Sky Flaherty ~ Snowball Fight

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Ben, Josh, Sky, and I were walking through the park. We had a break from rehearsing for Newsies Live, and I wanted to get some fresh air. And it was winter, where there was snow outside. I always found that the cool, crisp air calmed me down. (Let 'em laugh in my face, I don't care!) And I wanted to walk alone, mind you. But those three idiots--however adorable they are--tagged along, much to my

"Guys," I whined for what seemed to be the millionth time. "You guys shouldn't have come."

"Why, are we that ugly?" Josh teased.

I glared at him. "No. I wanted to walk by myself, thank you very much."

"No problem, (Y/N). Glad to be of assistance." Sky replied cheerily with a lopsided grin.

"That's not what--That isn't even--" I began, blushing, but then gave up. "Oh forget it. You guys aren't going to leave me anytime soon."

"Yeah. And being your brother has its perks." Josh added. "I can tag along anytime."

I groaned. "Don't remind me."

By this time, we had reached a clearing in the forest I had chosen to walk through. It was peaceful and quiet--or would have been, if my brother and his friends hadn't tagged along.

"OI! KEEP IT DOWN!" I shouted at them.

"Ironic." Ben muttered.

I picked up some snow and packed it into a snowball, then threw it at Ben. It hit him square in the chest.

"Oh, it is so on." Ben grinned evilly.

"Dibs on being on (Y/N)'s team!" Josh called out.

That was the one thing I was happy about, I guess. We used to stage epic snowball fights when we were kids. Good practice for us. Now, anytime we have snowball fights, Josh and I dominate the battlefield.

"Hey, no fair!" Sky complained. "You guys always team up and win!"

I chucked another snowball at Sky. "Life ain't fair, Skybelle. Get used to it."

Sky scowled and began helping Ben in fighting against the best snowball team in the area. But they wouldn't have a chance.


Sky had gone missing and Josh and I had no idea where he had gone. Ben looked like he was scheming something--probably was, too.

"He'll turn up when he wants to." Josh told me.

I shrugged and nodded, then picked up another snowball and lobbed it at Ben, who ducked behind his snow fort that he made. Me, I liked to move around and use my surroundings to my advantage. Lets me win more easily.

I rolled out from behind the snow fort Josh had made--because he's still a 5-year-old, really--and ducked behind a thick tree. I picked up some snow and packed it into a snowball, then poked my head out to see how Ben was doing. Josh had snuck out from behind our fort when Ben wasn't looking and stealthily made his way to the rear of Ben and Sky's snow fort.

Suddenly, I saw a bit of snow fall down in front of me. I quickly glanced up and saw Sky with a look of pure concentration on his face. He held a snowball in one hand, and was about to throw it down at me, but I quickly stepped away from the tree and kicked the tree twice--and hard, too. Those karate lessons I took as a kid really paid off, didn't they?

The snow that had collected on the branches fell off like in the cartoons, and Sky came tumbling down with it. He landed in the snow with an "Oof!"

Laughing, I walked over to where he had fallen. He glared at me, making me laugh even harder. Once I had stopped laughing considerably, I held out an arm for him to pull himself up. He took it, and pulled himself up from the snow. He brushed himself off, then looked over at Josh, who nodded. I tilted my head in confusion, knowing something was going on, but I didn't know what. I frowned. I hate when that happens, don't you?

Then, Sky surprised me by leaning forward and pressing a kiss to my cheek. Then, as soon as he had kissed me, he bolted off in the opposite direction. I blushed, then let out a stream of colorful curses.

"That no good--Ooooh, when I get my hands on them." I grumbled, stalking off after Sky. "And Josh! The nerve of that kid! Ben was probably in it as well!" I muttered to myself as I followed his footsteps he left in the snow. "Oh, when I get my hands on them...."

A/N: Kinda short, and really crappy. Sorry, guys! But I'm going through writer's block, and I really don't have a good way to keep going. As soon as my inspiration returns, I'll probably have better one-shots. But I had this idea, and I really had to write it, so hope you enjoyed!

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