Sky Flaherty ~ I'm Glad

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Requested by broadwaybrigid

Bold - other
Italics - you


"Okay, Brigid, calm down." I told myself. Obviously, it wasn't working. Then again, how could it?

I was going to a meet and greet with the touring cast of Newsies, and I was fangirling. Which Fansie wouldn't? I just hope I didn't act clumsily though. That would be extremely embarrassing.

My brother Sean was kind enough to take me to the meet and greet. As we drove, I couldn't help but grow more and more nervous as I clutched onto the gift I made for my favorite redhead.

"Hey, calm down, now. You're starting to make me nervous, and I'm not even meeting them." my brother tried. I only smiled back and looked out the window.


Sean dropped me off at the meet and greet, and I immediately spotted the flaming red hair that I had wanted to see for so long now. As much as I wanted it to be just me and the Toursies, I had to wait. I sighed, wishing I had a direct contact or link to them. Wishful thinking, am I right? Anyway, I eventually reached Sky, and I actually didn't freeze and act weird or anything, which was good.

"Hey, how are you?" he asked with a playful smile.

"I'm actually not too nervous, to be honest. And I'm really surprised that I'm not acting weird right now." I told him, laughing at the end. Sky laughed with me. "I'm Brigid, by the way."

I handed Sky his gift and he eagerly opened it. Sky's gift was a cork board, about 1'x1', in the shape of a bell. It was covered in pictures of him and his friends, all pinned down with thumbtacks and connected with yarn.

"Oh my gosh, thank you! It's such an amazing gift! I don't think anybody's ever thought of this!" Sky exclaimed, giving me a fierce hug. "Thank you so much! This is going across my bed, where I can see it every day when I wake up." Sky gave me another hug, and I quickly took a selfie with him. As I gave him one last hug as I moved to the next Newsie, Sky asked a security guard to put his gift with his bags back in the lockers, and to make sure it didn't get damaged.

Later, just as I was about to leave, Sky ran up to me.

"Phew! So glad I caught you before you left!" he said as he caught up to me. "I was wondering if you'd like to hang out with my friends and I? Just a little get-together."

My eyes widened. "Wh-how-what-but--" I spluttered.

Sky laughed. "I know. But I love your gift, and I'd really love to get to know you better. So, what do you say?"

I immediately nodded. "Of course I'll go! Any girl would die for a chance to hang out with you guys! Besides, you guys are a fun bunch. Just let me call my brother first."


A while later...

"....And then Ben kicked his own face right before that part in Seize the Day!" Josh exclaimed. Everyone laughed, and it was great being able to hang out with the cast of Newsies. Wish I could do that every day.

As if reading my thoughts, Sky--seated next to me--tapped me on my shoulder. I turned to face him, a questioning look on my face.

"Could I get your number? I'd like to talk some more when we get the chance." he said a bit hesitantly.

I smiled. "Of course!"

And boy did we talk. I eventually was added to their group chat, which led to my phone being spammed a lot.

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