Skandar Keynes ~ 12 Years (Part 1)

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Requested by Queennatxx

I'm using the American school system here, since that's what I'm most familiar with.

Italicized text are the memories and majority of the story.


"You look as if you're looking at Snape's memories in the Pensieve." my friend remarked as we were leaving my last course of the day and made our way to our dorms, which were a good 20 minute walk from the building our last class was in. No worries; it was a nice day anyway. 

I laughed as I thought about what to reply. "I guess you could say that I am taking a trip down memory lane." I agreed. I had thought about my best friend, Skandar, when elementary school was mentioned in class. It brought back a wave of memories that I had set aside since college had started.

"Although," I added. "It's not as interesting as Snape and Lily's dynamic."

"I'm just laughing about that meme I saw where child Lily was squinting in a screen shot and someone took the same picture of Harry with his eyes the same way, and they put the caption, 'You have your mother's eyes, Harry.' since we're on this topic." my friend supplied, laughing.

"The power of a fandom." I remarked. 

We turned down the hall and out the building, and off we walked as my friend asked me questions about what I was thinking about and and I filled her in on my thoughts.


I had just started the year at a new school. Everything was different, of course. Everything down to the smallest detail. I didn't like it at all; I mean, who would? You're leaving behind a whole world that you knew and entering a new one with the unknown.

Little 7-year-old me didn't know what to expect. I mean, I had a general idea. But I was still curious as to if I would enjoy my new experience. Would I make new friends? New enemies? Would I like my teachers? 

I got lost in the halls trying to find my classroom. A kind older grade student helped me find my way there, opening the door and gently ushering me in. Most of the heads turned to see who had opened the door. They saw me and I saw mixed reactions from them, ranging from whispering behind hands to smiling shyly at me and offering me a small wave.

"And who do we have here?" the teacher asked as she made her way towards me. She looked kind enough, a warm smile on her face.

"Natalie." I replied timidly.

The older student left and my teacher gently took my hand in hers and ushered me to the cubbies in the back of the classroom as she began to explain everything. I listened intently, not wanting to get on anyone's bad side on my first day.


"The first day was rough, I'll admit." I continued my story as my friend listened intently. "So you can expect my happiness when it was time to go home."

My friend laughed. "If that wasn't all of us, I don't know what was."

"Skandar made it better though, so I'm eternally grateful for that."

"Sounds to me like you've got some reconnecting to do." my friend nudged me with a smirk. "And who knows, maybe you'll find some love on the side."

It was my turn to laugh now as I playfully whacked my friend's arm. "Let me finish!"

"All right, all right!"

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