Peter Pevensie ~ Never Grow Up (Part 1)

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I bustled around, getting ready for my banquet that I DID NOT want to go to. I'd have to go with Randy, the biggest jerk of all time. And my parents loved him! Randy, the conniving, scheming, arse. He kisses up to people, making them love him. Only a few people know what Randy is really like. His ex-girlfriends for example. Yep, girlfriends, plural. Those girls never learn, do they?

I looked into my mirror for about the millionth time, applying another layer of lipstick. I already hated it, why did I need to wear makeup? I asked my mother that question, and she looked at me disapprovingly, as if I was disgracing the family by not wearing any makeup to a banquet. But honestly, I hated wearing makeup. I couldn't see why I couldn't go to the banquet without makeup.

As I applied the lipstick carefully, I noticed a flower falling in the mirror. I turned around, thinking a flower had somehow magically fallen into my room, but nothing seemed out of order. I turned back to the mirror, and saw more and more flowers falling. And they seemed to be falling faster and faster too, making a spiral shape.

Suddenly, they burst through my mirror and swirled around me, then carried me through the mirror. I didn't know how, I didn't know why, I just knew that I would be going somewhere, and that I may have a chance to not go to the banquet with Randy.

When the flowers had stopped swirling around me and had placed me gently on the ground, I first noticed my clothing. I was wearing comfortable-fitting pants, with a loose-fitting shirt. I had boots on my feet, instead of my heels, and all my makeup had gone, much to my happiness. (The outfit is kind of like Lucy's when she leaves Narnia in The Voyage of the Dawn Treader).

Then, I looked around at my surroundings. My initial thought was it was really bright and cold. There was snow everywhere, a soft, frosty layer of it coating everything as far as the eye could see. I shivered, wishing I had something warm to wear. I continued to walk around, and I stopped when I came upon a lamppost.

Suddenly, I heard shouts and bickering coming from a cluster of trees coming from behind the post. I stood to the side of the post, watching the trees intently for something or someone to come out.

Four children—most likely siblings—stumbled out from behind the trees. They hadn't seen me yet, and they all ended up falling all over each other while trying to untangle themselves. I tried masking and stifling my giggles, but I just couldn't. I burst out laughing, and all four heads shot up in my direction.

"Who are you?" what seemed to be the oldest sibling asked. He had blonde hair and blue eyes, and the most adorable expression of slight annoyance on his face. "Are you from here?"

I shook my head. "I wish. This place is amazing!"

"At least somebody agrees with me." the smallest grumbled.

"I don't suppose sorry would quite cover it?" the oldest asked the smallest one.

She smiled. "No, it wouldn't." She picked up some snow and shaped it into a snowball. "But this might!"

She threw the snowball at her brother and it hit his face, eliciting a laugh from him. That led to a snowball fight, in which the boy with dark brown hair did not participate in.

"Stop it!" he yelled at us.

We immediately stopped, and the oldest went over to his younger sibling, fuming.

"Apologize to Lucy!"

"You didn't believe her either!"

They went back and forth, until I stepped in between them and shoved them away from each other.

"Oi!" I shouted. "Why can't you get along? I've only known you for a few minutes and I already hate how you're constantly bickering!"

The older brother looked sheepish. He had a faint dusting of pink on his cheeks, and apologetically smiled.

"Sorry. I don't think we've introduced ourselves. I'm Peter."

"I'm Edmund." the other brother said from the ground. He still looked angry though.

"I'm Susan, and this is our younger sister...." the taller girl said, but was interrupted by the small child at her side.

"Lucy." she finished. "I can speak for myself, Susan."

"Well, it's nice to meet you all. I'm (Y/N)." I replied. "Now, how about we go exploring? We've got lots of things to see, don't you think?"

"I thought you said you didn't live here?" Peter wondered.

"I don't. I just got here, and I think exploring something with friends is more fun, right?"

"Right. Let's go, then. I think Lucy should decide where we go. She's been here longer than any of us."

"I think we should go see Mr. Tumnus!" she exclaimed happily.

There will most likely be multiple parts to this, at least 3 or 4. There could be more, but I'd like to have the Peter x Reader relationship grow more, and it's kinda hard to do that if there only two or three parts.

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