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Quinn POV

It's Saturday morning and I'm in my office sketching out some designs for my possible new line that I have in mind. Harry is still peacefully sleeping in my bed, and I didn't want to wake him up at six in the morning when he had a busy few days at the restaurant. 

My chef, Lucia, is coming over in a few to make breakfast as well. By the time she comes over Harry should be up, if not I'll have her make a plate for him and put it in the fridge. 

I look up from my desk and find my boyfriend leaning against the door frame. His shirtless self looks tired and his brown curls look messy as well. I smile as I look at him and stand up from my desk chair. "Good morning." I greet Harry with a kind voice.

I walk over to his body and press my lips to his cheek. I flash a friendly smile and stand in front of him. His groggy green eyes meet mine and he smiles back, making his deep dimples to appear on his semi rosy cheeks.

"Good morning. How long have you been up?" His raspy morning voice sends shivers up my spine and causes my teeth to gnaw at my lower lip.

"Since six. My chef is coming over in a little bit to make breakfast." I add with a gentle grin. I walk back over to my desk and sit down. Harry follows and sits in front of me on one of the chairs I have beside my desk. 

"Your chef?" He questions, raising his eyebrow at me.

"Yeah. Lucia, she's a great cook." I describe briefly.

"Since when did you have a cook?" Harry asks eyeing me questionably. 

"For years. She's great, you'll love her." I say, picking up my pencil and picking at the eraser. 

"I could've made us something." He tells me.

"I know, but it's your day off and I do pay her to cook for me. It's no biggy," I say with a gentle grin. Harry doesn't answer after that. He just nods and leans back in the chair. "Everything alright?" I question. He doesn't seem his usual perky self, and I don't know why.

"No," He pauses for a short moment. His fingers run through his curls and he sighs. "Wendy texted me saying an appointment slot opened for this morning and she went without me." 

My heart drops by his words. I sit up straighter and pick at my lower lip with my fingers. "Does that mean she found out the gender?" I ask timidly.

"Yeah," His voice travels off. "We're having a boy." 

The room falls silent for a short moment and I just keep my eyes on Harry who looks bothered by the whole thing. "I'm sorry she didn't ask you to go."

His shoulders shrug. "I should get used to her being asshole, right?" He chuckles a little. "It's whatever I'll just ask for an ultrasound photo." 

I know it's not whatever, and him being sad makes my heart hurt. 

I walk over to Harry and sit down on his lap. My arms hug around his neck and his arms hug around my waist. "It's okay to be sad." I tell him.

"I don't want to be sad though." He tells me.

"I know," I say. "But it's okay if you are. I know you wanted to be there when you found out." 

I pull away from our hug and lean in and kiss his lips. "I love you." Harry says, resting his head on my shoulder.

"I love you too," I say with a soft smile. "Congrats on having a little boy." I say, causing him to smile at me. 


I arrive to my Dad's house around five o'clock. He invited Harry and I over for dinner, which I thought was nice. 

Harry is meeting us here though because he got called into the restaurant for a small emergancy. He told me he just left ten minutes ago so he'll be here soon.

As I set up the table, my Father comes up besides me with this look like he needs to tell me something. "What is it?" I ask, not wasting time on the bullshit talk.

"Harry has a baby on the way I've heard." My cheeks heat by his sentence. I haven't brought it up to my Father about the whole situation and I wasn't going to for a while because of his opinion.

"Who'd you hear that from?" I ask, lowering my voice.

"Anne." My Dad admits, causing me to just nod. 

"Is there a reason why you brought it up?" I ask, looking back at the man standing next to me.

"Yeah," He lets out a sigh with the one word. "Do you really want to be a step mom at twenty four?" 

"Dad-" He cuts me off by continuing to speak still.

"I'm not saying it's a bad thing that you want too darling," He starts. "I'm just saying that considering your guys history of being off-and-on, do you think that would be ideal for his child to be around?" My dad asks me curiously. 

I remain silent for a moment, not knowing what to say. "It's different this time." I say.

"How so?" My Dad asks. "Don't get me wrong, I like you guys together because he makes you happy. But I just want you to really think about where you guys stand. When his ex gives birth to his baby, he won't have as much time for you anymore. His focus will be his child, and are you ready for that? He may rely on you for help, are you ready to take care of a baby that's not even half you? Will you be able to look at this baby and feel love still even though it's half of Wendy?" 

We get interrupted by the door bell. 

My Dad's girlfriend kindly gets it for us and I break eye contact from my Father who is making me have anxiety about all of this.

"Just think about it Quinn. I know you love him, but will you be able to love what he's bringing into this world too?" 

I don't answer my fathers last question because Harry walks into the dining room. I smile as I see him and walk over to his body. I hug him hello and kiss his cheek even though I want to cry. 


hello! how's everybody??

I'm very excited for the rest of this book ahhhhhhhhh

comment goal: 50ish???? 

have an amazing day!


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