Bucky Barnes ~ Live Through My Curse (Part 3)

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Requested by Lulubear140

Here is the third and final part to this imagine! I've been dragging this on for a few months now, and I feel so bad. Hope you enjoy!


When I came to, I was on a bed.

Wait, what? A bed? When did I get here?

I sat up, rubbing my head and looking around. It looked like I was in a cozy hut, one of those typical huts you'd hear of in stories: straw house, thatched roof, that kind of thing. An old lady sat by the fire, stoking it and stirring the contents of the pot above the fire. She turned around and saw me awake, and a small smile appeared on her face.

I tried to remember what had happened, but I couldn't remember anything. Just a black, empty buzz of nothing.

"Oh good, you're awake." she remarked. She scooped out a ladle-full of the stuff in the pot, pouring it into a cup. "Drink this. It'll make you feel better."

"That's what they all say." I muttered. "And then it ends up killing you."

The lady chuckled, handing me the cup. Guess I didn't have a choice. I took a big sip of the.....whatever it was, and immediately spat it out. But I mean, it was expected.

"That is nasty."

The old lady nodded. "But you still need to drink it."

"How long was I out, anyway?"

"Oh, about a week." the old lady replied. "Now stop stalling and drink up."

I whipped my head towards the old lady. "WHAT?!"

She refilled the cup, ignoring my exclamation, and handed the cup back to me. I downed the contents in one gulp, letting out a deep breath as I handed the cup back to the old lady.

I immediately got a heck of a lot of my memories back. I remembered what had happened before I had gotten knocked out, and I blushed, remembering Bucky. All of it rushing in at once gave me a minor headache. Much like school did before I discovered my powers.

"I have to find him." I muttered.

"Good luck, dearie." the old lady said to me, handing me a satchel. "You're going to need some of the things I packed for you in here."

"Thanks." I said, and left her hut.


It felt like I had known Bucky my whole life. Even though we had only known each other for about a few months, it felt like we were childhood friends.

I was so absorbed in my thoughts that I didn't hear a truck coming up behind me until the last second. I quickly ducked behind some trees, watching from the shadows. A guard stepped off and went around the back to check on whatever it was back there, and I silently emerged from the trees. I whacked them and knocked them out, then dragged them to my hiding spot and exchanged my clothes for their guard uniform. I was surprised that no one caught me while I knocked the guard out in broad daylight.

I signaled for the driver to move on, and hopped in the back of the truck, which happened to be filled with boxes of some sort. I opened one, and I saw some techy guns in it. Another box contained uniforms of some sort (possibly the kitchen workers or something). I didn't open another because the truck had stopped moving. I quickly shut the lids and hid behind an especially large stack of boxes.

"Anything else left?" the driver asked, opening the doors. "Oh, these can go to the lab instead of the unloading dock."

He begins unloading the boxes onto trolleys, and I know I have to make my move, and quick. Before I can even comprehend what I'm doing, I use blowdarts to knock out the person that I can see from my hiding spot, then bursting out of hiding and knocking another guard out. I quickly had the driver in a headlock, pointing a pistol at his head.

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