Ben Cook ~ What'd the Book Ever Do To You?

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Here's a Ben one-shot for my lovely readers! It's been so long since I've posted a Ben one-shot, and I feel like I was missing the sole purpose of this book, which was to write one-shots/imagines about my fav Newsies actors. Enjoy!

(Y/N/N) - Your nickname

I was curled up on the couch with my blanket and a good book in my hands. Well, my blanket was actually my boyfriend, Ben. His head was in my lap and his eyes were closed with a small smile on his face. My face was buried in my book, my brain imagining the vivid colors and pictures the words were describing.

One hand held my book, while the other absentmindedly stroked Ben's noodle hair. Every so often, I would have to stop to turn the page, causing Ben to whine quietly. I paid him no mind, being too absorbed in my book.

"Babe? I'm gonna get something from Schmackary's. You want anything?" he asked.

"I haven't seen that, no. Go ask Leo." (Thumbs up if you understood that reference!) I murmured, still reading. By now, Ben had tolerated my absentminded mutterings and responses to his comments and whatnot, but I knew that he was secretly plotting to somehow get my hands off of a book. Not gonna happen. NOTHING, and I repeat, NOTHING, gets between me and my books.

Ben narrowed his eyes and frowned. Or, at least, tried frowning. The corners of his lips were turning up, ever so slightly.

"Do you want to watch a movie? Josh, Sky, and Stephanie said they're available."

"I've got my Potions homework I haven't done yet. Go away." I mumbled again. "Snape'll kill me if it's not completed."

Ben sighed. "Fine. I guess I'll have to resort to drastic measures."

He reached up and grabbed my book, yanking it from my hands, but still keeping it in good shape. I quickly tried grabbing for it, but he had already jumped up and ran halfway across the living room.

Grumbling, I stood up and didn't even bother going around the table. I just went over it. I flipped over it, reaching Ben and grabbing his shirt collar and pulling him close. Ben smirked and put the book down, then leaned in for a kiss, but I pushed him away and quickly grabbed my book. I dashed out of the apartment (luckily, I hadn't changed into my PJ's) and down the stairs to the lobby, where hopefully, I could head to Stephanie's apartment and hide out there for a while.

Just as I was about to run out of the front doors, I ran into someone. We both stumbled back, almost falling.

"Hey, watch where you're going, (Y/N/N)!"

I straightened up from catching my balance, and saw Sky standing in front of me.

"Oh....uh....hi." I stuttered.

"Is something wrong? Where's Ben? Why are you running? Did something happen?" Sky immediately asked.

I shook my head, grinning. "Nope, nope, nope, and kinda yes."

"Kinda yes?"

"Yeah. I was reading--"

"Surprise, surprise, (Y/N)." Sky said sarcastically.

I whacked Sky. "Shut up. Anyway, I was reading, and Ben got mad, well, more like annoyed, maybe even jealous, because I was reading instead of spending time with him--" I paused, looking off into the distance thoughtfully. "Huh, who knew? Ben's jealous of an inanimate object."

I shook my thoughts and continued. "So Ben took my book from me, and I got it back, and now I'm on the run."

Sky opened his mouth to answer, but the elevator dinged and the doors opened to reveal Ben standing there in his Newsies sweatshirt, expression playfully livid, as if to make my point.

Ben stalked over to where we were standing, and I quickly shoved Sky into Ben, knocking them both over.

"Gotta go! See ya losers later!" I yelled behind my shoulder as I ran out the building's doors.

I ran away, ran until my legs couldn't run anymore. I leaned against the wall, catching my breath. I knew Ben would be coming soon.

Suddenly, I felt a hand grab my shoulder. I tensed, but when I saw that it was Sky, I relaxed. 

"Hello, Skybelle. What brings you here?" I asked him cheerfully.

"Ben's really mad, ya know." he replied. "Or rather, just really ticked off and worried about you. You should head back soon."

I sighed. "Yeah, I should probably head back."

I pushed myself from the wall and waved Sky goodbye. "I'll see you later!"


I pushed open the door to Ben and my apartment, and I was immediately tackled with hugs and kisses. I laughed, then pushed Ben away.

"Ya miss me?" I asked him. Ben nodded and hugged me again, like a 5-year-old that just found his mom. I push him away again, then head to our room. "Okay, okay, I'm going to read now. Leave me alone."

"Awww, come on!" Ben whined. "I just got you back and you're going to leave me all alone?!"

I laughed. "Yup."

Ben narrowed his eyes, his smile still on his face. "Oh no you aren't."

He ran after me and hugged me from behind, swiftly grabbing my book from my hands and throwing it away from us.

"HEY! What'd the book ever do to you?"

Ben spun me around so that he could face me. His arms hung loosely on my waist, and he rested his forehead on mine. 

"I'm your boyfriend. Not the book." he replied, then gave me a kiss.

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