Ben Cook ~ Don't Go

986 13 4

Requested by @Dayday041003

The pic is the love interest of Ben in this one-shot.*


I couldn't take it anymore. I had way too much on my shoulders to bear. It was all coming down to a spiral. It was all falling down and bringing me with it.

I ran through the streets of New York, weaving my way through crowds and busy streets, to the place my favorite memories were made. I stopped as I reached the Manhattan Bridge (A/N: random bridge I picked) and looked out at the water, sparkling in the setting sun. I climbed onto the beams and just stared at the sun, a small smile appearing on my face. I felt a tear fall, and I quickly wiped it away. 

"I'm sorry." I whispered, an unheard apology spoken to all my loved ones that would be carried to every corner of New York and beyond. "I'm so sorry, I can't."

I was about to jump when a voice stopped me. 

"JAZZMYN!" I recognized the person who shouted: my best friend Ben. I didn't turn around, but I heard him stop a few feet from where I was on the bridge. 

"What are you doing? I don't understand. Why are you even doing this?" he asked, sounding on the verge of tears.

I closed my eyes. Another tear fell. "I've gone to hell, and I haven't been back. It's time for me to leave."

"No. No. NO." Ben's voice cracked, and I could hear the tears in his voice. "Why? Just why would you do this to the people you keep in your heart? To the people that keep you in their heart?" He whispered the last part, almost inaudible to my ear. 

"Why would you do this to me?"

I slowly turned around. "What?"

Ben's eyes were forlorn and filled with tears. I had never seen him this broken before. It seemed as if he had aged backward by 20 years, and he was just a little one year old wondering why his best friend left and never came back.

"Don't do this." he implored. "Don't go."

My tears came flowing down my cheeks as soon as he said that. I climbed down from my spot on the bridge and walked to Ben. I lowered my head and rested it on his chest.

"I'm so sorry." I said in between sobs.

Ben lifted my head gently and his thumbs wiped my tears away. He rested his forehead against mine, and his even breaths seemed to calm me down.

"Don't go. Don't ever leave me." he said, and I nodded in response.

Ben closed the small gap between us and his lips met mine. I pulled him closer, but he broke the kiss and tilted my head up. 

"Don't ever think about going again. I'd miss you too much."

I nodded as Ben kissed me again, the sun long gone and the moon and stars taking its place.

Phew! Another request wrapped up and finished, but it took so long and I'm really mad at myself and sorry to the requester. I apologize, as I only started writing about a year ago and I'm always learning, and I only started accepting my very very first request about a month or so ago. This is my first ever time trying out requests, so I'm very sorry. Please be patient with me, and as time passes, I'll hopefully get better.

Hope you enjoyed! Tell me if there's anything you want me to change! 

*Also, @Dayday041003 please tell me if I used the right picture!

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