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Quinn POV {past}

I decided to go visit my Dad for the weekend.

I've been away from home for four months now, and I miss being in my home town. When I went to visit my Dad four months ago, it was nice and it made me grow homesick thinking about it.

I leave my old house Saturday morning with a garbage bag in my hand. It's warm out today so I'm wearing shorts and a regular tee shirt that I've had for years. I place the heavy bag into the bin and glance over to the Styles house when I hear the door slam shut.

My attention remains on the familiar body leaving the house in a sudden haste. I wipe my hands on my sides and walk a bit closer to see if who I'm seeing is actually who I think it is.

With furrowed eyebrows I speak. "Harry?" I ask. My voice sounds confused and shaky.

The body stops walking and stands still. Slowly he turns around and faces me. Harry's face is tense and broken looking, which causes me to worry. I walk closer to him and notice the difference with his appearance as well.

His hair is still the same, short but with some growing curls. His body looks more built from the last time I saw him, which is different to see. His posture is nearly perfect and Harry overall looks stern and serious.

"What are you doing in town?" I ask timidly.

Harry doesn't answer at first. His tongue just licks his pink lips and his hand runs over his head. His eyes look a bit glossy, which make me worry more. "I-I can't talk right now. I'll uh, talk to you later."

Just like that he disappears to his car and drives away.

I stand in my driveway, confused to what happened, and confused to why he's back home when he wasn't supposed to come back for another two months.


I sit in my bedroom the same night hoping to get some form of news on Harry and his appearance home. Also, on what happened with him coming back early. I try to not be offended by the fact he didn't tell me, but the thought is a failure because I am offended deep down.

My Father is downstairs watching a movie with his girlfriend, Nicole. She seems sweet. Anyone kinder than my mother is great if I'm being honest.

As the hours pass, and pass, the more restless I feel. I don't know why he's home or why he looked that angry or upset. I don't even know what he would be upset about considering it's been months since I've spoken to him.

I reach over to my lamp to turn it off, but my phone rings. The sound of it going off startles me and causes my body to jerk. I let out a deep sigh and reach for it without checking the caller.

"Hello?" I ask, not knowing who I'm talking too.

"Hey, are you free?" The familiar voice says. Harry's voice causes shivers up my spine and makes me feel numb in a sense. 

"Um, yeah why?" I ask causally even though worry starts to pile in my veins again. 

"Can you meet me at the hilltop?" His voice lowers and I hear him walk around someplace. I didn't see his truck in the driveway next door, so I don't know where he is.

"Yeah, I'll be there in ten." I say while sitting up on my mattress and running my fingers through my hair.


A few moments later our call ends and I'm left wondering what he needs to talk about.


cliff hanger??? hehe

if this gets 50 comments I'll update again


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