Enjolras ~ Black, My World If She's Not There

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Well, I've gotten sucked into the world of Les Mis now, so that's fun

I was expecting to come out of this falling in love with one character, but guess what?

I'VE FALLEN FOR TWO OF THEM, with Enjolras as one (the other is Marius). Life's great. :)



Living in 19th century France on the less privileged side of town was quite exciting if you asked me. You never knew what was going to happen around the corner (both literally and figuratively). Especially since there was this phenomenon that let you find your soulmate.

You see, this phenomenon made you see the world in black and white until you found your soulmate. And when you meet your soulmate, your world is turned from a plain black, white, and gray world into one full of colors. One of the first things to turn color is your soulmate's eyes. Those are the first things for you to see in color. Call me a cliché sap, but I find it romantic. I've also heard you would see streaks of color here and there if your soulmate was close.

I haven't quite found my soulmate yet, and I was slightly worried, but not exactly obsessed with finding them. They'd come in their own time. Besides, I was helping run a revolution, so who needs another distraction?

Although, as time went on and more and more people around me found their soulmates, I began to feel a bit lonely. Sure, it was great seeing so many people find happiness, especially during a time like this. It's not as much as before the revolution, but there were those few that found love still.

I sighed as I pushed myself off of the wall I was leaning on and made my way to the Café Musain; they had asked me to keep an eye out for suspicious things during their meeting which was starting shortly.

I ran the rest of my way there, arriving just as they were ushering the last few people in and shutting the doors behind them. I nodded an acknowledgement to the person at the door, and just as I was going to my post, I saw a streak of color blur past behind the door, but before I could say or do anything, the doors were shut and I huffed in annoyance. I'd have to find the source after the meeting.


I didn't know how the color name suddenly popped into my head, but it did, and I was slightly surprised. I wrapped my arms around myself as I leaned casually against the wall of my post, which just so happened to be at the window of where the meeting was.


There it was again! Another streak of color in my line of sight from the side of the window. I couldn't help but smile at my excitement. At the exact same moment, I heard a melodious voice sing out.

Red, I feel my soul on fire

I looked inside to see what was happening and saw Marius Pontmercy standing as he sang out to everyone assembled in the room.

Black, my world if she's not there.

As I scanned the room, I suddenly locked eyes with a man with a loosened black tie--the very same black I saw as I leaned against the Musain's wall--and it was as if my world had suddenly stopped. He stared back at me with just as much surprise, and if I'm not mistaken, a small smirk appeared on his face. Everything in sight began filling up with color, the dull black and white becoming vibrant shades of color. Even the black and white things became slightly more lively.

As suddenly as it happened, he looked away and joined in on singing. I stood still, shocked and still not believing I had found my soulmate as the singing continued in the Musain. And the fact that my soulmate was the leader himself, Enjolras. Enjolras, of all people!

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