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Harry POV

Quinn is passed out by the time I get up Sunday morning. Her arm is across my body and her head is resting on my chest comfortably. Her leg is fitted between the middle of my legs and she seems to be in a deep sleep.

I feel guilty getting out of bed to leave. She looks so comfortable and all I want to do is stay in bed with her. I don't even want to spend my Sunday interviewing possible new employees.

I reach for my phone that's under my pillow and shoot a text to the manager on shift today and tell her to interview someone. If anything I can see who she believes is best and see how I like them.

After my brief conversation with Jen, I return my focus to Quinn. I plant my lips to the top of her head and rub her lower back.

I soon hear my son cry in the other room. I'll have my Mom watch him for a bit just so I can have some alone time with Quinn. She's been so great about everything and the least I can do is be with her for a while without Jamie.

I leave my bedroom, walking down the hall to my sons room. When I walk in, he stops crying, making me snicker.

I pick up my son and hold him in my arms supportively. I press my lips to his forehead and stroke his smooth skin. I never knew how much love I could feel for a child after Alyssa, until now. He's my whole world, and he makes me want to be a better person so he can be proud to have me as a father.

I think of Alyssa and my eyes automatically tear up.

Every time I think about her, and how she's not living, I just think that she's no longer in pain. I miss her everyday, losing her broke something in me. Going through that was terrible, and still is. I still remember the day she came home, and her first words, first steps, first day of school, first—everything.

I still think of her as my own. With both of my parents working full time to keep up the house and pay the bills, I stepped up and took care of all my siblings. So that means treating them like my own, especially Lola and Alyssa.

Twice a week I hangout with Lola just so she can still know I'm around, considering Tyler and Gemma don't really visit because they have their own lives and live further away.

I walk back into my bedroom and sit down on the mattress. Jamie fidgets in my hold a little but relaxes in my arms.

I look to Quinn who peels her eyes open and stretches around the mattress. Her eyes look to me but stare at the baby in my arms.

I know how much she wants to be apart of his life, and be an important person to him, she just won't allow it. She has her walls up when it comes down to Jamie, and I just want her to be comfortable holding him and acting like she cares. I know she does, if she didn't, she would ask about his well being.

"Good morning." I say to my girlfriend who looks tired. She rubs her groggy looking eyes and stretches out on the mattress.

"I thought you were leaving at nine?" Quinn asks, yawning. She darts her head off the pillow with widen eyes. "I didn't wake up at eight to watch him until Anne comes. I'm sorry." Her voice is panicky.

"I cancelled the interviews today. I wanted to stay home with you and the little guy. My Mom will probably still watch him just because I want some alone time with you for a little while." I explain briefly.

I adjust Jamie in my arms and kiss his cheek. I press my cheek to his head and smile. Quinn's eyes are on us and she just grins to herself.

"I have to take a shower though, mind watching him?" I ask my girlfriend. Her mouth opens, I can tell she's trying to think of an excuse to why she shouldn't watch him alone for ten minutes. Before she could speak, I place James down in her arms and kiss her cheek. "I'll be out in a few." I hum.

I grab my towels and leave the bedroom, smiling gently to myself.

I want the three of us to act like a family—I want her to act like that's her son too. She just needs to be more comfortable with him, so I'm trying to get her to be more open.

Quinn POV

Holding Jamie without him crying, is different. A good one that is.

I look down at the little boy in my arms and smile at him. I lean down and kiss his forehead, and gently rock him in my arms. His eye color is becoming more green as he gets older, that might change though since sometimes I see a sparkle of blue.

"This isn't as bad as what I thought," I say aloud to the baby staring at me. "I feel like I scare you sometimes because when I do hold you I don't really react. I'm trying to get better with that." I say.

His eyes are on me and his lips are on a line. I don't know if it's possible that he's actually listening to what I'm saying, but I know he's paying attention. "I know it doesn't seem like it, but I do love you—in my own way I show it like asking how you're doing and all. I just don't want to come between your Mom and Dad being parents so I can get to know you."

I stroke his cheek softly and let out a small sigh. It will be better for Harry and Wendy's sake if I just keep acting how I am. The last thing I need is for her to feel like I'm hijacking her son.


It's around five now and I'm cleaning the dishes from dinner. Harry cooked, so I offered to clean.

My eyes look up to the doorframe when I see Harry walk in. His hair is damp from his shower and his eyes look a little tired.

"Can we talk for a moment?" He asks me, running his hand through his curls. Jamie is with Wendy now, until Wednesday. They switch off every three days, but with the days one of them doesn't have their son, they still visit him.

"Of course whats up?" I ask, turning off the sink to speak to my boyfriend.

He makes eye contact with me for a brief moment and leans against the counter. His eye meet mine, but I can't read the expression on his face. "I just wanted to, you know," He pauses, not evening knowing himself what he wants to talk about. "I just want to talk about where you stand with Jamie. I feel like you're holding back."

I bite my lower lip and stiffen. I didn't know that me being distant towards him was that obvious. "I'm just trying to make sure you and Wendy are good parents to him, and I don't want to interfere." I say in a slow sentence so I can make sure my sentence sounds okay.

I hear him sigh by my words, making me frown. "You aren't interfering Quinn. Wendy doesn't live here, it's just us. And I want you to be another role model in his life." Harry tells me.

"I know," My voice becomes distant. I let out a sigh and shrug my shoulders. "We don't have the best track record, you know? And if something goes south with us, at least I wasn't attached to your son."

Harry's head tilts by my words. He walks over to where I am and wraps his arms around my waist. "You're the only girl for me, okay? You're the girl I want to marry, and the girl I want to die with. I know he may not be biologically yours, but I want you to still treat him like he's your own son. I understand that's going to take time and acceptance, but I never want you to hold back on your true feelings, okay? His middle name is Henry for a reason."

I chuckle my his last sentence and press my lips to his cheek.

I just need to get used to having my walls down.


Sorry for the possible typos, I didn't have time to edit lol

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