Haz Osterfield ~ Stop Doing That!

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(F/N) - friend's name


I scribbled out words on my paper, recording the notes that I had missed while I was out sick last week. My roommates Harrison and (F/N) were kind enough to let me borrow their notes and assignments and fill me in on things. 

I really wish that our professor didn't have to give us so many essays and so many notes in one day, but here I was, writing three different 5 page essays from the same class while trying to review and copy down some extra notes at the same time. (I know, bad planning on my part. I shouldn't do multiple essays at the same time, but here I was, doing just that.) I don't know about you, but when I see a teacher or professor assign an essay or just extra work in general, I think it's a sign that they're trying to kill your hand.

I chewed on the bottom of my lip in concentration and out of habit, reviewing a few of my notes to put into my essay. I flipped through my notebook pages, muttering, "Where was it? Where did it go?" repeatedly to myself.

"Stop doing that." a voice said from the living room couch.

I looked up from my work to see Harrison sitting sideways on the couch, resting his arms on the couch's back cushions and his head on his arms.

I raised an eyebrow at him. "Doing what?"

I chewed my lip nervously again as I went back to writing, not waiting for his answer.


I looked up again, rotating my wrist around and flexing my fingers to stretch out my sore hand. "You're going to have to be more specific."

Harrison huffed and fell backwards on the couch, lying down. "Why are you so..." he trailed, never finishing his thought. He sat up again, and sauntered over to me, leaning over my shoulder to see what I was working on.

"Oh, the answer to that last question on the worksheet is the molecular structure of argon and how it would react when mixed with any other noble gas." he remarked, pointing at my science worksheet that lay around my laptop. I yanked it towards me and scrawled out the answer before putting the worksheet back into the pile of paperwork needed to be finished.

Again, I didn't realize that I was chewing my bottom lip again. Harrison sat down and groaned, putting his head in his hands.

"Argh, why do you do this?" he whined.

I widened my eyes at him. "Last I checked, I was out sick last week, and I need to catch up on work."

Harrison looked up at me with pink cheeks. "No. Stop. Stop doing things that make me want to kiss you."

I froze, staring at my roommate with a shocked expression. Did he just...no way. No freaking way. I mean, he was attractive, I will admit that. And I did sort of feel something there that wasn't there before between us. Harrison seemed to sink lower into the chair, seemingly becoming one with the chair. 

"Harrison." I called softly. He didn't move.

"Harrison." I tried again, a bit louder this time. Still no movement.

"Harrison!" I said at a normal volume, poking his side. He flinched away and ended up underestimating where the edge of the chair was, falling off of it and laying groaning on the floor.

"Oww....." he whined as he sat up. "Remind me to never do that again."

I stood up, seeing his predicament and taking a step over. "I dunno, Haz. That was pretty funny."

He glared at me, and I laughed, holding out a hand for him to help himself up. He held it and pulled himself up with a bit more force than I anticipated, and I ended up stumbling into him when he stood up. 

He instinctively wrapped his arms around me, and I froze again, not knowing what to do. 

Turns out, I didn't have to. Harrison broke the silence between us.

"You've got to stop doing things that make me want to kiss you." he muttered with a smirk.

"Well maybe I need to keep doing them if you're going to give me a kiss, then." I said, looking up at him and smirking back.

He closed the gap between us and pressed a kiss on my lips, gently holding my face. My arms went around his neck and pulled him down for more, only to have him pull away, looking slightly flustered.

"I'm sorry. I should just--" he stuttered, stepping away.

I grabbed his arm and stopped him from moving. "Stay? Please?"

He looked as if he wanted to say no, but then sighed and slumped his shoulders. "Fine."

"Good." I gave him another kiss as I sat back down and began working again, and a moment later, Harrison came up behind me and wrapped his arms around me. 

"I've been wanting to say that I love you for a while now." he said.

I smiled. "Well, I'm happy that you chose sooner than later."

Yeah, idk what this is, but eh. I think it's okay. It's late and I'm supposed to be sleeping, so ack good night and see you in the morning!

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