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Harry POV

Quinn stares at me with a blank look and furrowed eyebrows. "Um," She says while staring at me with confusion. "We'll restart this conversation. Oh, hi." She greets me again. Her eyes are a bit wide and her voice is peppy.

"Hi, I love you." I repeat again.

"You who? A you doesn't love here." Quinn remarks, making my cheeks heat.

"Quinn, I'm not joking right now." I say, causing her face to flush.

She lets me into her home and shuts the door behind my body. She stands by the front door and stares at me with a tired expression. Her hazel eyes look into mine then to the wall beside me.

"You can't be saying these things Harry." She tells me.

"I know," I say with a sigh. "I'm just so fucked up in the head right now. Since I saw you at my restaurant that night I haven't been the same—my life hasn't felt the same. When I saw you all my feelings came back in those minutes and it sucks because of the position I'm in."

"You have a girlfriend." She reminds me.

"I know and I love her, but I love you too." I say. Her head shakes by my words.

"You love the thought of me." Quinn says.

"If I loved the thought of you, I wouldn't be here right now, okay? Not speaking to you these past four days have been shit for me because I keep checking my phone to hopefully see a text from you." I explain.

"Harry, you've moved on from me. You probably just miss the memory of us being together. We're both different people from high school. You'd have to fall in love with this version of Quinn, not the one who was head of yearbook club." She says to me.

"So me wanting to kiss you right now is just because I miss the thought of kissing you?" I ask.

"If you kiss me right now, I will slap you. You will not cheat on Wendy." She warns with wide eyes.

"I also miss holding you when you sleep, holding your hand, should I go on?" I ask.

"Harry, you have a girlfriend. Go be with her." She dismisses me.

"Quinn—" She cuts me off.

"No, you don't get to do this. You had six years to admit you still loved me, for you to be with me. It's not fair for me to be strung along like this. You chose her over me when you got better, that's your fault if you regret it. I'm tired of being the idiot who takes you back after being treated like shit. You keep breaking and breaking me and I can't handle the pain of being hurt by you again." Quinn says through a long breath. "You do realize me staying with Derek was so that I wouldn't have to think about you, right?"

"Can I prove myself to you at least? We can start from the beginning and not jump into anything," I come up with. "Please Quinn." I beg.

"Why don't you start with the girl you live with, yes? She matters more right now since you're the one who has to break another girls heart." Quinn's words cut into me making my eyes sting.

"I never meant to hurt you though." I say with burning eyes and choked up words.

"Which time?" She asks making me feel worse about everything that has happened.

"I never wanted any of this to happen. I never wanted to hurt you any of the times I have. I care about you a lot, I just want to prove myself to you." I say while looking into her eyes that looks soft. 

"You had six years to prove yourself," Quinn says. Her voice is tense but the expression on her face shows how much I hurt her. All I want to do right now is wrap my arms around her body and hold her tightly against me, but I can't. "You need to figure things out on your own."

"I'll end things with Wendy." I tell her.

"Not just that. You guys live together. Settle everything between you guys. You just said you love her, how will that magically go away?" Quinn points out.

"Do you want to be with me?" I ask timidly. 

"Do I like McDonald's?" Quinn retorts with an eye roll. "Just because I like something doesn't mean it's good for me." She adds.

"I'll make us work." I say.

"Good luck with that. We didn't work out before how will this time be any different?" She asks me with a raised eyebrow.

"I like to think I've changed from high school." I say honestly.

"Hm, okay," Quinn says, rolling her eyes. "I'm going to go to bed now. You can go home to your girlfriend." Her brown eyes burn into mine. Her words cause my cheeks to heat as well.

"Do you believe me when I say I love you?" I ask before I leave her house.

"Do me a favor, be single for a while. After a few weeks, get back to me about your possible love for me." She tells me with narrowed eyes.

"Can I talk to you still while I'm single?" I ask.

"Nope, no contact." Quinn answers.

"Really?" My eyebrows furrow a bit.

"Really." She repeats, mocking me a little. "Also, I'm not part of the reason you're breaking up with her. I'm not part of this now love triangle. I will not be the other woman. You need to make up your mind and in a nice way, get your shit together." 

"If I were single when we saw each other at the restaurant, would it be different right now?" I ask curiously.

"Goodnight Harry." Quinn dismisses. I sigh a little under my breath and give up to let her be for now.

"Goodnight Quinn." I say with a gentle smile.

I leave her house and walk down the porch. I start walking to my parents house once I reached my car. I know I can't go home now, I'll be too fucked up to speak and I'll end up blurting out random shit to Wendy.

The screen door is open, so I just walk in. The house is quiet besides a small noise from the kitchen. I slowly walk over to the noise and see my Mother. She turns around and looks at me.

"Oh, what a surprise to see you here," Her voice is mocking and a smile is on her lips. I sit down at the table and huff. "Coffee, or tea?" She asks.

"Um," I pause. "Coffee." I answer.

"Will do." My Mom hums.

"I'm not in the mood for an I told you so." I warn in advance.

"Who said I'll be giving one?" My Mom questions with a raised eyebrow while glancing over at me.

I let out a deep breath and drop my head into my hands. I close my eyes for a brief moment and try to calm down my thoughts that are roaming around my mind. 

These next few days aren't going to be easy.


gooood morning

i got a whole hour of sleep, so i'm pretty brain dead right now lmao. i hope you guys liked this chapter thoughhhh

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