Henry Turner ~ You're Different (Part 1)

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I own nothing except for the plot! All rights go to Dreamworks and Dreamworks Animation and Disney!


The golden-tan mustang ran around the corral, bucking and rearing, trying to get his current rider off: Rider #164. And with another few seconds, he succeeds. As the rider hurriedly runs out of the ring, the auctioneer steps up to the podium and tries to auction the mustang off again, but to no avail.

"Come on, doesn't anybody want to try and tame this fine beast, and give it a caring home?" he cried.

"That horse is nothing but a wild spirit!" a man shouted. "He should be shot and killed if he has no use to us!"

I frowned; people these days have no regard for animal life whatsoever. It absolutely drives me up the wall!

When no one called out to take the horse, I spoke up.

"I'll try to tame the horse!" I called out. Everybody's heads turned in my direction.

"How?" somebody wondered. "You're only a girl, after all."

I scowled this time. People and their stupid prejudices! Women could do anything just as well as men, so why were they discriminating? In fact, I bet I could sword fight, ride horses, shoot a bow and arrow, throw knives, etc. better than any of these men here.

"Well, gives me a chance to prove you wrong and give some people the push to speak out." I replied to them. In all honesty, I had no idea how I was going to keep myself alive in the ring.

I hopped over the fence and into the ring. The mustang raised his head and flared his nostrils, then charged at me. He stopped a hair's breadth away from me, dust flying up all around us as he skidded to a stop, sides heaving. I didn't flinch. The crowd gasped in shock and began whispering behind their hands.

I calmly looked at the mustang's features. Up close, I could see the mustang's wild eyes, ruffled mane, and frothy mouth. He had a ferocity that I could see. I slowly held out my hand in front of his nose, letting him smell it and get a good whiff of me. His nostrils flare, but he gradually lowers his head and places his muzzle in my outstretched hand. I can see the wild look in his eyes slowly disappear, and get slowly replaced with playfulness and kindness.

I move slowly to the horse's side, keeping my eye on the mustang's body language. He didn't seem like he was going to buck me off, so I placed my hands on his back and hoisted myself up onto his back. He turned his head back to face me, nuzzling my leg. I smiled at him and patted his neck.

"Spirit. Your name is Spirit." I murmured.

I gently signaled for Spirit to turn towards the auctioneer's podium. I faced the auctioneer, who had an expression of complete and utter shock and awe on his face, same as the crowd.

"I shall take the horse!" I declared. "And since no one else can tame him, how much will you barter for?"

"I--um--uh--er, you can take him, free of charge, ma'am." the auctioneer replied. I nodded, then rode towards the entrance of the corral, which had been opened by a villager.

I rode through the streets to my home on the outskirts of the town, close to the ocean. I already had a shed set out, due to me having a goat and and a ram before having them stolen from me. I slid off of Spirit's back once we reached my home, instantly heading towards the shed. I cleared it out, then called Spirit back.

"I'll let you run free, okay?" I told him. "You come home when you want to or when you hear my whistle."

I whistled a whistle that sounded like a train, and Spirit's ears perked towards me.

I grinned. "You already know it, don't you?"

Suddenly, I heard some shouting going on a little ways down he beach. I quickly mounted Spirit and rode towards the sound. When I reached the commotion, I saw a ship called The Dying Gull, with some scrambling pirates. Among them, a young girl tied to the mast I recognized as Carina Smythe, the town's astronomer. People believed she was a witch, but they couldn't solve a math problem—or any problem for that matter—to save their life. I also saw a somewhat familiar face also tied to the mast behind her. I couldn't pinpoint where I had seen that face, but then it hit me: I remembered seeing him in the back of the crowd when I was mounted on Spirit and riding out of town.

I rode up to the ship, stopping just a ways away, enough to let me keep Carina and the young man in my sights. While I kept them in my sights, I examined the contraption around the ship. I saw a rope that was connected to everything, and would jolt the ship if the ship hit it, and would cause the ship to jolt again when the rope broke. Only Carina and the man noticed me, but did not say anything.

"OI!" I called.

All the pirates scrambled to the side of the ship and looked down at me. They looked shocked that I was riding a horse like a man, but I didn't care.

"And who might you be, lass?" notorious Jack Sparrow called down. "And why are you riding a horse?"

"I am (Y/N) (Y/L/N), and I have absolutely nothing to do, Captain Jack." I declared. "How about I come along?"

"Lass, if you have no use on this ship, I don't think I'll be taking you on my journey." Jack answered. "Besides, I've got young Henry and Carina helping me."

"How do you know I can't help you with anything? I bet I could do anything just as well as any of you men here--probably even better." I challenged defiantly.

Jack looked around, then sighed. "All right. Come aboard The Dying Gull." 

"And the horse comes with me." I added.

Jack groaned. "You're really pushing the line, lass."

"I could be a crucial part of whatever quest you're going on, Captain. You wouldn't want to lose an important piece now, would ya?"

Jack groaned again. "Fine. The horse can come. Gibbs, put a ramp down for the horse, will ya?"

"Right away, Captain." Gibbs replied.

A few moments later, Spirit and I were on the ship with the pirates staring at us in awe. Spirit glared at them defiantly, blowing hot air out of his nose.

I sighed, feeling the boat move beneath us. I dismounted and told Spirit to lie down. He did so, and a moment later, I sat down next to him. Immediately, the ship jolted and everybody except for Henry, Carina, Spirit, and I fell down.

The same thing happened again, when the rope broke a few seconds after, and again, only Henry, Carina, Spirit, and I did not fall. Henry looked surprised.

"How did you know that would happen?" he questioned me.

I shrugged, pulling an apple from my pocket and taking a bite out of it. "I have my ways."

There will be a part 2! Stay tuned!

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