Spot Conlon ~ Are You...Blushing?

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Stupid thing i came up with ig...i might rewrite it or smth idk

i wrote this with a headache, so expect trash writing

Also, important-ish thing at the end, i guess?

Female reader


Hot summer days down in Brooklyn, such as today, were spent swimming in the harbor after a long day of selling papes. It felt nice to cool down and wash off all the sweat and grime from the day. And it was just nice to relax after a hard day's work.

I glanced over at the docks, where the great Spot Conlon was leaning against a post, watching everyone with an amused expression, but making no move to join us. I grinned as I swam over to him, getting an idea to get him under water.

"Come on, Conlon, why ain't ya coming in?" I whined. "I'm sure you'll have more fun in the water than getting a sunburn."

Spot laughed, shaking his head. "I hate the seawater getting everywhere. Do you know how much of a pain it is to get my hair just right after swimming in the harbor?"

"You're no fun." I scrunched up my face at Spot. "You look cute in the water. And if your face looks cute in the water, imagine what your whole body would look like if you got submerged." I shrugged off the last bit, shielding my face from the sun.

He turned to look at me, his gaze intent. It might've just been me, but it seemed like his face was tainted a little pink. And I don't think it was from standing in the sun for all this time.

Suddenly, I jumped up and grabbed his hand, pulling him down into the water with all my might. I let go of him as soon as I saw he was fully submerged and swam a good distance away. When I resurfaced, Spot had thrown his stuff onto the dock and flipped his hair out of his eyes, looking around for me. 

When he finally spotted me, a devious grin spread across his face, and he began swimming after me. I shrieked as I tried swimming away from him, a smile of my own plastered on my face. I managed to get to shallow water and almost made it out before he grabbed my arm and pulled me flush against him. His arms wrapped around me protectively, one around my shoulders and the other around my waist.

I looked up at him, angling my head upwards. His face definitely looked flushed now, definitely more red than when I tried to get him into the water. He glanced down at me before conveniently turning his gaze away from me and to anything but me. I narrowed my eyes, the corners of my lips pulling upward in a smirk. It seemed that the longer I stared, the more red he became.

"Are you....blushing?" I asked after a moment of silence passed, the smirk now evident in my voice.

Spot seemed to be caught by surprise. "What? No."

"Mhm." I agreed dubiously. "Did I get the ever-stoic, hardcore, total badass King of Brooklyn himself to blush?"

"No! No..." he blubbered. "It'''s the cold."

"Huh. It's the cold." I tapped my finger on my chin thoughtfully. "And not because I told you your face looked cute and that the rest of you is too?"

Spot looked as red as a tomato now. "N-no." he said, his voice cracking.

I chuckled and placed a quick kiss on his cheek. "You are cute though. And I do think the rest of you is pretty cute too."

I wriggled out of his grasp, which went slack. He was frozen, processing what I just said to him. I looked back at him when I had clambered out of the water. He was looking at me again, but this time, his gaze was soft. 

I sent a wink his way before making my way into the lodging house, feeling Spot's gaze on my back.

Like I said, it's trash

So, to the important-ish stuff:

on tumblr, at the beginning of fics and stuff, some authors write a warning, word count, etc. So do u guys want me to do that here as well, in the beginning of my one-shots?

i wanted to say something else too but i forgot it so i'll ask y'all next chapter

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