Ben Cook ~ The ONE Time I'm Grateful For An Injury (Part 2)

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Two days passed quickly and soon, I found myself back in front of the familiar couch and T.V. that I always hung around when I had nothing better to do. I used to binge-watch stuff I hadn't watched in so long, but now, I just sat on the couch, staring at nothing. Thalia would come by every day to check up on me and to see how I was doing, but she always grew frustrated at my inactivity and silence to her.

I didn't know what to do. I had to throw away my dream just because of some injury. Why did it have to happen? I didn't get it.

"Leave me alone, Thalia." I said for what seemed to be the millionth time that year. "Just give me some time to recover and get back on my feet."

Thalia left, grumbling about me not being the same (Y/N) she met when she was 5, and going to find a way to get me off of that couch.

Little did I know, she would book something that I would enjoy going to for multiple reasons.


A little while later, Thalia came rushing back into my apartment. (She had taken the extra key so she could help me out whenever I called her to and whenever she could.) 

"Whoa, what made you change your appearance today?" she asked jokingly. I had cleaned up for a change, and wore something decent instead of the usual lounge clothes I wore after I left the hospital.

I sent a glare at her. "Why do you care?" I snapped.

She immediately frowned. "Well, I'm sorry if a concerned friend wants to know how her best friend is doing. I'm sorry that I tried to get you to cheer up and not go into depression. And believe me, I've been in that hole. It sucks."

I sat back down at the couch, not saying a thing. She sighed, not knowing how to continue on.

"Okay, okay. I know you're not happy that I'm here, but just hear me out, okay?" she pleaded, sitting down next to me on the couch. I didn't respond, only slightly nodded my head to show that I was listening.

"All right. It's better than nothing." she mumbled. "Anyway, I got us tickets to see--"

"Let me guess--Newsies." I deadpanned.

"Nope! News--Wait, what?"

I sighed in exasperation, a small smile faint on my lips. "I've seen the ads, Thalia. Don't think I don't know what's going on in the world." She turned her head back to face the T.V. again. "And I'm sorry, but I'm not going."

She frowned. "But...."

I shook my head, my expression beginning to grow irritated. "No, Thalia. That's my final answer. I'm not going. So stop pestering me about it."

"But....but....I already got us tickets!"

"No! What part do you not get about 'No'?!" I told her. My voice was louder than it had been in weeks, and I started coughing, the stress irritating my throat.

"Save your breath. Give the ticket to somebody who really wants to go." I added, toning down my voice a little after my coughing fit had subsided.

She sighed, knowing that when I set her mind to something, I would always stick with that decision and not change or waver in it. But she was always trying to get me to try new stuff--and she usually succeeded, mind you--so she wouldn't quit now.

She stood up, and walked to the door. She turned around at the door, her hand on the handle, and looked at my sad form on the couch.

"At least think about it, (Y/N)." she told me quietly. "You have a little less than a week to get your answer to me."

I thought over Thalia's proposal as she left my apartment. I mean, seeing Newsies wouldn't be so bad. Thalia's told me enough about the show that I wouldn't need to watch it to know what's going on. And she's told me about how they are all cute dancing boys. I think I remember her showing me a video of Newsies in 30 seconds with the Newsies on Tour cast? And somebody named Nico said, "We are cute boys that dance."

Ah, yes, I remember. Come to think of it, I had zoned out while watching the video, my mind wandering,if only for 30 seconds.

Was I really making the right decision, saying no to seeing Newsies on Tour? I would say yes, because I really had no time for that. I didn't really want to waste my recovery time. But Thalia would beg to differ. She's always trying to get me to do things. Besides, this was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. I probably wouldn't be able to see it again. And most people don't even get to see it in their lifetime.

I sighed. I grabbed my crutches from the side of the sofa and stood up using their support. I walked over to the window, staring out at the rush on the roads. It would take some getting used to, the crutches and being incapacitated for a while.

As the sun started to set, I mulled over my decision. Knowing that I wouldn't be able to come up with a definite answer anytime soon, I did what I always do when I needed help: sleep.

I hobbled my way into my room, sitting down on my bed and leaning the crutches on the end of the bed. I laid down and instantly fell asleep, Thalia's voice ringing in my head.


I woke up the next morning, and sighing, grabbed my phone and texted Thalia.

hey Thalia

hey, (Y/N)
what's up

i thought over ur proposal yesterday


i'll see Newsies with u

am I reading this right

i'm having second thoughts rn
i might reconsider my decision

no no don't do that
i'm just excited that ur going to see Newsies with me!!

calm down
when's the show?

about a week from now

pick me up @7 so we can get good seats

will do

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