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Quinn POV

I return home the same day around six. Harry should be home by not, if not I'll just reheat leftovers for dinner.

I open the front door and hear the condo is silent. So silent it's kind of off putting. I didn't really live here by myself for long, but the time I was alone I hated. The silence scares me, it makes me feel lonely. 

"Harry!" I call, walking around the first floor of our home that looks empty.

"Upstairs!" He shouts, making me feel better. I sigh out of relief and head upstairs. 

I place my bag on the bed and slide off my heels that are beyond hurting my feet. "Where is your car? I didn't see it in the lot." I say while undressing.

"It's in the shop. Brakes are fucked up." Harry tells me, shrugging his shoulders and running his hand through his brown curls.

"How are they fucked?" I ask, sliding on a pair of leggings and putting on a white teeshirt. "And who took you? You didn't tell me." 

"Gemma did since her and I went out at lunch. And I've been meaning to get them replaced but haven't until today. Lets just say they weren't stopping at the red light." He explains, making my eyes widen.

"Did you crash into anything?" I ask, worried now. 

"No, I'm fine. Luckily I was approaching the light and by the time I got there it turned green. So I just drove to the auto shop and had Gemma take me home," He says, finishing his story. Harry stands from our bed and kisses my lips. "Don't worry I'm fine."

"Why have you been pushing that off? Brakes are kinda important." I say, scolding him. 

"I've been busy with the restaurant," Harry tells me, giving me an assuring grin as well which really doesn't ease my nerves. "Anyways, enough about me. How was your day?" He asks.

"Eventful," I say, sighing. "I had one of my investors come in today and tell me that next month I have to go to Italy and France for this big event to expand my brand." I say. I tried explaining the whole encounter in a short way. 

His face looks confused by my words, and he doesn't speak for a while which makes me nervous. "How long will you be gone?" He asks.

"Um, two weeks? I'll be in Italy a week, and France the second week. It won't be just business the whole time, I have time to look around and relax," I say, biting my lip. "I want you to come with me though."

Harry snickers at my last sentence, making my eyebrows furrow. "You want me to follow you around France and Italy for two weeks?" He asks, raising his eyebrow at me.

"You wouldn't be following me around," I say defensively. "We have time to ourselves and be tourists and shit. It will be fun, I even have a private jet for each trip. Jamie can come too."

"My son doesn't even want to spend the night here, so what makes you think he'd want to spend two weeks with us?" Harry asks, snapping at me slightly.

"Because it's a free vacation? And he gets to see the world?" I say, trying to come up with things. "Wendy took him on a vacation, why can't we?"

"Who said I'm going?" Harry says, making me bite my lip. "I have my restaurant to worry about Quinn. I don't trust leaving it with my managers for two weeks. Not to mention it's not a vacation, it's for your job."

"Who cares if it's meant for my job?" I ask, raising my voice. "It won't be work events all fucking week Harry. Not to mention what's wrong getting away for two weeks? Italy and France are absolutely beautiful." 

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