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Quinn POV

I wake up the next morning with my head cuddled into Harry's chest and my arm draped over his body. Our legs are intertwined as well which makes my heart flutter slightly.

I sit up on my mattress and keep my eyes on the boy sleeping beside me peacefully. His mouth is open a little and his eyes are screwed shut. I smile softly at how his growing curls are messy and are on the pillow case.

I lean down and plant my lips to his cheek. "I hate that I love you." I whisper to the sleeping body.

I keep my eyes on Harry for a few more moments before returning my head to his chest and intertwining my leg with his. His body reacts to mine by draping his arm over me and nuzzling his head into mine.

"I love you too Quinn." He mumbles, causing my cheeks to heat and my stomach to twist by how he heard me.

"You didn't hear that." I whisper back.

"Yes I did. You love me." I hear him say back in my ear in a low murmur. His morning voice is soothing but tired sounding.

"Mhm. Go back to bed." I say, flipping my body around to lay on my other side.

Harry cuddles his front into my back and holds onto me firmly against him. I feel his lips touch my cheek and his arm hook around me. "Now I'm awake." He says.

"Good morning then." I say while bringing the blanket up more towards my chin.

"Good morning," Harry says while resting his chin on my shoulder. "Can I take you out on a date?"

"Too soon." I hum.

"No it's not. Let me love you." He mumbles against me.

"You just broke up with—" Harry cuts me off by speaking over me.

"I'm in bed with you right now, Quinn. We're cuddling right now. Don't you think it's too soon for us to cuddle then?" He remarks.

"Possibly." I say.

"She's not in my life anymore, but you are. Let me take you out on a proper date." Harry says with a small sigh.

"I'll see," I tell him. "What time is it?" I ask.

"Seven thirty." He answers while sitting up a little to look at my clock, then laying back down.

I let out a huff and yawn a few seconds later. I need to get ready for work soon but I'm too comfortable to leave my bed.

I relax my back into Harry's chest and close my eyes by the feeling of his lips kissing my skin softly. "One date." He whispers.

"I'll think about it." I say while opening my eyes and laying down on my back.

Harry hovers over me and strokes my cheek with his thumb. His bright green eyes look into mine and he just smiles softly. "Have you heard from Derek at all?"

"Not recently." I answer.

"Are you moving back into your house then?" He asks.

"No," I say. "I'm gonna sell it. Maybe get a condo or something."

"I'm sorry he ruined the experience of owning a house for you." Harry says with a weak smile.

"It was my dumb mistake asking him to move in." I say with a chuckle.

"Did you actually love him?" He asks, still making eye contact with me.

"No," I answer truthfully. "The thought of him was nice, but being with him wasn't."

It Ends with Us {Sequel to Neighbors}Where stories live. Discover now