Jack Wilder ~ That's My Trick! (Version 1)

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I walked up onto the top level of the ferry, knowing that what I had up my sleeve would astonish--and maybe outrage them too--my next crowd.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I am the next greatest magician, and I will give $100 to anyone who can tell me how this trick is done." I announced, taking a spoon out of my pocket. "And my other one as well." I added quickly, earning a few chuckles from my audience.

"I have an ordinary spoon from Mel's Deli right here in Brooklyn." I tapped it against the stair rail. "Check it out. Now everyone, pay very close attention, 'cause I'm about to bend this spoon with my mind."

I raised the spoon up in front of me and stared at it. Slowly, it started to bend in half, to the point where it could break. Then, I twisted it up even more into an infinity symbol. I raised it up above my head once I was finished, hearing 'oohs' and 'aahs' from the crowd. I handed it to someone, telling them to pass it around.

"HEY!" someone from the crowd shouted, pushing through and making their way to the front. He had brown hair and brown eyes, and a smirk that would make all the girls swoon. I scoffed. I recognized him as Jack Wilder, thief and street magician extraordinaire.

"You had something hidden up your sleeve!" Jack shouted. He snatched the spoon from the current audience member who was holding it, and held it in front of my face.

I pushed his arm out of my face with a finger, wearing a "I get this every day." expression. (Which I do, with my powers and whatnot.)

Sighing, I spread my arms out as if the security guards found metal on me and they were searching me. "You can search me if you want, but I promise you, I'm not hiding anything." I told him, smirking.


7 years old:
I was playing with scrap metal from my father's junkyard. He was a mechanic, a craftsman, a metalworker, everything. And a good one at that. He could make anything out of anything. Just give him something to work with, and he was occupied for about half the day.

I was in the scrap pile (it was a pretty big one. That's how I was able to go digging around in it. My father did a lot of work with stuff like that.), digging around for a good sized piece of scrap to work with, since my father was going to teach me a new technique. He was currently on the main level of the house. I was down at the bottom of the hill on which our house was built on.

Suddenly, a large piece of metal came flying down from the house's balcony. The balcony of my father's workshop. I gasped and put my hands up in front of me and closed my eyes tightly, hoping to at least slow down the metal if it was going to hit me. At least I'd be severely injured more than dead.

But the hit never came. I slowly opened one eye, then the other, and slowly turned my head to face the scrap metal. What I saw terrified me.

The piece of scrap metal was hovering in front of me, neither falling nor touching me. My eyes widened in shock, and the metal fell into the scraps in front of me with a loud clang. My father poked his head out from the balcony.

"Are you okay, honey?" he called down.

"I'm fine!" I shouted back.

Hurriedly, I picked up a smaller piece of metal and clutched it in my small hands. It started to shrink and form grooves for my hands on the sides. My eyes widened and I immediately started making my way out of the scrap pile and to my father's workshop.

"Father! Papa!" I called as I ran. "Come see what I did!"

My father poked his head out of his workshop. "Yes, honey?"

I stopped just short of running into him and held out the warped metal for him to see.

Instead of looking surprised or shocked, he looked the complete opposite of that. He looked like he ran into this problem every day, but was still happy to help me figure it out.

"I knew it was coming." he said. He put his arm around my shoulders and guided me towards the couch he had in his workshop that would serve as a makeshift bed if he spent the night in his workshop. There, he explained that I was descended from a great line of mutants that had the odd ability to manipulate one of the elements and sometimes one of the special talents of that element. I, of course, had inherited the ability to manipulate metal. But what my father was puzzled about was how I could only control metal and not its main element, earth (a little reference for you ATLA fans out there. Actually, this whole backstory thing is a reference to ATLA 😀).

As I grew older, I would practice, and my mother would get mad. She wanted me to live a normal life, not a life filled with 'superpowers and magical nonsense' as she called it. Eventually, that was what drove my parents apart. I went to live with my father who helped me hone my skills to the point where I could just think it to happen without having to look at it.

For instance I would be stirring my coffee and I would somehow forget a butter knife for the butter I had to spread on my toast. I would pull open the utensils drawer while still stirring, bring out a butter knife, and start spreading the butter, all with my mind.

Then I realized I could do magic tricks using my powers and began my career as a street magician where I eventually heard of some pretty cool magicians.

They inspired me to start my own magic shows, and here I am today.

~End flashback~

Jack blushed furiously and looked away.

"Ummmm, I think I'll pass. But you're still hiding something." he said quietly.

I laughed. "Oh, come on. You know what? Here's my last trick 'cause I told the audience here that I would have a cool truck or two for them to figure out."

I pulled out a deck of cards. But not just any deck of cards. These cards were very near and dear to my heart. My father had gotten them for my 14th birthday. He had pulled some strings to get these cards specially made: they had a small metal strip inside of them.

"Take one of these cards and throw them into the harbor right here." I told Jack, handing him my deck. He took a card out and dropped it into the water.

I let it sink into the water, then held my hand out over harbor and summoned the card that he had dropped. It immediately came shooting out of the water on the opposite side of the ferry and everybody looked to the card.

While they were watching the card and Jack went after it, I jumped off the side of the boat and swam to shore. The last thing I remember seeing after I hauled myself out of the water was Jack's bewildered expression and his eyes searching for me.

A/N: I know it's really bad. I'm so very sorry everyone. It didn't turn out the way I wanted it to.

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