Jack Wilder ~ You and Me

761 11 1

Set after Jack's death

Female reader


It wasn't too bad a day. I had done nothing but read and perhaps update some writing all day; that was pretty much it. There were a few moments where I remembered....that incident. 

The incident that broke me.

The incident that made me cry my eyes out until I couldn't breathe.

The incident that was practically the death of me.

It's been a few months, and I'm doing better. But there's still those moments that reminded me of him. Reminded me of what we had before he decided to up and leave me.

I put on a smile for everyone after what happened, closed myself up, both literally and figuratively, and basically shut myself out from the world. I only left my apartment for food runs or basic necessities.

Tonight was like no other night, just my nightly routine that usually carried on until around 2 a.m. because I procrastinated and was lethargic like that. I didn't even need to use that much time anyway; I usually ended up just throwing on an extra large sweatshirt or t-shirt that used to be Jack's.

I was brushing my hair out after I had dried it when I heard my apartment door close with a click. It was annoying, yes, but it was a good mechanism to let me know that the door actually closed behind me. It also let me know if intruders were entering my house, such as now for example.

I quietly crept towards my doorway, making my way to the front door with my hairbrush ready as a weapon. I paused by the table right next to my bedroom, noticing the deck of cards I always kept there for emergencies. Like this one. Switching the hairbrush for the cards, I palmed them and got ready to throw at a moment's notice, silently placing the box back onto the table. 

I felt tears prick my eyes but I blinked hard, pushing the tears away. I couldn't do that now. I couldn't remember those memories with him now. I couldn't afford to cry now. Not when the situation at hand was a life-or-death situation.

The intruder busied themself in the kitchen; I think they were making themselves a sandwich. Their back was turned towards me, and I saw their top half was covered by a navy blue sweatshirt. The hood must've been on because I saw it was slowly falling off their head, leaving the hair underneath it slightly ruffled. The figure's build looked more masculine than feminine as well.

It might've just been me not getting enough sleep, but was that...Jack's brown hair? But...it couldn't be. He was dead.

But a sandwich though? Really?! At 2 in the morning?!

Well, I shouldn't be talking if I'm up at this hour anyway.

The intruder turned around and since the kitchen was across from my room, we made eye contact.

I froze and it seemed like time had stopped moving altogether. I know, it sounds cliché, but when you're standing alone with an intruder that just so happens to be your DEAD BOYFRIEND at 2 IN THE MORNING, all logic goes out the window. 

There was no mistaking it. I took in that familiar mop of scruffy (scruffier than usual since it was under the hood) brown hair, spiked up at the front. His brown eyes looked more tired than mischievous like they usually did. In fact, they looked...relieved...when we saw each other. His smirk was still there though, that smug bastard.

"Hey?" he tried, sounding hopeful. When I didn't respond, he tried again. "Look, I know--"

How dare he come back after making me think he was dead and the first thing he says to me is a fucking 'hey'?!

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