Dean Winchester ~ Not-So In Distress

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"Oh, come on." I grumbled at the monster before me. A vengeful ghost, to be exact. I had heard about a haunting in a town near where I was, so I decided to check it out and see if it was worth my time. And I also just needed a reason to get moving. I had been cooped up in my car and crappy motel rooms for the past couple weeks.

Turns out, this was worth my time, and I had eventually tracked down the source of the haunting to a set of old, rotten bones. You know, the usual. I had just salted them and threw gasoline on it before I was so viciously thrown halfway across the damn graveyard.

"I just came out to have a good time and honestly I am feeling so attacked right now." I groaned as I shakily got to my feet, wondering where I'd find a good enough weapon to ward off the ghost until I could set fire to the bones. "Quite literally, might I add."

I glanced around for something made of iron, but nothing was usable. I was virtually stuck here until I could get to the bones. Which, might I add, was blocked because the ghost was standing between me and my destination.

"Oh, Supreme Being, whatever and wherever you are, please send some divine help. Thank you." I muttered to myself as I got thrown again.

Jesus Christ, it would be amazing and a miracle if I came out of this with no broken bones. I thought to myself.

"Whoa! Hey! Stop throwing the girl around!" a voice called out from somewhere to my right. I looked over to see two guys running over like their lives depended on it. "She didn't do--"

It looked like they stopped a few feet from the dug up grave, the taller one stopping the shorter one and nudging him, gesturing to the hole I had spent the past hour digging up.

"She's a hunter." I heard him mutter as he pulled out a lighter and dropped it into the open grave.

"And she was in distress." the shorter one agreed.

"Uh, guys? I had it handled." I called over as the fire in the ditch roared, giving off a comfortable heat which I huddled by as soon as I reached the duo. "I was totally not in distress."

"Riiiiight. Which is why you got thrown across the graveyard by a ghost." the shorter one smirked. "I'm Dean, by the way. This is my brother, Sam."

"Oh wow, I've been graced by the presence of the Winchesters." I laughed, earning a glare from Dean and a quiet chuckle from Sam. "I'm (Y/N)."

"Lucky this ghost wasn't too dangerous. It was probably a newer ghost; it seemed slightly more docile than the ones I usually encounter." Sam mused. I shrugged, picking up my supplies and heading back to my Jeep. 

"Nice to finally meet you Winchester boys." I called out the window once I put my tools away and was seated in my car. "Maybe we'll see each other around."


Fucking werewolves. 

Of all the creatures I had to encounter this time, it had to be werewolves.

"Come on, guys, can we just get this over with?" I called as I slashed through a werewolf and shot another, turning back to shoot the first one for good measure. "I had a great movie marathon planned tonight, and then you guys had to come around and mess it up."

"You're the one who came out searching for us." a wolf hissed before lunging at me. I shot it before it reached me, the dull thud telling me it wouldn't be getting up within the next few hours.

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