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Quinn POV

Dinner has come to an end and slowly everyone is leaving the Styles household one by one. Tyler left first because he had to take his daughter to her Mother's house.

Anne is clearing up the table from dessert and Harry is helping her as well. Jamie is fast asleep on the couch and the boys (Evan and Chris) are in their bedroom playing Xbox.

I'd rather not be in the same room as Gemma and Derek so I excused myself to the living room to check on Jamie who has been asleep since seven, it's eleven now.

Currently I'm sitting next to James who is on the other side of the couch sleeping peacefully. I smile as I watch him snuggle into the couch. I drape a blanket around his body and kiss the top of his head as well as turn off the TV that has old shows playing now.

Gemma walks into the living room, which makes me clear my throat and shift uncomfortably on the couch.

"Hello," She greets with a smile. She sits on the armchair and looks at me with an expression that gives away what she wants to talk about. "Mind if I join you?"

"Not at all." I say honestly. This whole situation has been nothing but odd timing and the world seeming small. 

"I feel like there is tension between us and I don't know why," Gemma starts. "Did I do something?" Her eyes look into mine and I can tell how clueless she is to what's wrong.

I chuckle a bit by everything happening. She has no clue that I was the girlfriend of Derek as they fooled around. To them I was a joke, and maybe I still am. I feel bad for her ex husband as well.

I glance to the dining room and look back to Gemma who has her eyes on me. "I dated Derek a few years ago," I start. Her eyebrows furrow by my sentence. "I dated him for a while actually."

"When?" She asks.

"When you both were cheating on the people you were with." I say bluntly, but kindly.

Her face flushes then heats quickly. Her eye contact breaks with me and her body language looks uncomfortable now. "Oh god." Gemma mumbles, running her fingers through her light brown hair.

I let out a deep breath and give an uncomfortable grin to ease the tension floating around. "Congrats on the engagement though. I hope you know what you're getting yourself into." I quickly realize how snarky my sentence sounded. My face flushes and I pick at my lip.

"What's that supposed to mean?" She asks, tilting her a head a bit at me.

"Has he ever hit you?" I ask curiously.

"No, never." She answers, widening her eyes in shock by my odd question.

"You can tell me if he has." I mention, lowering my voice a bit so no one can hear me besides Gemma.

"Derek has never laid a hand on me, seriously, never. Why would I marry someone who did that to me?" She asks, furrowing her eyebrows and giving me a look that makes my lip go between my teeth.

"Because he did that to me," I say truthfully. "And I'm just making sure he hasn't done that you. I truly have nothing against you if I'm being honest. I probably should because you were the girl who he cheated on me with. But I don't care about that because I really didn't love him and was always in love with Harry. I do care about you though, I've known you for years. And you're now having a baby with him and I'm just telling you to be careful. Okay? I know you've been with him for years but still. People can't always change." I explain quickly. I heard footsteps come closer towards us so I tried speaking as quickly as I could.

Derek enters the room and out conversation falls quiet and I sit up straighter. Her eyes are on me but she's fully aware that her fiance is standing in the doorway. She looks clearly shocked and disturbed by the news I told her.

"Ready to go babe?" Derek asks Gemma. Her hazel eyes shift off of me then go to Derek. She nods hesitantly and stands up from the chair.

"You have my number if you need me." I say to her before she leaves the living room. I rest my hand on Jamie's leg and look at the little boy sleeping peacefully. Gemma leaves the house soon and I'm left being by myself in the living room. I feel like I have a chance to breath finally.

Harry enters the room a few moments later and looks at me with a gentle smile. "Still sleeping?" He asks, nodding his head towards his son.

"Yeah," I answer, smiling softly. "Waking him up won't be fun." 

"I'm fully aware. I don't know where he got his love of sleep from." Harry says, chuckling as he sits down beside me. 

"No clue," I agree. "How are you doing?" I ask.

"Shouldn't I be asking you that?" He questions, furrowing his eyebrows.

"I'm okay," I say. "I talked to Gemma." I mention.

"Why didn't you tell me? I could've sat with you or something." He says, making eye contact with me.

"It was more of a one-on-one thing, okay? I'll let you know if anything happens." I tell Harry.

He nods, and wraps his arm around my body. He kisses my cheek and I rest my head on his shoulder. "I love you Quinn." Harry says, stroking my hair.

I don't answer. I just look at the TV that is off. "I want a baby." I say out of no where.



I made a post on twitter already but I know some of you don't have it/follow me SO i just want to say a massive THANK YOU for everyone who read Neighbors. It's officially at 900k reads, which is FUCKING AMAZING. it's also ranked #2 under Harry Styles which is fucking amazing and i'll forever be grateful for all of you.

honestly when i started wattpad i thought i'd get 20 reads on my books and 2 votes. i'm just so ahhhhhh thank you all for reading. I hope you all know I'm grateful for whoever comments / votes / reads what i publish 


i hope you all have an amazing day. and i hope you enjoyed the chapter :p

my dm's are always open if you want to chat or ask questions. I try to answer them frequently


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