my lips. I'm kind of nervous to see where the "surprise" is, but I'm trying not to think too much into it for my anxiety sake. 

Harry soon pulls up to a beautiful modern looking house that causes my head to tilt. The house lights are on, but no one is inside the home. He gets out of the house casually and wait for me by the headlights. I hesitantly get out, confused by everything happening and to why we're here. 

The house has a two-door garage and has a cute porch where people are able to sit under shade at. Part of the house, on the outside, also has a rock pattern which makes it very neat looking. The grass is neatly trimmed as well. 

I don't speak, or ask any questions because I'm taking in the beauty of everything. I look to my boyfriend who opens the front door to the house. My eyebrows furrow a bit but I go along with it. 

We step into the empty house and I look around. It's a very large, open space that has dim lighting from the sun going down. I can tell in the day it would be a very bright looking house from the windows being opened. "What are we going here?" I finally ask, looking at Harry who has a gentle smile on his lips.

"Do you like it?" He asks, ignoring my general question.

"I mean, yeah, it's beautiful." I gush as I walk around. The downstairs contains of a living room and den as from what I can see. The kitchen is around here somewhere but Harry stops me in the den. His arms are around my waist and his dimples are on his cheeks.

"It's five bedroom, one of which is an office, three bath, and is five miles from the elementary school; down the block from a middle school, and less than ten minutes from the high school. The neighborhood has a bunch of families, but is also very private. The backyard is huge and contains an in-ground pool as well," Harry says, making my eyebrows furrow. "It's fifteen minutes away from your job, ten minutes away from my restaurant, and twenty minutes away from our parents house."

"I'm confused." I say, chuckling a bit.

"Well, I had time off these past two weeks off because Jamie was with me and I thought why not go house hunting so we can start our own family," Harry explains. "So, do you like it?" He asks again.

"Wait, this is our house?" I ask, widening my eyes.

"It will be if we sign the papers." He says, kissing my cheek.

"Can we take a look at the kitchen?" I ask. Harry nods, and takes my hand leading to the kitchen that is stunning. Everything is redone and looks spotless. 

"Like it?"

"It's beautiful." I say, smiling to myself.

"Just like you," He remarks, making me nudge his chest. His arms wrap around my body, pulling me closer to his chest. "What do you think? And be honest."

"It's more than what I could ask for, seriously," I say while turning around to face him. "What's the office for?" I ask.

"You." He says, kissing my cheek.

"Me?" I ask.

"Yes, you. I thought once we get out family started in the future you'd want to still work, so I thought picking a house that had an office would help. Also, sometimes you might want to work from home so." Harry explains as his eyes lock with mine. My heart swells by his explanation, but guilt also fills my body by accusing him of not thinking about our future.

"How long have you been house hunting?" I ask curiously.

"A while. I've been visiting by myself for the past three months, but found this house last week-ish." He says.

I nod and break away from his grasp to walk around. I admire everything, even the small details of each room. "I love this house." I say honestly. 

I turn around and see Harry staring at me with a gentle grin. "I'm glad, we can sign the papers later. Want to take a look upstairs?" He asks, taking my hand.

"Yeah." I say, smiling softly.

We start towards the stairs that are near the foyer then walk upstairs. The stairs are covered with carpet that seems very soft and fluffy. "This is the master bedroom." Harry says, opening the bedroom door. The large room is covered with candles and rose petals. 

I can't speak because I'm so overwhelmed by how everything is planned out how gorgeous everything looks. "You didn't have to do any of this." I say, turning around to face my boyfriend.

"I had to make it romantic some how, no? It's date night tonight." He says, making me laugh. My head nuzzles into his chest and I feel my heart swell by everything that happened in such little time. 

"I love you so much Harry Styles." I say, leaning up to kiss his lips.

"I love you more Quinn, will-you-be-Styles?" He says, causing my eyebrows to furrow automatically by his wording.

"Huh?" I ask. My eyes watch his movements as he goes into his coat pocket and takes out a small black box. 

Oh fuck.



sorry for the wait, i've had a busy week

i hope you all enjoyed ;)


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