Josh Burrage ~ Come Back?

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(Y/F/N) = your friend's name


(Y/F/N) and I were excitedly waiting in our theater seats, waiting for Newsies to start. But I couldn't help but have a small nagging feeling in the back of my mind, a feeling that told me that I couldn't always afford luxuries like this. It was hard enough that my mother had died, and now, my father was struggling to sustain my 3 siblings and I as well as himself.

"D'ya think you'll be able to meet...You-Know-Who?" my friend asked, smiling slyly and nudging me.

I smiled back, the nagging feeling still poking at me. "Probably not. You know I don't--I can't afford luxuries like that. I'm grateful enough that my father was able to scrounge enough money to be able to get me a seat at Newsies on Tour. Not all of us are slumming it up in gold pools."

"I never said--" (Y/F/N) began, but the lights dimmed and the show began.

Sighing, (Y/F/N) threw me one last look. "You never know, (Y/N). Something could happen."

And she turned to the stage, leaving me to my thoughts as I followed her lead and did the same.

During the show, my eyes kept drifting to the one and only Josh Burrage. It might've been my imagination, but I thought I saw him smirk at me whenever he caught me staring. I would shyly smile back and feel my face heat up, then look away, only to have myself watch Josh again.


"Now that was the best show I have ever seen." I remarked happily as I walked out of the theater with my friend. She had decided that if I wasn't able to get a Playbill and have it signed after the show, she would save her Playbill for another show and not get hers signed tonight. What a great friend, right? I couldn't ask for more.

"I know, right?" she replied. "I just wish....." she sighed. "Oh, never mind."


"Oh, it's nothing." she replied, slightly glaring at me. 

I dropped it, knowing that look. 

We reached the curb, about to cross the street. But a voice stopped us. 

"Hey! Wait!" the voice called out.

The both of us turned around, and we were greeted with the sight of Josh pushing his way through the crowds and running towards us. (Y/F/N) nudged me (correction: elbowed me to the point where my stomach could feel it) while smiling widely.

Josh stopped when he reached us, leaning on his knees and holding up a finger, telling us to wait. When he caught his breath, he straightened up, and smiled his glorious smile.

"Okay. Let's try this again. Hi, I'm Josh. But you probably already knew that." he said, holding out a hand to shake. I shook it, then he moved his hand to (Y/F/N) to shake.

"(Y/N), nice to meet you." I replied.

"(Y/F/N)." my friend added.

"Nice to meet you both, ladies. Now, why in the world would you want to leave early? Don't you have Playbills for us Newsies to sign?"

My friend looked at me sympathetically as I looked down at my feet. "Uhhh, we....we......we're really tired and wanted to go home." she said slowly, still watching me.

Josh raised an eyebrow. "Really?" he replied skeptically.

"I just can't afford stuff like that." I mumbled.

"You what?" Josh asked, holding a hand over his heart, eyes wide.

"I just can't--" I started to repeat, but Josh waved his hand, stopping me.

"I heard you. But how--"

"My family isn't as rich as others. That's all." I said simply.

"Now that. Is just terrible." Josh replied gravely.

I almost laughed at Josh's expression. "It is, isn't it?"

My friend had sighed in relief and was smiling approvingly at me.

"Now, how would you like to get free everything?" Josh asked suddenly. "Your friend too."

"Excuse me?" 

"You heard me. Free Playbills, free tickets, free seats, free everything." Josh said, nodding and smiling excitedly. "And would I add that this is for every Newsie show with us in it?"

"Free--Are you--You can't be--What--How is that--" I stuttered, then took a deep breath and started again.

"Free. Everything. Free. How is that possible? I mean, not that I'm complaining. It's just--you need the profit to help you guys on your tour! Why are you doing this for me? For us?" I spluttered, gesturing to my friend and I.

"Well," Josh began, rubbing the back of his neck and turning a bright red. "You are really pretty. And I might like you a bit."

I blushed. "Really? And what about the free everything deal? How would you feel if I turned it down?"

"Well, first off, I would be really sad. Like, really really sad. I would also be offended, as it's kinda rude." he said, looking at his feet.

I smiled reassuringly. "How would you feel if I accepted your offer?"

Josh slowly raised his head. "To start off, probably beyond happy. And really really--I'd basically be on Cloud 9."

"Would you feel better than you do now if I accept your offer?"

Josh thought for a moment, then nodded his head. 

I smile again. "Fine, then. I'll take you up on your offer."

Josh fist pumped. "YES!" Then he quickly composed himself. "I mean, yes. Of course. That's wonderful!"

My friend and I laughed. "Don't worry about being so formal. I wasn't one for following rules, anyway."

"Neither was I." my friend added.

"Great! You can look forward to seeing some things in the mail soon." he said, beaming.

"Thank you, Josh." I replied, nodding my head in thanks. "I couldn't have asked for more."

"Well, I just want you to come back." he stated sheepishly. "Even if I did send you those tickets and Playbills, would you still come back if you could?"

"Of course I would. You guys are amazing! I wouldn't pass up a chance to see you guys again."

"All right. I've got to get back. All my Fansies have been giving me looks this whole time." Josh laughed.

I smiled back. "Go ahead. I'm not leaving this town anytime soon. Here, give me your phone."

Josh handed me his phone, and I quickly typed in my number, then looked for his number. I saw it, then memorized it and handed his phone back to him.

"Come back soon?" he asked hopefully.

"Of course. I wouldn't miss the chance to come back for the world."

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