Spot Conlon ~ Shorty (Hogwarts AU)

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Requested by SlytherclawNewsie


Term was starting soon, and I would be starting my 1st year at Hogwarts! Exciting, I know. New classes, new friends, new professors, new everything, basically.

I made my way through Diagon Alley with my mom, my dad having been getting my older brother's supplies with my brother. We hurried to Flourish and Botts, that being our last destination for the day. We would meet the rest of our family there.

Right as I ran into the beloved book shop, I bumped into a boy of about my age. But he was a bit short, though, shorter than he should've for 11. But that just made him cuter in a brotherly kind of way.

"I'm so sorry!" he exclaimed, picking up his dropped books. "I'm just..." he trailed off as he looked up. His face immediately grew bright red, and he rubbed the back of his neck nervously. "'m really sorry." was all he mustered.

I smiled at his nervousness. He really was an adorable younger brother kind of boy. "That's fine. I'm Adaline, but you can call me Addi! Nice to meet you."

"I'm Spot." he stuttered. "Spot Conlon."  Yep, adorable little brother indeed.


I ran into Spot again at Platform 9 3/4. Literally. Our trolleys didn't tip over or spill anything, though, so that was good.

"Oh, hey, Spot!" I greeted him with a hug. "How's the rest of your summer been?"

"Ehh, a bit boring, actually. I had nothing to do so my mum made me read my textbooks." he replied a with a hint of annoyance.

I laughed, gesturing for him to come with me. My parents had seen my brother and I off, telling him he had to keep an eye on me. But surprise surprise, he didn't. Not that I'm complaining. He's a 4th year anyway.

Spot and I heaved our trunks onto the train, and found an empty train car to sit in. We were joined a few minutes later by a boy and his friend. They didn't look very nice.

And surprise surprise again, they weren't. The started teasing Spot immediately.

"Well if it isn't the Conlons' biggest disgrace." the first boy taunted Spot. He fisted his hands in his jacket, his ears going red.

"What's the matter? Cat got your tongue?" The second boy teased.

"Shut up!" Spot shouted at them.

The two boys laughed. "What are you gonna so about it?"

"I'll-" Spot began, but was cut off by a voice.

"What's going on here?" Spot froze when he heard the voice.

"Uh...nothing!" the two boys stuttered nervously. "We were just passing by."

The mysterious owner of the voice came into view, and the older boy was a 7th year. It seemed they were head girl too.

"Joseph, we talked about this. Don't discriminate because of blood. Harry Potter established that when he defeated the Dark Lord." She added in a lower voice, "And just because he's a Conlon doesn't mean you can start teasing him. Sure, his family doesn't have the greatest reputation. But just leave him be; a few decades of wrong doesn't justify you teasing someone."

Joseph ducked his head and nodded, slinking away with his friend. The girl turned to us with a kind smile. "You guys handled that pretty well. Keep up the good work." She disappeared without another word.

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