Ben Cook ~ Mispronounced

812 15 6

Requested by bentylershooketh

(Y/F/D) - your favorite drink


"Jesse, I'm clocking out after this last customer!" I shouted to my manager. He nodded, and I turned to the customer before me.

I worked at a little coffee shop, snuggled in between the Pantages Theater (which had been really busy recently, probably because Newsies was going to be showing there soon. I had seen many of the Newsies cast pass through here for a good coffee.) and a bookstore. 

"Hey, what can I get you today?" I asked him. He had blonde hair, pretty blue eyes, and the most adorable smile that I had ever seen. He and his friends would always come as a group, and I had fun serving them. They were a fun group. 

"Hey. I'll take (Y/F/D)." he said. 

"I love that drink! It's my favorite!"

Ben looked surprised. "Really? And these many times I've been here I've never known. I've also never had the guts to talk to someone so pretty."

I laughed as I began to make his drink.  And these many times he's been here I've never had the guts to talk to him. And someone's never had the time to talk to a regular coffee shop worker. 

"So, uh, Therese, is it?" he asked. (A/N: He pronounces it a/the wrong way here.) "A pretty name for a pretty girl." (A/N: ThIs Is SuCh A cLiChÉ lInE fOrGiVe Me)

I shook my head, a small smile on my face. "You pronounced it wrong. It's Therese." I say, correcting him. "But it's better than what most people would say."

"Sorry." he replied sheepishly. "Can I pay you back? I feel really bad about that."

"Nah, it's okay." I reply, handing him his drink as he handed me his cash in return. "The way my name is spelled, it sometimes is confusing."

"No, I really want to pay you back somehow. Something to make it up? I'm sentimental that way."

I looked up from the cash register to see Ben's adorable face with a small frown from mispronouncing my name. Such an angel. I smiled and shrugged. "Seriously, don't worry about it."

"Do you want your receipt?" I added.

"Nah, it's okay. Just let me do something to apologize." He shook his head, and I threw the receipt away. "Liiiiiiiike....." he said, dragging out the 'i'. "A date!"

I froze. "Say what?"

"A date. Could I take you on a date? As an apology?" Ben pleaded, his eyes asking for a "yes".

How could I say no to that face? "Okay, fine. Text me whenever your practice--or whatever you're doing at the theater--is over."

I dig his receipt out of the trash and quickly scrawl my number onto it, handing it to him. He puts it away in his pocket and walks away.

"See you tonight!" he called over his shoulder.


I meet Ben right outside of the theater like we planned. He was standing by the door, looking around every so often. I went up to him and tapped him.

"Hey! How was Newsies?" I said cheerfully.

Ben startled, but then realized it was me and smiled. "Not bad. It was fun horsing around every few minutes." He held out his arm for me, which I looped my arm through. "Shall we? There's a small restaurant down the street that I thought we could try."

I laughed and nodded, and we set off to the restaurant, talking about pretty much anything. We eventually reached it, and saw that it was a cozy and slightly busy French style restaurant. I had always passed it on my way to my apartment, but I had never gone in. Probably because it was so small, and I just noticed it was there.


"That was amazing!" I exclaimed cheerfully. "Probably the most fun I've had in a long time."

Ben laughed. "Well then, I am glad to be of assistance." he said with a mock bow.

I laughed with him and we decided to go for a walk, and we soon found ourselves at the park. Ben and I didn't do much there, actually. We found a nice open spot, clear of trees, and laid down, using our jackets as a headrest. The stars were shimmering brightly in the dark night sky, and it looked like they were winking at us.

"Pretty, huh?" Ben remarked.

"Yeah. I've always felt like I could talk to them, ya know? I was a lonely child, and I didn't make very many friends. So it felt like they were my really close friends that understood every problem that I told them." I reminisced. 

"Aw. At least you've got me to talk to now."

I smiled. "Yeah. Good thing you mispronounced my name, huh?" I joked.

Ben laughed, and let me tell you, that laugh is something I could listen to for hours on end and not get bored of.

We ended up talking more, under the twinkling stars, and we slowed down when I yawned. I looked at my watch, and saw that it was late for me: 1:30 a.m. I usually didn't sleep past 12 because I had work the next morning.

"I should probably get home. I've got an extra early morning shift at the coffee shop tomorrow." I told Ben, standing up. "Er...later this day."

Ben chuckled and stood up as I dusted myself off, and held out his arm for me again. "Alright then, let me walk you home."

I looped my arm through his, and we walked back to my apartment, not saying much. I mean, we were pretty tired and it wasn't an awkward silence. It was more of a comfortable silence. 

I led Ben to my apartment building, and all the way to my front door. I turned around and faced Ben.

"So...I guess this is goodnight. Er...good morning." I said with a small laugh. "How are you going to get back to....wherever it is you're staying?"

Ben smiled and hugged me. "Don't worry. I can call one of my friends. They're always up late. I'll see you tomo--later today?"

I nodded. "Definitely." I turned to open my door, but Ben stopped me.

"Wait, Therese."

I turned back around. "Hmm?"

But Ben didn't say anything. In fact, he kissed me. I froze for a moment, but then kissed him back. It felt like fireworks, to be honest.

We pulled away, and Ben was slightly red. I smiled reassuringly at him, and gave him another quick hug before opening my door and walking through, waving to Ben before closing my door.

"See you later!" he called through the door.

"See ya!" I called back, and I heard Ben walk away.

I smiled to myself and squealed happily as I walked to my room, happy thoughts floating in my head.

So, so, so sorry that this is late. But here it is!

Hope you enjoyed! Tell me if anything needs to be changed! :)

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